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研究生: 朝日美智代
Michiyo Asahi
論文名稱: 日本國中教科書中性別意識型態之研究
A Study of Gender Ideology in the Japanese Middle School Fine Art Textbooks
指導教授: 陳瓊花
Chen, Chiung-Hua
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 日本國中美術教科書性別意識型態內容分析
英文關鍵詞: Japanese Middle School Fine Art Textbooks, Gender Ideology, Content Analysis
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:205下載:9
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  • 這項研究經由定量和定性的內容分析的研究方法,調查女性與男性呈現於日本中學的美術課本。在研究社群中,內容分析早已經證明分析教課書的文字和圖像是有信度的方法。
    1. 教科書中所介紹藝術作品的性別動態。
    2. 在教科書中所有描繪到女性和男性的圖像情況。
    3. 在教科書的文本中所呈現女性與男性的性別角色。

    This research investigated eighteen Japanese middle school fine art textbooks for the presentation of women and men by quantitative and qualitative research methods through the use of content analysis. The use of content analysis for this research was quite equivalent since the research technique has been known for its reliability both textual and image analysis of textbooks for the presentation of women and other groups in the society.
    This analysis employed both quantitative and qualitative to answer three research questions:
    1. The gender dynamic of art works introduced in the textbooks.
    2. The role all the images shown in the textbooks portray women and men as having.
    3. The presentation of women and men in sentences (texts).
    The analysis of the eighteen fine art textbooks revealed that the number of
    art works by male artists introduced outnumbered that of artworks by female artists. This finding came despite that fact that images of women appeared in the textbooks had almost equal number as that of images of men. Also, the images of both women and men had tendency being portrayed as having socially favorable role. The images of men were likely to be characterized non-domestically and to have art and creative role. The sentences in all the textbooks, however, did not show significant result showing gender-stereotypical expression.
    This research represented the addition of art education to demonstrate that content analysis of textbooks represented one of many examples of critical pedagogy. The result of this study would seem to support the arguments of educators calling for the inclusion of diverse perspectives in the curriculum of fine art through critical pedagogy. Further investigations regarding to this particular issue has been suggested for more concrete and persuasive outcomes in order to obtain wider recognition of inequity from which Japanese women have been constrained.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Page DEDICATION i ABSTRACT Chinese (中文) ii English iii LIST OF TALBES vii LIST OF FIGURES ix CHAPTERS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Research Background 1 1.2. Research Question and Purposes 3 1.3. Research Limitations 4 1.4. Definitions of the Terms 4 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURES 8 2.1. Development of Gender Equality in Japan 8 2.1.1. Social Movement 8 2.1.2. Educational Movement 21 2.2. Implementation of Textbooks in Japan 26 2.3. Implementation of Fine Art Textbooks in Japan 29 2.3.1. Curriculum Guideline for Fine Art 34 2.4. Other Related Research on Gender Issues Embedded in Other Subject Textbooks 38 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 48 3.1. Research Design 48 3.2. Sampling and Data Collection 50 3.3. Analytical Method 52 3.3.1. Research Methodology 52 3.3.2. Research Materials 52 3.3.3. Reliability 53 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION 56 4.1. Analysis of Images 57 4.1.1. Art Works Covering Both Gender of Artists 57 4.1.2. Images of Gender 61 4.1.3. Characteristics of Images 65 4.2. Analysis of Texts 70 4.2.1. Gender of Artists Introduced/Mentioned in the Texts 70 4.2.2. The Design (Outline) of the Textbooks 73 4.2.3. Number of Sentences Involving Gender- Stereotypical Expression 77 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 80 5.1. Conclusion 80 5.2. Suggestions 84 REFERENCES 88 APPENDIX 96 Appendix A: Front Cover Pages of the Eighteen Fine Art Textbooks 96 Appendix B: Samples of Images Corresponding to each Categories 105


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