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研究生: 周福隆
Chew, Hock Leong
論文名稱: 男子排球賽攔防表現對反擊效益與賽事影響之研究
A Study on the Effect of Block-defense Performance on Counter-attack Efficacy and Match Result in Men's Volleyball
指導教授: 張恩崇
Chang, En-Chung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動競技學系
Department of Athletic Performance
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 攔網防守表現分析比賽分析
英文關鍵詞: blocking, defense, match analysis, performance analysis
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900859
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:87下載:18
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  • 隨著排球運動從休閒體育活動,演變成高水平競技運動,其在技戰術的發展也經歷多番變革。隨著快攻戰術、立體戰術廣泛被採用,以及攻擊力量的提高,後排防守的難度越來越大,造成後排防守更仰賴前排攔網所扮演的角色。本研究通過對2017年國際排球協會男子排球世界大冠軍盃6隊共15場共計59局的比賽,每一球的攔網和防守及其反擊效果的紀錄,以皮爾森卡方獨立性檢定分析各隊和每局勝負隊伍之間,每一攻守回合的攔網結果、攔防效果以及攔網在下一回合之接續效果。研究結果顯示六支隊伍與四種攔網結果關聯性達顯著,X^2(15) = 40.435, p<.05,也與攔防效果達顯著關聯,X^2(55) = 107.838, p<.05,但與攔網接續效果關聯性未達顯著,X^2(55) = 58.147, p=.36。成績較好的BRA與ITA隊在攔回得分上高度相關,成績最差的JPN隊卻與沒攔網且對方得分、沒擊球且對方得分上達正關聯且與攔回得分上達負關聯。另外,研究也顯示攔防效果與有無Deuce賽局之勝負隊伍關聯性達顯著,X^2(33) = 128.369, p<.05。無Deuce賽局之勝隊與攔回得分達高度正關聯 (r(adj) = 4.9),在無擊球時對手得分達高度負關聯 (r(adj) = –5.3),顯示攔網得分以及防守是造成隊伍差距重要的技術,以及競爭劇烈的Deuce賽局隊伍的攔網表現差距則在於勝隊有較少的攔起後對方得分。攔網接續效果的分析也顯示有無Deuce賽局勝負隊伍關聯性達顯著,X^2(33) = 58.547, p<.05。無Deuce賽局勝隊攔起後下一回合裡對方得分之比例少。本研究顯示攔防對球隊勝負的影響之多面性:除了透過直接攔回得分,勝方在攔網無擊球以及沒攔網時,透過防守阻止對方得分。

    Volleyball has evolved from a recreational sport to one of the most popular competitive sport. The rythm of offense tactics and speed of attack has increased over the year and this has reinforced the importance of blocking in block-defense for counter-attack. This study has collected blocking data from all 15 matches, 59 sets of 2017 FIVB Volleyball Men’s World Grand Champion Cup. Effect of block were categorized to three levels: 4 block results, 12 block-defense effect and 12 upcoming effects to investigate the blocking performance of each teams and set winner with Pearson test of Independence. Results showed that 6 teams were significantly associated with 4 type of block results and 12 types of block-defense effects, X^2(15) = 40.435, p<.05 and X^2(55) = 107.838, p<.05, respectively; however, correlation with 12 upcoming effects is not significant, X^2(55) = 58.147, p=.36. BRA and ITA were positively associated with score after recycle block, while JPN was positively associated with opponent score after no block and block attempt and negatively associated with score after recycle block. Besides, the study has showed that set winner and loser were significantly associated with their block-denfense effect, X^2(33) = 128.369, p<.05, depending on whether it was a deuced set. Winners of no deuce set were positively associated with score after recycle block (r(adj) = 4.9), negatively associated with opponent score in block attempt (r(adj) = –5.3). This showed that block score and defense were important factors differentiating teams' performance and preventing opponent score after rebound block was a critical factor for a deuced set. The analysis on the upcoming effect also showed that they were significantly associated with set winner, X^2(33) = 58.547, p<.05. No deuced set winner has less scored by opponent after rebound block and losers of deuced set were negatively correlated to score after they have performed a rebound block in previous rally. This study demonstrated that the skill of block contributed to team's performance from not only directly score, but through defense and block attempt to prevent opponent's from scoring.

    中文摘要 i 英文摘要 ii 謝誌 iii 目次 iv 表次 vi 圖次 vii 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 前言 1 第二節 研究動機與背景 2 第三節 研究目的 5 第四節 研究問題 5 第五節 研究限制與範疇 6 第六節 研究價值與重要性 7 第六節 操作性名詞定義 8 第貳章 文獻探討 13 第一節 表現分析與排球的得分效益 13 第二節 排球攔網的技戰術 18 第參章 研究方法 23 第一節 研究對象 23 第二節 研究工具 24 第三節 研究步驟與流程 24 第四節 信度檢驗 25 第五節 影片觀察記錄之內容 26 第八節 資料處理與分析 29 第肆章 結果 30 第一節 信度檢驗 30 第二節 各隊伍攔網表現數據統計 31 第三節 每局勝負隊伍攔網表現數據統計 34 第四節 攔網人數、傳球種類與攔網結果之關聯性 39 第伍章 討論 41 第一節 各隊伍攔網表現分析與比較 41 第二節 每局勝負隊伍表現分析與比較 43 第三節 攔網人數、傳球種類與攔網結果之關聯性 45 第陸章 結論 47 第一節 各隊伍攔防表現與反擊效益 47 第二節 勝負方攔防表現比較 47 第三節 各攔網結果之比較 47 第四節 攔網人數、傳球種類與攔網結果之關聯性 47 第柒章 建議 49 第一節 研究結果的實務價值與應用 49 第二節 研究限制與方法之修正 49 第三節 未來研究方向 49 參考文獻 51 附錄一:紀錄表 56 附錄二:比賽數據統計 57

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