簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 沈玟均
Wen Chun Shen
論文名稱: 歐洲流行音樂節–基於現象學之觀光體驗研究
Pop Music Festivals in Europe–A Phenomenological Study of Tourist Experience
指導教授: 劉以德
Liu, Yi-De
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 歐洲文化與觀光研究所
Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 流行文化音樂節慶觀光體驗詮釋現象學
英文關鍵詞: popular culture, music festival, tourist experience, hermeneutic phenomenology
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:279下載:126
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  • 此為一個藉由站在旅遊者的角度,對參與流行音樂節慶的旅遊體驗所進行探討的研究論文。本研究將援用詮釋現象學研究法,欲呈現臺灣遊客是如何論述自身對於節慶活動,重構岀特定現象所指涉的本質意義。本研究源自近年新型態的旅遊概念,現代人逐漸開始強調以自我感受為主體之旅遊體驗,由原本規格化、統一化的觀光消費,逐漸轉為以精緻化、個人風格取向之消費模式。觀光是為全球發展最為興盛之產業,更是現代人生活無可或缺的休閒方式,「體驗式觀光(experience tourism)」所透露出的表意訊息,猶如在宣示過去集約式的傳統觀光方式,已無法滿足現代人所欲追求的愉悅;而對於旅遊品質的要求,顯然早已不在有形商品之上。現代旅遊轉而向強調消費最初的本質,亦是指人的五官所接受的整體感官經驗,因此,體驗式經濟的崛起勢必帶來觀光旅遊型態轉移。

    In this research, hermeneutic phenomenology approach was used to detect significant essence among open-air pop music festival experiences from nine Taiwanese’s perspective.
    We could see a growing number of research studies are now available to shed some light on the tourist experience research. Unlike music concerts in general, the open-air pop music festival features more than one-day length activity with non-stop performance by around 50-60 famous singers, DJs and music bands on two or more performing stages. The most notable festival, for instance, Rock Werchter in Belgium, Roskilde in Denmark, Glastonbury in the United Kingdom and Sziget in Hungary are the top four largest music festival in Europe area. The author would like to start out the research with her own experience, and to figure out the essential meanings embedded in the pop music festival events. The study involves depth-interviews, comprised of conversation of experience illustrating about their thinking and behavior in the music festival scenes. There would be nine Taiwanese (with the researcher included), to illustrate their tourist experiences of twelve music festivals in five European countries.

    The aim of this article attempts to explore how Taiwanese attendants feel and how festival experiences pose an influence on their lives are related. Besides, The research has tended to focus on how did these Taiwanese festival-goers feel in the festival scenes, rather than mere discussion about what they did in the festival. The generic term ‘‘tourist experience’’ is used in the study to cover a range of subjective meanings such as emotions, moods and feelings of individuals moving during festival undergoing. The different perceptions of attending festivals in Taiwan and in Europe are also to be compared.

    第一章、前言 第一節、研究動機........................1 第二節、問題意識........................1 第三節、名詞解釋........................3 第四節、研究資料來源與限制...................7 第五節、預期貢獻........................8 第六節、本研究中十二個歐洲戶外大型流行音樂節慶介紹.......8 第二章、文獻回顧 第一節、音樂與旅行.......................12 第二節、觀光體驗........................23 第三節、節慶體驗中的真實性探究.................29 第三章、研究方法 第一節、現象學與詮釋學.....................34 第二節、以詮釋現象學探究生活中的旅遊經驗............37 第三節、研究資料來源與介紹...................42 第四節、深度訪談與敘說分析...................46 第五節、顯現而出的論文主題架構.................53 第六節、訪談資料之處理、分析與編碼...............55 第七節、研究效度........................56 第四章、音樂與旅行:歐洲戶外大型流行音樂節體驗之反思與回溯 第一節、九位訪談人介紹.....................59 第二節、狂歡之前........................62 第三節、還原參與歐洲流行音樂節的本質意義............64 第四節、回望臺灣在地音樂節活動.................95 第五章、結論 第一節、研究發現 ........................98 第二節、研究總結........................102 第三節、未來研究建議......................104 參考文獻................................................107

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