簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李效珍
Lee, Hyo-Jin
論文名稱: 台灣與韓國移民及外籍勞工政策比較
A Comparison on Immigrantion Policy between Taiwan and Korea
指導教授: 楊聰榮
Yang, Tsung-Rong
Chiang, Bo-Wei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 東亞學系
Department of East Asian Studies
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 181
中文關鍵詞: 移民政策華僑新住民外籍配偶台灣與韓國比較
英文關鍵詞: Immigration policy, Overseas Chinese, New immigrant, Foreign spouse, Comparison of Taiwan and Korea
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:184下載:23
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  • 本研究之目的為從多元面向了解韓國與台灣的移民及外籍勞工政策,主要是透過法規及相關措施來關注外來人口的政策與困境,並討論兩國移民發展的現況。本論文的架構包括臺灣與韓國兩地的移民的歷史、政策變遷、現行移民政策及移民現況,兼及於外籍勞工相關移居政策。本研究討論的範圍包含簽證、勞工保險、居住、語言的困境、職業傷害、婚姻暴力等問題,著重在法律相關的規定與具體的作法。論文中也將提到,新移民者目前在兩國所面臨的問題,並且提出如何改進現況的方法。.


    The aim of this study is to investigate the history of immigrants to Korea. By understanding the policies and obstacles of foreign laborers, the author presents the present situation of immigrants in Korea in comparison to immigration policies and context in Taiwan, and explains challenges foreigners face in Korea. It is hoped that the study can provide a reference for expectant immigrants to Korea in order to increase their living standards and quality of life. The structure of the study includes: the development of immigrant policies in Taiwan, the trend of immigrants in Taiwan, the present policy of immigrants in Taiwan, the development of immigrant policies in Korea, the trend of immigrants in Korea, the present policy of immigrants in Korea, and a comparison of immigrant policies in Taiwan and Korea. It is argued that the most urgent problems for immigrants in Korea are from policies for immigrants, including visas, labor insurance, livings, language obstacles, work injuries, and violence in marriages. Some proposed solutions are changes of policies, the establishment of and help from non-governmental organizations, and simplification of visa applications. Social changes in Taiwan and Korea are pretty similar. But policies toward new residents or foreigners, immigrant laws and social welfare in Taiwan are much more open than in Korea. The policies toward immigrants in Taiwan are multifaceted, but the policy toward immigrants in Korea is assimilation. Sometimes, in order to protect the lifestyles of our fellow countrymen, we easily fall short of caring about the lives of new residents. Taiwan is composed of Taiwanese aboriginals, Chinese, Japanese, and Europeans. The international movement of people arises from human need. The author proposes that multifaceted policies could be more powerful and attractive. Policies of the government should be formed in accordance with the opinions of the majority of citizens, but we should still remember rights of smaller groups. We should remember past events in order not to repeat the mistakes of history.

    通過簽名表致謝 i Abstract v 目錄 vi 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與研究目的 2 第二節 研究範圍與研究限制 5 第三節 研究範圍專門用語說明 10 第四節 研究方法 14 第二章 韓國與台灣移民歷史與移民法律制定 15 第一節 韓國移民歷史 16 第二節 台灣移民歷史 24 第三節 韓國的新住民法律制定背景 29 第四節 台灣的新住民法律制定背景 35 第三章 新住民法規的比較 43 第一節 韓國的新住民移民法 ....................................44 第二節 台灣的新住民移民法.....................................53 第二節 新住民法規的比較 ......................................83 第四章 韓國新住民移民的現況.......................................88 第一節 新住民及新移民的類型 89 第二節 在韓國適應問題 98 第三節 在韓國生活需求與福利資源運用情形 101 第五章 台灣新住民的現況 103 第一節 新住民的類型 104 第二節 在台適應問題 106 第三節 在台生活需求與福利資源運用情形 113 第六章 結論 125 參考資料 127 附錄一:中華民國入出國及移民法………………………………………………133 附錄二:韓國出入境管理法………………………………………………………146 附錄三:問卷………………………………………………………………………181


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