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研究生: 林羿志
Lin, Yi-Chih
論文名稱: 應用局部定位系統於三維訓練負荷之研究
The Study of the Local Positioning System to Measure Three-dimensional Training Load
指導教授: 相子元
Shiang, Tzyy-Yuang
口試委員: 許維君 翁梓林 劉強 何金山
口試日期: 2021/07/07
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 持拍運動訓練負荷運動強度局部定位系統慣性感測器
英文關鍵詞: racket sport, training load, intensity, local positioning system, IMU
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100873
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:108下載:24
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  • 局部定位系統 (Local positioning system, LPS) 已被廣泛用於追蹤選手的位移數據,量化身體活動量,以及比賽時的戰術評估。LPS可作為客觀獲取選手行為訊息的工具,像是量化團隊訓練時的外在負荷。目的:本研究目的應用局部定位系統 (LPS) 結合慣性感測器 (IMU) 的運動員追蹤系統,評估訓練的內在與外在負荷關係,觀察外在負荷預測內在負荷的解釋力,進而探討LPS結合 IMU 系統於室內場地量測外在負荷的應用性。方法:15名大專男子羽球校代表隊選手,左肩配戴Goalgo T1感測器 (LPS結合IMU),下背配戴Capture. U感測器,胸前配戴胸帶式心率感測器 (Polar H10) ,進行羽球單打與雙打模擬賽。LPS、IMU與心率同步收集資料,計算訓練衝量值 (TRMP) 及運動自覺強度 (RPE) 分數,並以加速度計算Player Load與三軸向負荷。結果:本研究結果顯示單打與雙打於負荷、強度、移動距離及速度達顯著性差異 (p <.05)。單雙打的的移動距離與Banister’s TRIMP達顯著高度相關 (r= .837, r= .854 , p <.05),逐步迴歸分析對單打的預測力為70% (R2= .700),對雙打的預測力為73% (R2=.730)。單打的移動距離與session-RPE達顯著高度相關 (r= .748, p <.05),雙打的逐步迴歸分析垂直負荷與速度對session-RPE的預測力為75% (R2= .748)。結論:LPS結合IMU追蹤選手在場上的水平移動情形與垂直負荷值,可作為預測羽球專項訓練過程的TRIMP,監控選手的活動情形及量化室內三維訓練負荷。

    Local positioning system (LPS) has been widely used to track the displacement data of players, quantify the amount of physical activity, and tactical evaluation during the game. LPS can be used as a tool to objectively obtain player behavior information, such as quantifying the external training load during team sports. Purpose: The purpose of this research was to apply the local positioning system (LPS) combined with the inertial sensor (IMU) to evaluate the relationship between internal and external training load, and observe the ability of external training load to predict internal training load. Method: Fifteen male college badminton team members wore a Goalgo T1 sensor (LPS combined with IMU) on their left shoulder, Capture. U sensors on their lower back and Polar H10 heart rate belt on their chest. Data was collected synchronously with LPS, IMU, and heart rate for badminton singles and doubles simulation games. Training impulse (TRMP), rating of perceived exertion scores (RPE), calculated Player Load and tri-axial load with acceleration were determined. Results: The results of this study showed that singles and doubles had significant differences in load, intensity, moving distance, and speed (p <.05). The moving distance of singles and doubles was significantly highly correlated with Banister's TRIMP (r= .837, r= .854, p <.05). The stepwise regression analysis had a predictive capacity of 70% for singles and 73% for doubles (R2= .700, R2=.730). The moving distance of singles was significantly highly correlated with session-RPE (r= .748, p <.05), in which the stepwise regression analysis of doubles vertical load and speed had 75% predictive capacity for session-RPE (R2= .748). Conclusion: LPS combined with IMU can be used to track players' horizontal movement and vertical training load on the court. It also can be used to predict TRIMP during specific training process of badminton, and to monitor the player's activity and quantify the indoor three-dimensional training load.

    第壹章 緒論1 第一節 前言1 第二節 問題背景3 第三節 研究目的4 第四節 研究假設4 第五節 研究範圍與限制4 第六節 名詞操作定義5 第七節 研究之重要性5 第貳章 文獻探討6 第一節 運動員追蹤系統6 第二節 訓練監控與負荷關係9 第三節 訓練負荷的評估方式12 第四節 文獻總結16 第參章 實驗方法17 第一節 研究對象17 第二節 實驗設備17 第三節 實驗流程20 第四節 資料收集與方析23 第五節 統計方法25 第肆章 結果26 第一節 單打與雙打差異26 第二節 IMU不同位置關係28 第三節 內在與外在負荷關係29 第四節 單雙打的訓練負荷與強度32 第五節 逐步迴歸分析TRIMP與外在負荷35 第伍章 討論39 第一節 內在與外在負荷關係39 第二節 專項特性的負荷與強度41 第三節 LPS結合IMU之應用43 第陸章 結論46 參考文獻47 附錄一 受試者基本資料表56 附錄二 單打的內在與外在負荷實驗結果57 附錄三 雙打的內在與外在負荷實驗結果58 附錄四 受試者實驗須知59 附錄五 受試者同意書60

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