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研究生: 王雅蘭
論文名稱: 國小聽覺障礙學生加、減法文字題閱讀理解能力之研究
指導教授: 張蓓莉
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 219
中文關鍵詞: 聽覺障礙加、減法文字題閱讀理解國小學生
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:171下載:56
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  • 本研究旨在瞭解國小聽覺障礙學生加、減法文字題閱讀理解能力,蒐集閱讀理解困難部分、並分析其閱讀理解錯誤表現,最後比較中、高年級聽覺障礙學生加、減法文字題閱讀理解能力的差異。
    一、 加、減法文字題閱讀理解能力:整體而言,中、高年級聽覺障礙學生加、減法文字題閱讀理解能力普遍低落且能力發展緩慢,但學生閱讀理解能力個別差異大。
    二、 加、減法文字題閱讀理解困難部分:
    (1) 中、高年級聽覺障礙學生加、減法文字題閱讀理解困難部分遍布於各類文字題。兩個年段學生閱讀理解困難一致的句型共有29個,另有5個改變類句型是中年級學生閱讀理解有困難而高年級學生沒有困難的部分,只有1個句型「…和…一樣多」是兩個年段學生閱讀理解都沒有困難的部分。
    (2) 高年級聽覺障礙學生閱讀理解表現顯著優於中年級的句型共有10個。
    (3) 語意關係對閱讀理解表現的影響因句型包含的語詞不同而有差異。
    三、 加、減法文字題閱讀理解錯誤表現:
    (1) 聽覺障礙學生的閱讀理解錯誤表現以系統性錯誤為主(個案在單一題目各選項作答時,所持想法一致,即稱為系統性錯誤),其中高年級學生答題時出現顯著系統性錯誤情形多於中年級學生。
    (2) 聽覺障礙學生無法區辨不同語意結構的句型,常出現以等量概念理解各類不同句型的錯誤表現。
    (3) 從不同語意結構來看:學生掌握改變類題目中表示最初量及最終量語詞的能力差,而當改變量語詞為抽象動詞時,學生無法將之與移轉基模結合;學生無法判別合併類題目中表示總量的語詞,誤解為子集合或將之與加法策略連結;學生無法將比較類題目中「…比…」句型與多--少基模結合;學生無法理解等化類題目中表示互斥集合大小、有差異的語詞。

    The purposes of the study are to explore the reading comprehension ability of elementary school students with hearing impairment, to find out their difficulties and to analyze their errors in addition and subtraction word problems. A further attempt is made to compare the differences of the reading comprehension ability between the middle and the high graders.
    Eighty-three middle and high graders with hearing impairment who came from resource rooms in ten elementary schools in Taipei City and County participated in this study. Data were collected with a self-developed instrument “The Test of Reading Comprehension in Addition and Subtraction Word Problems”, which contained thirty-five test items.
    The main findings of the study are stated as follows:
    1. The reading comprehension ability in addition and subtraction word problems: Hearing–impaired students’ reading comprehension ability is basically poor and develops slowly with age. Nevertheless, there are individual differences among them.
    2. The reading comprehension difficulties in addition and subtraction word problems:
    (1) When hearing-impaired students read the word problems, multitudinous difficulties are found in different types of word problems. Twenty-nine out of the thirty-five problems cause the difficulties for both the middle and the high graders. Another five change problems are found difficult for the middle graders, but not for the high graders. There is only one problem “…and …be equal” that both the middle and the high graders can resolve without difficulty.
    (2) The high graders perform better than the middle graders in ten problems.
    (3) The influence of the semantic structure of word problems on the students’ performances depends on the usage of terms in the sentences.
    3. The reading comprehension errors in addition and subtraction word problems:
    (1) When students use the same principle to judge each item in a problem, it is called systematic errors. The major errors students make are systematic ones. The number of significant systematic errors of the high graders is higher than that of the middle graders.
    (2) The students cannot discriminate the semantic structure of word problems. They often apply the same “equal” concept to different types of word problems.
    (3) As regards different types of semantic structures, the students are weak in understanding the terms which represent the start quantity and the result quantity in change problems. Moreover, if the terms which represent the transfer quantity are abstract, they cannot activate the transfer schema. In terms of combine problems, the students usually cannot recognize the terms which represent the superset, and further misunderstand it as another subset or activate the combination strategy. As for compare problems, the students cannot activate more/less schema to help themselves comprehend the sentence pattern ”…more/less than …” With respect to equalizing problems, the students cannot understand the terms which represent the differences between two sets.
    Based on the results and the research limitations, some suggestions are made for mathematics instruction and future studies.
    Key words: hearing impairment; addition and subtraction word problem; reading comprehension; elementary school student.

    目次…………………………………………………………… Ⅰ 附錄次………………………………………………………… Ⅲ 表次…………………………………………………………… Ⅳ 圖次…………………………………………………………… Ⅷ 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………………… 1 第二節 待答問題……………………………………………… 6 第三節 名詞釋義……………………………………………… 8 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 聽覺障礙學生的數學能力及其相關影響因素…… 9 第二節 聽覺障礙學生的閱讀能力及其相關影響因素…… 17 第三節 閱讀理解與數學文字題……………………………… 23 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究架構…………………………………………………… 39 第二節 研究對象…………………………………………………… 40 第三節 研究工具…………………………………………………… 42 第四節 研究程序…………………………………………………… 50 第五節 資料分析…………………………………………………… 53 第四章 研究結果與討論 第一節 國小聽覺障礙學生加、減法文字題閱讀理解能力……. 54 第二節 國小聽覺障礙學生加、減法文字題常見閱讀理解困難部分… 59 第三節 國小聽覺障礙學生加、減法文字題閱讀理解錯誤分析… 77 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論………………………………………………………… 152 第二節 研究限制…………………………………………………… 156 第三節 建議………………………………………………………… 158 參考文獻……………………………………………………… 162 附錄次 附錄一 專家名單及評定意見整理………………………………….. 170 附錄二 正式測驗題本……………………………………………….. 177 附錄三 點數及計算能力練習卷…………………………………….. 215 附錄四 中、高年級閱讀理解困難句型(共29個)作答錯誤人數百分比顯著性考驗………………………………………….. 216 附錄五 中、高年級學生各題各選項作答錯誤人次、百分比…….. 217

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