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研究生: 王振銓
Russell Ong
論文名稱: Anderson Localization in a Bose-Einstein Condensate with Finite Range of Interaction
Anderson Localization in a Bose-Einstein Condensate with Finite Range of Interaction
指導教授: 吳文欽
Wu, Wen-Chin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 物理學系
Department of Physics
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: Ryberg-dressed BECBlockade radiusDisorder potentialLocalizationHealing length
英文關鍵詞: Ryberg-dressed BEC, Blockade radius, Disorder potential, Localization, Healing length
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DP.002.2019.B04
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:126下載:0
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  • The emergence of Anderson localization (AL) has been well studied both theoretically and experimentally in zero-range (or contact) interacting Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC). In this thesis, we theoretically study the expansion of an initially confined 1D Rydberg-dressed BEC in a weak random potential in which the range of the interaction, the blockade radius Rc, is tunable. The localization is studied where the zero-range limit (Rc →0) healing length ξ0 is set to be fixed and exceed the disorder correlation length σD. It is found that when Rc ≤ lc, in the short-range superfluid phase (SF) [lc ≃ 1.7 ξ0 is the critical range for the SF–supersolid (SS)transition], exponential localization occurs. In the opposite long-range SS phase, Rc> lc, it yields Gaussian localization. We have verified the results by numerically simulating the oscillating Rydberg-dressed BEC in a weak random potential.

    Abstract 2 Declaration 3 Acknowledgement 4 Contents 8 Chapter 1. Introduction 10 1.1 Historical overview 10 1.2 Motivation of the thesis 13 1.3 Overview of the thesis 15 Chapter 2. Literature review 2.1 Disorder potential 16 2.2 Disorder induced dissipation in zero-range interacting system 19 2.3 Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) 21 2.4 Rydberg-dressed BEC 23 2.5 Anderson Localization (AL) in ultracold gases 25 2.5.1 AL in speckle pattern potential 27 2.5.2 AL in quasiperiodic bichromatic lattice potential 28 Chapter 3. Simulation of 1D Rydberg-dressed BEC with disorder potential 3.1 Method of simulating non-local GPE 30 3.1.1 Ground state 30 3.1.2 Time-evolution state 30 3.2 Dimensionless non-local GPE 31 3.3 Criteria for simulation 32 Chapter 4. Results and discussions 4.1 Zero-range interacting BEC 34 4.1.1 Temporal density maxima and center-of-mass of an oscillating Condensate 34 4.1.2 Localized density profile 36 4.2 Long-range interacting BEC: superfluid Phase 38 4.2.1 Ground state density profile 38 4.2.2 Localized density profile 39 4.3 Long-range interacting BEC: supersolid Phase 40 4.3.1 Ground state density profile 40 4.3.2 Localized density profile 41 Chapter 5. Conclusions and future directions 5.1 Conclusions 43 5.2 Future directions 43 References 44 Appendix A: Derivation for a BEC with zero-range interaction 52 Appendix B: Healing length of the long-range interacting system 60 Appendix C: Scaling theory for long-range interacting 63 Appendix D: Determination of critical range of lc 69 Appendix E. Derivation of Gaussian localized density profile 72

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