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研究生: 賴映里
論文名稱: 流行音樂公司運用Facebook做為社會網路服務網站行銷之研究
A Study to Explore the Popular Music Company Using Facebook as Social Network Service Website for Marketing
指導教授: 王燕超
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖文傳播學系
Department of Graphic Arts and Communications
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 156
中文關鍵詞: 社會網路服務網路行銷
英文關鍵詞: Social network service, Network marketing
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:117下載:21
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  • 在Web 2.0的數位化時代,網際網路技術不斷地創新發展與迅速變遷,社會網路服務(SNS)的各項技術應用也越來越趨普及。由於社會網路服務的網站具有較豐富且多樣的功能與特性,遂成為現今人類最常運用在訊息傳遞與社會互動上的重要媒介。在Web 2.0尚未出現的時代,流行音樂產業產品宣傳的方式主要以實體通路與平面廣告宣傳為主;而Web 2.0出現後,開始運用網站、Facebook、YouTube等具社會網路服務性質的網站來建立其產品的知名度及曝光率,希冀藉由提供不同功能的社會網路服務網站,進行產品訊息的多元媒介傳播,以及與消費者建立零距離的互動和溝通。

    In the digital era of Web 2.0, the innovation and development of internet technology was changed very fast. And Social network service (SNS) of the technology became more and more popular, therefore, because of the web sites had many abundant functions and characteristics, it would become the important media of people for using exchanging the message and social interaction. In the past, the popular music industry used the physical channels and advertising to their product promotion. Now, they had begun to use websites, Facebook, YouTube and other social network service websites to create their awareness and exposure of products. They hoped that they could by the different types of social network service websites for more product information and multi-media communications, and decreased the distance of interaction with fans.
    Interactive communication relationship between people is the mutual transfer and sharing of the message or emotion. In this study, the use of interpersonal interaction and communication related concepts in depth explore about the domestic singer how to use the characteristics of Social network service sites, aggregation crowd and to establish the stickiness of adhesion between closely with fans, and to enhance the relationship of the close interaction between the singers and fans, through this phenomenon and to understand how to maintain the relationship between the singer and fans. In addition to seeking more social support, whether also achieve additional value, and speculated that such a link the way they have the possibility of more development or evolution.
    By in-depth interviews, we can learn more and more about the different situations of the music company in operating social network service sites from the scholars and popular music staffs through in-depth interviews, and using Facebook Pages to interact with fans, and know about what are the different effects in the singer how will through these situations affect the stickiness of adhesion between the individual and the fans to get more support or encourage, even the impact on.
    The sites of social network services are in the mature stage of development, and less to discuss the title of popular music industry using social network service sites to market with the academic literature in Taiwan. So, this study hope to discuss a new issue of research and provide the research results to the popular music industry and academia.
    Finally, this study wish social network services may have more development opportunities and value in this era of rapidly changing technology.

    謝誌.................................................................................................................................i 中文摘要........................................................................................................................ii 英文摘要.......................................................................................................................iii 目錄................................................................................................................................v 圖目錄..........................................................................................................................vii 表目錄.........................................................................................................................viii 第一章 緒論..............................................................................................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機......................................................................................1 第二節 研究目的與問題......................................................................................3 第三節 研究流程..................................................................................................4 第四節 研究範圍與限制......................................................................................5 第五節 名詞解釋..................................................................................................6 第二章 文獻探討.....................................................................................................7 第一節 社會網路服務的概念與發展..................................................................7 第二節 網路行銷................................................................................................27 第三節 國內流行音樂運用社會網路服務之發展情形....................................43 第三章 研究設計與實施.....................................................................................47 第一節 研究架構................................................................................................48 第二節 研究方法................................................................................................49 第三節 研究對象................................................................................................51 第四節 研究工具................................................................................................53 第五節 研究實施................................................................................................56 第六節 資料處理與分析....................................................................................58 第四章 研究發現與討論.....................................................................................65 第一節 研究發現................................................................................................65 第二節 研究討論..............................................................................................130 第五章 結論與建議..........................................................................................141 參考文獻..................................................................................................................145 附件一:訪談大綱....................................................................................................153

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