研究生: |
熊乃儀 Hsiung, Nai-I |
論文名稱: |
大專甲組運動員希望感對自我設限之預測: 害怕失敗的中介效果 The Prediction of Hope to Self-handicapping among College Athletes: the Mediation Effects of Fear of Failure |
指導教授: |
Chi, Li-Kang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 77 |
中文關鍵詞: | 目標導向思考 、目標設定 、害怕受重要他人批評。 |
英文關鍵詞: | goal-orientation thinking, goal setting, fear of being criticized by the significant other. |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204197 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:341 下載:0 |
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目的:本研究主要想瞭解希望感、害怕失敗與自我設限,此三者變 項之間的相關情形,並檢視害怕失敗在希望感與自我設限之間的中介 效果。方法:本研究參與者為國內大專甲組運動員,共 292 名 (男= 166,女=129) 平均年齡為 20.73 歲。本研究採用問卷調查法,經受試 者同意後,請運動員填寫運動希望感量表、害怕失敗量表和運動自我 設限量表。結果:以徑路分析檢驗害怕失敗在希望感與自我設限之中 介效果,結果顯示希望感能負向預測害怕失敗與自我設限;害怕失敗 則正向預測自我設限;希望感可以透過害怕失敗預測自我設限。在三 個主要變項的構念之徑路分析結果中,發現害怕失敗的「害怕面對羞 辱與困境」為希望感的「路徑思考」與自我設限的「尋求辯解」以及 「降低努力」的中介機轉;害怕失敗的「害怕自我評價降低」為希望 感的「路徑思考」和自我設限的「降低努力」的中介機轉;希望感的 「動力思考」則不需要透過中介變項即可直接影響自我設限的「尋求 辯解」與「降低努力」結論:希望感能夠幫助運動員降低害怕失敗的 傾向,進而減少運動員自我設限之行為。
Purpose: the paper aims at understanding the relevancies between the three variations, that is, the sense of hope, the fear of failure, and self-handicapping, and surveying the mediation effects of the fear of failure on the sense of hope and self- handicapping. Methodology: the participants of the paper were with a total of 292 college athletes (male for 188; female for 129) of Type A. The average age is 20.73 years-old. The paper adopts questionnaire. With their permission, the testes were invited to do the scale of the sense of hope, the scale of fear of failure, and the scale of self- handicapping. Results: the path analysis was used to examine the mediation effect of the fear of failure upon the sense of hope and self- handicapping. The results indicate that the sense of hope can negatively predict the fear of failure and self- handicapping; fear of failure can, instead, positively predict self- handicapping; and the sense of hope can predict self- handicapping through fear of failure. From the results from the path analysis of the construct of the three major mediations, the paper discovers that the “fear to face shame and predicament” in the fear of failure serves as the mediation mechanism for the “path thinking” of sense of hope and the “seeking for explanation” of self- handicapping as well as the “reduction of efforts.” The “fear of decreasing of self-evaluation” in fear of failure is the mediation mechanism of “path thinking of sense of hope and the “reduction of efforts” of self- handicapping. The “agency thinking” of the sense of hope can directly bring its impact on the “seeking for explanation” and the “reduction of efforts” of self- handicapping without appealing to mediation variations. Conclusion: the sense of hope can help athletes reduce the tendency of the fear of failure and further reduce their self-handicapping.
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