簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 朱尹安
Yin-an Chu
論文名稱: 綜合職能科教師培養學生工作社會技能現況之研究
A current status of comprehensive vocational subject teachers cultivate job-related social skills for students
指導教授: 張蓓莉
Chang, Bey-Lih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 135
中文關鍵詞: 工作社會技能綜合職能科教師職業教育教師任教經驗問卷調查
英文關鍵詞: job-related social skill, comprehensive vocation subject teachers, vocational education, teaching experience, questionnaire survey
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:321下載:23
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  • 本研究目的在探討北部地區綜合職能科教師在培養學生工作社會技能的現況,並比較不同背景變項(性別、任教學校體制、教師資格類別、特教專業背景)及不同任教經驗(綜職科任教年資、職場實習教學年資、一般科目教學年資、職業科目教學年資及擔任綜職科導師年資)教師培養頻率的差異。研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為203位北部地區(臺北市、基隆市、新北市、桃園縣、新竹縣市、苗栗縣、宜蘭縣)任教於綜職科之合格教師。研究工具為「綜合職能科教師培養學生工作社會技能現況調查問卷」,分為兩個向度與七個項目,其中在「基本工作社會技能」向度下包含「適當的穿著與衛生習慣」、「合宜的舉止」、「守時與出席」、「合宜的應對」等四個項目;「進階工作社會技能」向度下包含「工作責任」、「合作表現」、「接受批評與情緒管理」等三個項目。資料分析採次數分配、百分比統計、t考驗、F考驗及Scheffé法事後比較,歸納研究結論如下:

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the situation of comprehensive vocation subject teachers’ cultivation of job-related social skill with students. Besides, it compares teachers of different background variables (genders, systems of the school, classifications of teacher qualifications, background of special education knowledge) and different teaching experiences (teaching in comprehensive vocation subjects, teaching vocational practice courses, teaching general courses, teaching vocational courses, being a tutor)with the differences of cultivating job-related social skills.
    The self-designed questionnaire was used to survey on 203 qualified comprehensive vocation subject teachers in north area (Taipei City, Keelung City, New Taipei City, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Miaoli County, Yilan County). The questionnaire can be divided into two dimensions and seven items, under the “basic job-related social skills” dimension that includes four items: appropriate apparel and well- hygiene, appropriate behaviors, punctuality and attendance, appropriate responses. Under the other dimension is “advanced job-related social skills “and that includes three items: work responsibilities, performances of collaboration, accepting criticism and emotional management. The collected data have been processed and analyzed through frequency distribution, percentage statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Scheffé post hoc comparison. The following results were obtained:
    1.With the different dimensions, teachers cultivate “basic job-related social skills” more often than “advanced job-related social skills”. With the different items, teachers cultivate “appropriate apparel and well- hygiene”, “appropriate behaviors”, “punctuality and attendance”,” appropriate responses” and “work responsibilities” more often than “performances of collaboration” and “ accepting criticism and emotional management”.
    2.Teachers in different systems of the school, genders, classifications of teacher qualifications and background of special education knowledge cultivate student less in the items of “performances of collaboration” and “accepting criticism and emotional management”.
    3.Teachers’ different teaching experiences of general courses, vocational practice courses, vocational courses and being a tutor all cultivate student less in the items of “performances of collaboration” and “accepting criticism and emotional management”.
    4.Teachers with both general teacher and special education teacher qualifications cultivate whole job-related social skills more significantly frequently than teachers with only general teacher qualifications.
    5.Teachers with less or no experience of being a tutor or teaching vocational practice, vocational and general courses have fewer frequent of cultivate job-related social skills.
    6.Teachers with different classifications of teacher qualifications, background of special education knowledge and teaching experiences have the significant diversity in the item of “punctuality and attendance”.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與背景 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 研究問題 5 第四節 名詞釋義 6 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 職業教育與職業能力 10 第二節 工作適應相關理論與工作社會技能 12 第三節 智能障礙學生職業教育與工作社會技能 22 第三章 研究設計與實施 27 第一節 研究架構 28 第二節 研究對象 29 第三節 研究工具 35 第四節 實施程序 41 第五節 資料處理與分析 43 第四章 結果與討論 45 第一節 綜合職能科教師於工作社會技能之培養現況 45 第二節 不同背景之教師於工作社會技能培養現況與差異 55 第三節 不同任教經驗教師於工作社會技能之培養現況與差異 67 第五章 結論與建議 89 第一節 結論 89 第二節 建議 93 參考文獻 95 附 錄 101 附錄1 初擬「綜合職能科教師工作社會技能培養調查問卷」各題與項目對照表 101 附錄2 專家建議與問卷修正對照表 103 附錄3 「綜合職能科教師工作社會技能培養調查問卷」(預試) 115 附錄4 「綜合職能科教師工作社會技能培養調查問卷」預試後項目分析及信度檢驗表 122 附錄5 「綜合職能科教師工作社會技能培養調查問卷」預試後因素分析及效度檢驗 124 附錄6 「綜合職能科教師工作社會技能培養調查問卷」(正式) 129

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