簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 江慧娟
Hui-Chuan Chiang
論文名稱: 2008年奧運中華女子壘球運動員訓練歷程之研究
The study of the training process of Chinese taipei women's softball team of 2008 Olympics
指導教授: 林德隆
Lin, Der-Lung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動競技學系
Department of Athletic Performance
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 優秀運動員壘球參與觀察北京奧運
英文關鍵詞: outstanding athlete, softball, participant observation, 2008 Olympics
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:369下載:39
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  • 摘要本研究旨在探討我國優秀女子壘球運動員的訓練歷程,其研究目的為:一、 了解我國參加 2008 年奧運壘球選手投入壘球運動的動機。 二、 了解我國參加 2008 年奧運壘球選手面對各種練習及比賽的心態與看     法。三、 探討我國參加 2008 年奧運壘球選手團隊的成功模式。 四、 探究我國參加 2008 年奧運壘球選手訓練歷程所面臨之問題及尋求解決     的方法。   本研究的調查對象為我國曾經參加過2004年雅典奧運國手、且為現任2008年女子奧運壘球選手共計八人,以質化的研究,透過參與觀察及深度訪談方式對受訪者做資料蒐集,蒐集到的第一手資料,以客觀正確的態度加以彙整和分析後獲得下列結論:一、喜愛運動的內在動機是選手投入壘球運動的最大影響因子,而壘球運動為選手帶來的好處包括升學、獎金和成就感,即使投入訓練的誘因各有不同,教練的賞識是選手認真投入訓練的最大動力。二、選手主要以自我談話、集中注意力和意象訓練的混合式心理技巧用以提高    自我效能面對長期的訓練與比賽。三、2008年奧運黃金計畫在左營集訓的成效獲得肯定,除了團隊生活培養出的    絕佳默契,運動科學的情報搜集和以賽代訓的模式,讓選手得以一面自我    提升,一面掌握比賽對手的狀況。四、長達兩年半的集訓期間內,選手需要面對技術和心理上的低潮,技術性的    問題可透過教練指導和過去的比賽影片獲得改善,心理低潮則需要良好的    團隊溝通和家人的支持,而政府能提供退休機制保障選手的福利是選手最    大的期盼,也是選手可以毫無後顧之憂投入訓練與比賽的最佳後盾。

    Abstract    This research is to study the training process of outstanding women’s softball players of Chinese Taipei. The main purposes of this paper were:1.To understand the motivation of 2008 Olympics Softball   players of Chinese Taipei to join softball activities. 2.To understand the attitudes and opinions of 2008 Olympics   Softball players of Chinese Taipei when they faced   various training and competitions.3.To discuss the success model of 2008 Olympics Softball   team of Chinese Taipei.4.To discuss the difficulties and solutions of the training   process encountered by 2008 Olympics Softball players of   Chinese Taipei.     This research included a survey from 8 respondents who     were both 2004 and 2008 Olympics softball players of     Chinese Taipei. By using qualitative method through     participant observation and written format to collect     the first hand data, then analysis the information     objectively and correctly, the research concluded the     following:1.The internal motivation of loving sports is the most   important effect for the athlete to join softball   activities. The benefits of softball to the athlete   include applying for schools, awards and personal   achievements. Although the reason to join softball   activities varies, the acknowledgement from the coach has   the greatest impact to motivate the athlete.2.In order to continue improving the personal performance   during long term training and competitions, the athlete   tended to use mixed mode of psychological techniques   include self conversation, concentration and image    training.3.The feedback of 2008 Olympic Golden Plan in Zuoying is   positive. Besides the great team building through the two   and half years living together in Zuoying as a team, the   information collected by the sport science team has   assisted the athlete to understand more about   competitors’ status. Furthermore, the informal matches   with other nations assisted the athlete to gain the   experiences other than the skills gained from the   everyday training.4.For the two and half year’s long term training, the   athlete had to face both technical and psychological low   tide. Technical issues could be solved by the instruction   from the coach or reviewing the video record of previous   games. The psychological issues required the good team   communication and family support. However, a completed   superannuation scheme provided by the government will   encourage the athlete to join the training and   competitions without worries.

    論文審定書 ............................................ I 授權書  ...............................................II 謝誌..................................................III 中文摘要...............................................IV 英文摘要...............................................VI 目次..................................................VIII 表目錄..................................................X 圖目錄..................................................XI 第壹章   緒論............................................1 第一節   壘球運動簡史.....................................1 第二節   研究動機.........................................9 第三節   研究目的.........................................10 第四節   研究範圍與限制....................................11 第五節   名詞操作性定義....................................11 第貳章   文獻探討.........................................14 第一節   運動訓練的概念....................................14 第二節   運動員發展階段的訓練歷程...........................17 第三節   探討優秀運動員訓練歷程之相關文獻....................23 第四節   質性研究方法概述..................................29 第五節   文獻探討總結......................................32 第參章   研究方法與步驟....................................34 第一節   研究設計與架構....................................34 第二節   研究對象.........................................36 第三節   研究地點.........................................36 第四節   研究工具.........................................36 第五節   研究步驟.........................................36 第六節   資料整理與分析....................................41 第七節   研究結果撰寫方式..................................45 第肆章   研究結果與討論....................................46 第一節   選手基本的資料....................................46 第二節   選手參與動機......................................48 第三節   選手參與的現況....................................55 第四節   選手規劃的目標....................................57 第五節   選手觀感與建議....................................62 第伍章   結論與建議.......................................67 第一節   結論............................................67 第二節   建議............................................69 參考文獻 ................................................70 中文部份 ................................................70 英文部分 ................................................72

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