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研究生: 黃麗靜
Huang, Li-Ching
論文名稱: 企業社會責任產學合作平台之營運計劃書規畫與研究-以臺師大社會企業之設置為例
Corporate Social Responsibility Cooperation Platform for Business Plan Planning and Research-The Case Study for NTNU Social Enterprise Start Up
指導教授: 周德瑋
Chou, De-Wai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)治理Top-Down高等教育學用落差知識經濟推力與拉力產學合作供需平台社會企業核心價值營運計畫書
英文關鍵詞: corporate social responsibility (CSR), governance, top-down, higher education, the gap in academic use, knowledge economy, push & pull, industry-academia cooperation, supply and demand platforms, social enterprise, core value, business plan
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.EMBA.036.2018.F08
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:218下載:0
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  • 「企業社會責任」(Corporate Social Responsibility, 簡稱CSR))是近年來國際間積極倡議的趨勢議題。 隨著全球化日益深化,企業對當地國的經濟、環境、治理、人權、勞工等議題產生不少負面的影響,我們所生活的地球,也正因人類對資源過度開發與濫用,造成環境異相的反撲與浩劫加深,若人類不再省思或改善,人類將陷於作繭自縛而無法永續的境界。 然對環境保護與社會反思的力量,雖各國政府均積極倡議呼籲,但若無一股「Top-Down」由上而下的推力是難能立竿見影而影響社會,遂近年在臺灣政府與倡議人士積極推動下,首先對資本市場上市櫃公司逐步建置相關「企業社會責任(CSR)」之規範與機制,積極要求企業在追求財務面的營收成長與股東最大利益的同時,也要能關注並善盡對非財務面環境保護與社會關懷的企業責任,希望透過資本市場經濟影響力來推動臺灣的企業社會責任規劃。 政府此政策立意良善且易懂,然而,有關「企業社會責任」相關活動議題是深且廣,不同產業又有不同的執行或解決模式,對企業而言,困擾著如何以完備的人力、能力、智力、財力、推力、拉力、動力…下才能盡善,故企業也在尋求借力使力的方式去符合政府規範與善盡企業社會責任。
    另本人因在校園中看到臺灣高等教育(簡稱高教)在政府政策鼓勵下積極尋求轉型的利基,高教具有培育、研發與服務之本質功能,對在校生養成教育除專業學科外,期能多具有其它多元實務之軟實力以提高競爭力、降低學用落差而符合企業所需,也因本人所處上市公司面臨「企業社會責任(CSR)」策略推展之瓶頸,故在上列兩個不同組織卻有相同政府重要政策推展問題中發現了知識經濟市場上的供給與需求,於是著手規畫設立一個可發揮高教資源效益的互利共贏Win-Win雙贏商業模式。 透過臺師大_CSR產學合作平台之雙向交流機制,不僅可連結大學跨學系間的資源整合、合作與累積師生產業實務經驗外,也可為上市櫃公司提供「企業社會責任(CSR)」經濟、環保、社會三大構面議題之客製化多元問題與價值綜效之解決方案,於是在周德瑋教授指導與協助下,本人邀請並集結一群對社會價值與社會服務有共同理念的臺師大師生們,計畫擬提供一個一站式(One-Stop Service)具推力與拉力之CSR產學合作供需平台,以滿足企業CSR各項需求之解決方案為目的服務之新創公司,且未來產品/服務因是透過此商業模式來解決目前學校與企業之社會或環境或社會責任問題為核心價值,故擬以兼具公益、創新與獲利的「社會企業」組織型態設立新創公司,透過新使命、新策略、新技術、新操作與工具等進行社會價值創新,並以營運計畫書模式展開進行一連串文獻、資料之蒐集分析與執行評估,作為本次臺師大社會企業設置之可行性研究。

    "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR) is a trend topic that has been actively advocated by international organizations in recent years. With the deepening of globalization, businesses have had a number of negative impacts on the economic, environmental, governance, human rights, and labor issues of the local countries. The earth we live in is also out of phase due to the excessive exploitation and abuse of resources by humans, causing the counterattacks and catastrophes of environmental anomalies. If humanity no longer thinks or improves, humanity will be trapped in a state of self-restraint and unsustainable. Although the forces of environmental protection and social reflection have actively advocated and appealed by all governments, if there is no “Top-Down” thrust, it is difficult to immediately influence the society. In recent years, the Taiwan government and the proponents actively promoted it. First of all, the listed companies in the capital market will gradually establish the relevant “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)” norms and mechanisms, and actively require companies to pursue and do their best in the pursuit of financial revenue growth and shareholders’ best interests. Corporate responsibility for non-financial environmental protection and social care hopes to promote Taiwan's corporate social responsibility planning through the economic impact of the capital market. The government’s policy is well-informed and easy to understand. However, related issues related to “corporate social responsibility” are deep and broad. Different industries have different modes of implementation or resolution. For enterprises, it is plagued with how to use complete manpower, ability, intelligence, financial resources, thrust, pull, and motivation can only be done well. Therefore, companies are also seeking ways to use leveraging force to meet government regulations and fulfill corporate social responsibilities.
    In addition, I saw that Taiwanese higher education actively seeks a niche for transformation under the encouragement of government policies on campus. Higher education has the essential function of nurturing, research and development, and services. In addition to professional disciplines, students in school education have many other practical issues. The company's soft power is in line with the needs of the company to improve its competitiveness and reduce the gap in its academic use. Because the listed company is facing the bottleneck of the "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)" strategy, it is the same in the two different organizations listed above. In the issue of important government policies, the supply and demand in the knowledge-based economy market have been discovered. Therefore, it is planned to establish a win-win business model that can make use of the effectiveness of higher education resources. Through the two-way exchange mechanism of the National Taiwan Normal University _CSR industry-university cooperation platform, it can not only link resource integration, cooperation and accumulative division practice in the university interdisciplinary system, but also provide “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for listed companies. " The solution to the multiple problems and value synergy of the three major issues of the economy, the environment, and the society, therefore, under the guidance and assistance of Professor De-Wai Chou, I invited and assembled a group of master teachers and students who share a common belief in social values and social services and plan to provide one. One-Stop Service is a start-up company with push and pull CSR industry-academia cooperation supply and demand platform. It is a start-up company that serves for the solution of various needs of corporate CSR, and the future product/service is based on this business model. Solve the current social and environmental or social responsibility issues of schools and companies as the core values. It is proposed to establish start-up companies in the form of “social enterprise” organizations, and to conduct a series of literature and data collection analysis and implementation evaluation with the business plan model , as a feasibility study of the establishment of a social enterprise in the National Taiwan Normal University.

    中文摘要 II ABSTRACT IV 誌謝 VI 目錄 VII 表目錄 X 圖目錄 XI 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究動機 3 1.3 研究目的 4 1.4 研究流程 4 第二章 文獻探討 7 2.1 高教轉型與社會責任 7 2.2 高教產學合作模式與挑戰 8 2.3 臺灣企業社會責任之發展 10 2.4 臺灣永續報告現狀與趨勢 14 2.5 社會企業 30 第三章 研究方法 31 3.1 撰寫創業營運計劃書流程圖 31 3.2 創業營運計劃書章節架構 32 第四章 營運計劃書_以「臺師大社會企業」設置為例 34 4.1 願景、使命、目標、目的與核心價值 34 4.2 公司簡介 35 4.2.1 公司背景 35 4.2.2 經營團隊 35 4.2.3 組織架構 35 4.2.4 商業模式 38 三贏模式_社會公益-對機構活動部份 38 4.2.5 營運計劃 39 運作規劃 39 公司設址 41 公司籌資 41 4.3 產品與服務內容 41 4.4 市場與競爭分析 43 4.4.1 市場現況與市場規模 43 4.4.2 目標市場與客戶 46 4.4.3 競爭者與競爭策略分析 47 SWOT 分析 47 競爭者核心差異化分析 50 波特五力分析 51 4.5 行銷策略 55 4.5.1 行銷計劃 55 4.5.2 社會企業產品之價值行銷 56 4.5.3 藍海策略 57 4.6 財務預測 58 4.6.1 營收模式 58 4.6.2 人員薪資費用 59 4.6.3 行政、事務費用 61 4.6.4 硬體設備費用 62 4.6.5 五年損益預估 63 第五章 結論 68 5.1 投資效益 68 5.2 潛在風險 70 5.3 研究限制 71 5.4 結論 71 參考文獻 74

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