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研究生: 王佩瑾
Pei-Chin Wang
論文名稱: 接受美沙冬療法者再使用海洛因行為之相關因素研究--以臺灣北區海洛因使用者為例
Relationship between Methadone Therapy and Heroin Relapse — a Case Study on Heroin Users in Northern Taiwan
指導教授: 李思賢
Lee, Szu-Hsien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 134
中文關鍵詞: 美沙冬療法美沙冬知識海洛因渴求海洛因成癮
英文關鍵詞: methadone treatment, methadone knowledge, heroin craving, heroin addiction
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:320下載:34
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一、研究對象以男性 (87.0%)最多,教育程度以國中學歷 (50.2%)最多,年齡分佈以31-40歲 (41.7%)最多,初次使用海洛因年紀以21-30歲 (45.7%)最多。本研究對象中,愛滋病毒帶原陽性12.4%(71人);C肝病毒帶原陽性93.1% (514人);尿液篩檢嗎啡陽性67.4%(382人67.4%),收案時美沙冬使用劑量平均為38.88 mg/day。

The purpose of this thesis is to understand the condition and correlation between the socio-demographic variables, clinical physiological variables, knowledge of methadone therapy, intensity of heroin craving, and heroin relapse for four heroin users undertaking methadone therapy in Northern Taiwan. This study uses secondary data that have been collected since 2008. Five hundred ninety-nine case studies were selected through a purposive sampling approach. The necessary data was acquired using semi-structured questionnaires, which were filled out during one-on-one interviews conducted by methadone case managers. Clinical case data was obtained from out-patient department systems. The acquired data were processed and analyzed using descriptive statistics, the chi-square, and the .2-series of the related and binary logistic regression. The results of this study are summarized as follows:

1.The majority of participants in this study are men (87.0%), have a junior high school education level (50.2%), are aged between 31 and 40 y (41.7%), and first used heroin when they were aged between 21 and 30 y (45.7%). Among the participants of this study, 71 (12.4%) are HIV positive, 514 (93.1%) are hepatitis C positive, and 382 (67.4%) tested positive for morphine in the urine screening test. The average methadone dosage of participants was 38.88 mg/d during the period of this study.
2.Regarding the participants’ knowledge of methadone, the overall ratio of correct replies on methadone knowledge items is high, indicating that the majority of participants’ methadone knowledge is correct.
3.The answer distribution from the majority of participants on the various dimensions of craving measurement questions is “agree.” This indicates that the participants’ cravings for heroin are moderate-to-high, and that they continue to crave heroin even after rehabilitation with methadone.
4.Participants’ methadone knowledge and craving attitude are positively correlated, indicating that participants scoring higher on methadone knowledge also score higher on craving attitude.
5.Among the participants in this study, 65.4% (242) have discontinued using heroin, whereas 34.6% (128) have relapsed.
6.There is no significant difference between HIV screening results and heroin relapse behavior. There is a significant difference between Hepatitis C screening results and heroin relapse behavior.
7.The results of logistic regression analysis on heroin relapse behavior showed that the statistically significant variables are “the most recent hepatitis C examination result,” “age,” “age of first heroin use,” “most recent methadone dosage,” and “craving attitude — compulsive behavior.”

摘要 v ABSTRACT vii 目次 ix 表目次 xi 圖目次 xii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機及重要性 1 第二節 研究目的 2 第三節 研究問題 3 第四節 研究假設 3 第五節 名詞操作型定義 4 第六節 研究限制 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 國內外有關海洛因(鴉片)的施用情形 7 第二節 毒品危害防制條例與毒品有關司法問題探討 14 第三節 國內外對於海洛因的戒治與處遇情形及相關成效 21 第四節 藥癮者感染愛滋病毒相關問題探討 47 第五節 鴉片類藥物使用與美沙冬療法相關成效 53 第六節 國內外藥癮者對美沙冬的知識、態度與行為相關研究結果 61 第三章 研究方法 71 第一節 研究架構 71 第二節 研究對象 72 第三節 研究工具 73 第四節 研究資料分析及處理 77 第五節 研究倫理 79 第四章 結果與討論 81 第一節 研究對象之社會人口學變項與生理臨床變項之分布 81 第二節 研究對象對美沙冬療法之知識、對海洛因渴求態度及再使用海洛 因行為之分布 89 第三節 研究對象社會人口學變項與再使用海洛因行為 102 第四節 研究對象生理臨床學變項與再使用海洛因行為的關係 105 第五節 研究對象對美沙冬療法知識、對海洛因渴求態度與再使用海 洛因行為之關係 106 第六節 研究對象再使用海洛因行為之預測 107 第五章 結論與建議 111 第一節 結論 111 第二節 建議 113 參考文獻 121 附錄一 問卷 130 附錄二 臺北醫學大學人體試驗同意證明書 133 附錄三 臺北市立聯合醫院人體試驗委員會同意函 134

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