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研究生: 李榮生
論文名稱: 高職教育變革中技職教師工作壓力
A study on the correlation between working stress and the sense of efficiency of the technical teachers in educational reforms in vocational high school.
指導教授: 徐昊杲
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 182
中文關鍵詞: 高職教育變革教師工作壓力效能感
英文關鍵詞: educational reforms in vocational high schools, working stress and sense of efficiency
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:182下載:43
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  • 中文摘要
    本研究所使用的統計分析方法主要包括平均數(means)、標準差(standard deviation)、百分比(percentages)、平均數差異考驗(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、雪費事後比較法(schaffer’s posterior comparisons)、皮爾遜積差相關(pearson’s product-moment correlation )等,經分析結果獲致下列結論:


    The purpose of this research is to study the correlation between working stress and the sense of efficiency for those technical teachers who work in the process of educational reforms in vocational high schools. To fulfill this purpose, some related literatures were collected and analyzed to serve as the basis of this research structure. After the information collected and analyzed, I complied a table named “Measurement table on the working stress for those technical teachers who work in educational reforms in vocational high school ”, which was combined with another table named “The sense of efficiency of technical teachers ” compiled by Mr. Chen, Cheng-Wei to form a questionnaire which further served as a tool for collecting quantitative information. Among 73 comprehensive high schools in Taiwan area in 2003, samples were taken form 560 technical teachers in 26 comprehensive high schools, which were extended from their original form as a vocational high school. The effective questionnaires returned were 424 copies, and the effective returned rate was 75.71%.
    The statistical analytic methods applied in this study are means, standard deviation, percentages, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Schaffer’s posterior comparisons, Person’s product-moment correlation etc. The conclusions of analytic outcome are depicted as follows:

    1. The working stress of technical teachers who work in the process of educational reforms in vocational high school is higher than medium level. Among various aspects that cause working stress, “Load resulted from reforms” has reached high level. For the aspects of “Industrial Discrepancy”, “Practicing the second skill”, and “Development of vocational high schools”, working stress is higher than medium level and that of “Student behavior” is lower than medium level.

    2. The sense of efficiency for those technical teachers who work in the process of educational reforms in vocational high school is higher than medium level. Among various aspects that cause working stress, “The sense of efficiency in personal teaching” is the most significant factor. “The sense of efficiency in personal profession” is the second, and “The sense of efficiency in general teaching status” doesn’t reach medium level.

    3. There are significant differences in the working stress of technical teachers in terms of “school to which a teacher belongs”, “ Gender”, “Marital status” and “Side positions and duties”.

    4. There are significant differences in the sense of efficiency of the technical teachers in terms of “ school to which a teacher belongs”, “Gender”, “Marital status”, and “Participation in industry”.

    5. There is a significant differential correlation in the working stress and the sense of efficiency for those technical teachers who work in the process of educational reforms in vocational high school.

    目 錄 謝誌 中文摘要--------------------------------------------------------------------I 英文摘要--------------------------------------------------------------------II 目錄---------------------------------------------------------------------------IV 表目錄-----------------------------------------------------------------------VI 圖目錄-----------------------------------------------------------------------VIII 第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究背景與動機------------------------------------------------------1 第二節 研究目的---------------------------------------------------------------3 第三節 待答問題及研究假設------------------------------------------------3 第四節 研究範圍與限制------------------------------------------------------5 第五節 名詞釋義---------------------------------------------------------------6 第二章 文獻探討--------------------------------------------------------------------9 第一節 高職學校的現況------------------------------------------------------9 第二節 高職教育變革的理論探討-----------------------------------------22 第三節 工作壓力之理論與相關研究--------------------------------------37 第四節 教師效能感之理論探討--------------------------------------------57 第五節 教師工作壓力與教師效能感相關之探討-----------------------83 第三章 研究設計與實施--------------------------------------------------------85 第一節 研究方法與架構-----------------------------------------------------85 第二節 研究步驟與實施----------------------------------------------------88 第三節 研究工具--------------------------------------------------------------92 第四節 資料處理----------------------------------------------------------102 第四章 資料分析與討論-----------------------------------------------------105 第一節 背景資料分析---------------------------------------------------105 第二節 高職教育變革中技職教師工作壓力感受分析--------------------108 第三節 高職教育變革中技職教師效能感受分析---------------------- 114 第四節 高職教育變革中技職教師個人背景因素對工作壓力之變異數分析---118 第五節 高職教育變革中技職教師個人背景因素對效能感之變異數分析--128 第六節 高職教育變革中技職教師工作壓力與效能感相關分析------135 第七節 綜合討論----------------------------------------------------------138 第五章 結論與建議--------------------------------------------------153 第一節 結論------------------------------------------------------------153 第二節 建議------------------------------------------------------------159 參考文獻-----------------------------------------------------------------------165 中文部分-----------------------------------------------------------------------165 英文部分----------------------------------------------------------------------170 附錄-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------175 附錄一 各校88年至92年學校經費可用數比較表 ----------------------------175 附錄二 高職學校技職教師工作感受與教師效能感問卷調查表(預試問卷)--------176 附錄三 預試問卷內容諮詢專家學者名單----------------------------------------178 附錄四 問卷使用同意書---------------------------------------------------179 附錄五 本研究正式問卷調查表------------------------------------------------180



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