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研究生: 江慧珣
Hui-Hsun Chinag
論文名稱: 幸福感及其對健康的可能影響-以廣建理論層面而言
Happiness and its possible influence on health: An aspect of the broaden and build theory
指導教授: 李思賢
Lee, Szu-Hsien
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 136
中文關鍵詞: 幸福感健康生命統整家庭關係
英文關鍵詞: happiness, health, family relationships, sense of coherence
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:504下載:50
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  • 目的:隨著全球人口老化的趨勢,老人心理健康促進值得關注。此篇論文主要在探討幸福感的構念並檢驗幸福感在健康上的影響。

    Purpose: A growing awareness of the rapidly-increasing aged population in the world has led to growing attention on mental health promotion in late life. The aims of this dissertation are to determine the components of happiness among retired old adults and to examine the influence of happiness on their health.
    Method: This dissertation includes 3 interrelated studies. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were applied. Study 1 examines the validity and reliability of the Chinese Happiness Inventory. Study 2 investigates the relationships between happiness and physical, psychological and social factors, as well as the influence of happiness on these three factors. Study 3 evaluates the process of happiness promotion and its impact on health. Exploratory factor analysis was performed to analyze the components of the Chinese Happiness Inventory, and a canonical correlation analysis was applied to explore the correlation with Ryff's psychological well-being scales. A path analysis was applied to examine the relationships among happiness and physical, psychological and social factors, and the content analysis was applied to interpret the qualitative results.
    Results: The results indicate that the Chinese Happiness Inventory includes 3 components: positive affect, life satisfaction and interpersonal relationships. These components were highly-correlated with self-acceptance, positive relations with others, environmental mastery, purpose in life, and personal growth. Happiness was also positively-correlated with perceived health, sense of coherence and family relationships. From the path model, happiness has a direct influence on perceived health contributions by family relationships and sense of coherence. The family relationships influence happiness directly and indirectly by furnishing a sense of coherence. The qualitative analysis showed that when individuals build higher levels of happiness through positive broadening of their social connections, this results in positive family relationships and a good sense of coherence.
    Conclusions: The study found that happiness has a positive impact on health and that happiness is promoted by good family relationships and a sense of coherence. Consequently, promotion of positive social connection and positive experience sharing may benefit family relationships and a sense of coherence, providing further higher levels of happiness and good health among retired older adults.

    1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background and Context 1 1.2 Purpose of study 2 1.3 Research hypotheses 3 1.4 Significance of study 4 1.5 Definition of terms 4 1.6 Theoretical perspective 6 1.7 Limitation 11 2 Review of literature 13 2.1 Concept analysis of happiness 13 2.2 Influencing factors of happiness among perceived health, sense of coherence and family relationship 22 2.3 Relationship among happiness, perceived health, sense of coherence and family relationship 25 2.4 Broaden and build effect of happiness on health 30 3 Methods 36 3.1 Research design 36 3.2 Conceptual framework 46 3.3 Data collection procedure 46 3.4 Data analysis 48 3.5 Ethical consideration 52 4 Results 54 4.1 Sample characteristics of study 1 54 4.2 Reliability and validity of the PWB, family relationship and CHI scales 55 4.3 Dimensions of Chinese Happiness Inventory 58 4.4 Sample characteristics of study 2 59 4.5 Reliability testing of the CHI, family relationships and SOC scales for total number screened and enrolled in study 2 59 4.6 Influencing factors of happiness 60 4.7 Path diagram of happiness on perceived health 61 4.8 Result of qualitative interview in study 3 63 4.9 Motivation of change 64 4.10 Extend four resources 66 4.11 Broaden and build effect 74 5 Discussion 87 6 Reference 106 7 Tables 134 8 Figures 150 9 Appendix 1. Instruments 158 10 Appendix 2. Certificate of ethical consideration 164 11 Appendix 3. Exercise prescription of walking exercise for retired elderly 165 12 Appendix 4: Teaching strategy and theory application of walking exercise 166 13 Appendix 5: Apply Teaching strategy and theory application of psychosocial intervention 168

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