簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 許舒嵐
Shu Lan Hsu
論文名稱: 浦朗克四組早期作品:《帽徽,1915》、《洪薩的詩作,1924-25》、《馬克思‧雅各的五首詩,1930》、《露易絲‧拉朗的三首詩,1930》之分析與詮釋
The Analysis and Interpretation of Poulenc's early four groups of works, Cocardes(1915), Poèmes de Ronsard(1924-25), Cinq Poèmes de Max Jacob(1930) and Trois Poèmes de Louise Lalanne(1930)
指導教授: 楊艾琳
Yang, Ai-Lin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 235
中文關鍵詞: 浦朗克藝術歌曲帽徽科克托雅各阿波里奈爾羅蘭桑
英文關鍵詞: Poulenc, art song, cocardes, cocteau, Jacob, Apollinaire, Laurencin
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:170下載:43
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  • 法國作曲家浦朗克(Francis Poulenc, 1899-1963)在二十世紀的藝術歌曲創作中,佔有十分重要的地位。筆者論文中所研究的浦朗克早期四組作品,分別為《帽徽》(Cocardes, 1915)、《洪薩的詩作》(Poèmes de Ronsard, 1924-25)、《馬克思‧雅各的五首詩》(Cinq Poèmes de Max Jacob, 1930)和《露易絲‧拉朗的三首詩》(Trois Poèmes de Louise Lalanne, 1930)。
    除了《洪薩的詩作》採用十六世紀詩人洪薩(Pierre de Ronsard, 1524-1585)詩集外,其餘三組皆採納當代著名詩人作品,如《帽徽》為科克托(Jean Cocteau, 1889-1963)所作、《馬克思‧雅各的五首詩》為馬克思‧雅各(Max Jacob, 1876-1944)所作、《露易絲‧拉朗的三首詩》為阿波里奈爾(Guillaume Apollinaire, 1880-1918) 和瑪麗‧羅蘭桑(Marie Laurencin, 1885-1956)所作。

    French composer Poulenc(1899-1963) occupies a very important position in the art song writing in the twentieth century. Poulenc’s early four groups of works, Cocardes(1915), Poèmes de Ronsard(1924-25), Cinq Poèmes de Max Jacob(1930) and Trois Poèmes de Louise Lalanne(1930) are discussed in this thesis.
    Except Poèmes de Ronsard, which was adopted from Pierre de Ronsard’s(1524-1585) poetry, the remaining three groups are adoptions of famous contemporary poets’ works. Cocardes was made by Jean Cocteau(1889-1963), Cinq Poèmes de Max Jacob was made by Max Jacob(1876-1944), and Trois Poèmes de Louise Lalanne was made by Guillaume Apollinaire(1880 -1918) and Marie Laurencin(1885-1956).
    From the four groups of musical compositions, we can find that Poulenc likes short musical forms, and there is no prelude in most of them. So far as melody is concerned, Poulenc likes to use distinctive and varied motives to link the whole song. Poulenc often uses semitone intervals which produce special sound effects as well. The key signatures in these sixteen art songs were modulated frequently, and many accidentals were used. Therefore, the writer of the thesis infers that Poulenc used key signatures just for the convenience of taking down the notation. The harmony
    was made depends on the atmosphere of the poems. The rhythm is free and he often modulated the time signatures to harmony with the poems, present the prosody of poems, or to change the atmospheres. The piano accompaniment often repeats the melody of the song. This is one of the important features of Poulenc’s art songs.
    Because Poulenc likes to use discordant sounds effects and temporary accidentals, singers who want to sing his works need to have good sense of pitch. Due to the short structures of his songs, the singers need to get into the situations of the songs quickly and change their mood and tone rapidly as well to create the atmospheres that Poulenc wants.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法 2 第二章 法蘭西斯‧浦朗克(Francis Poulenc, 1899-1963)的生平簡介 3 第三章 浦朗克的音樂與歌曲風格 9 第四章 五位詩人生平簡介 17 第一節 彼爾‧德‧洪薩(Pierre de Ronsard, 1524-1585) 17 第二節 紀羅蒙‧阿波里奈爾(Guillaume Apollinaire, 1880-1918) 20 第三節 馬克思‧雅各(Max Jacob, 1876-1944) 22 第四節 瑪麗‧羅蘭桑(Marie Laurencin, 1885-1956) 24 第五節 強‧科克托(Jean Cocteau, 1889-1963) 26 第五章 《帽徽》(Cocardes, 1919) 29 第一節 〈親愛的納赫伯能〉(Miel de Narbonne) 29 第二節 〈保姆〉 (Bonne d'enfant) 42 第三節 〈劇團之子〉(Enfant de troupe) 53 第六章 《洪薩的詩作》(Poèmes de Ronsard, 1924-25) 65 第一節 〈屬性〉 (Attributs) 65 第二節 〈墓地〉(Le tombeau) 77 第三節 〈芭蕾〉(Ballet) 92 第四節 〈我所擁有的只剩骨頭〉(Je n'ai plus que les os) 109 第五節 〈給他的侍從〉(À son page) 122 第七章 《馬克思‧雅各的五首詩》(Cinq Poèmes de Max Jacob, 1931) 136 第一節 〈布列塔尼之歌〉(Chanson bretonne) 136 第二節 〈墓地〉(Cimetière) 148 第三節 〈小僕人〉(La petite servant) 160 第四節 〈搖籃曲〉(Berceuse) 172 第五節 〈索瑞克和墓瑞克〉(Souric et Mouric) 182 第八章 《露易絲‧拉朗的三首詩》(Trois Poèmes de Louise Lalanne, 1931) 193 第一節 〈禮物〉(Le Présent) 193 第二節 〈香頌〉(Chanson) 205 第三節 〈昨日〉(Hier) 214 第九章 結論 224 參考文獻 234

    Bernac, Pierre. Francis Poulenc: The Man and his songs, trans. Winifred Radford.
    London: Kahn & Averill Publishers; Bilingual edition, 2005.
    Daniel, Keith W. Francis Poulenc: His Artistic Development and Musical Style. Michigan: UMI Research Press, 1982.
    Kimball, Carol.and Milwaukee. Song : a guide to art song style and literature, WI : Hal
    Leonard, 2006.
    Poulenc, Francis. Francis Poulenc: Diary of my songs, trans. Winifred Radford. London:
    Kahn & Averill Publishers; Bilingual edition, March 1, 2007.
    Wood, Vivian Lee Poates. Poulenc’ songs: An analysis of style. Mississippi: Press of
    Mississippi University: 1979.
    http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/kenny0919/post/1246573167 (accessed October 8, 2011),
    http://blog.sina.com.tw/lin_44ping/article.php?pbgid=451&entryid=572793 (accessed
    October 9, 2011).
    &Query=3 (accessed October 9, 2011).
    Poulenc, Francis. Mélodies et chansons. Milano: Salabert, 1989.
    Poulenc, Francis. Poèmes de Ronsard. France: Heugel & CIE, 1925.
    Poulenc, Francis Mélodies, Ameling, Elly, Gedda, Nicolaï, Sénéchal, Michel, Souzay, Gérard, Parker, William and Baldwin, Dalton(singer). EMI CMS 7 64087 2, 1991. Compact disc.
