簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 楊盛錩
Yang ,Sheng-Chang
論文名稱: 符籙美學-符籙的符號、象徵與圖像之創作
Aesthetics of Taoism- Creation of Signs, Symbols and Icons-
指導教授: 曾肅良
Tseng, Su-Liang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 符籙神靈圖像符號水墨美學
英文關鍵詞: Fu- Lu, spirits, icons, symbols, Chinese Ink Paintings, aesthetics
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:247下載:77
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  • 「符籙」,是中國特有的一種巫術文化,具有神聖的象徵意涵與心靈圖像;更蘊含著不可解說的玄學意義,經由道士長期施用與道家的論述,已經形成一系列的符碼系統,這一系統,以信仰為基礎,被運用來治病、祈福、鎮災、解煞、求財等,是一龐大而又神秘的道家符碼系統,這個符碼系統,以書寫與圖像為主,孕藏強烈的道家思想,具有神秘、不可解、未知與玄學的情境。

    Fu-Lu, one of the Chinese culture specific witchcrafts, not only symbolizes the sacredness as well as holy spirits but also implies the indescribable Metaphysics.
    Over thousands of years being widely used by Taoist priests, Fu-Lu has had become a system of symbolic conventions. As the fundamental ground of the Fu-Lu system is the religious faith, it is believed that Fu-Lu can be used to cure the illnesses, to pray for good fortunes as well as wealth, to tranquilize disasters, and to dissolve malignant deities. Therefore, Fu-Lu is apparently a multifarious and mysterious symbolic convention system of Taoism. This symbolic convention system is mainly expressed through the calligraphy and the icon, implying strong beliefs of Taoism and carrying mysterious, unexplored, unknown and Metaphysical significations.
    Through investigating the icons and symbols of Fu-Lu, this paper explores the multifaceted aspects of the compositions of the Chinese Ink Paintings. Based on a series of artistic theories, I emphasize the notions, the conception, the styles and the techniques of creations of the Chinese Ink Paintings. Moreover, I reflect upon our own Taiwanese indigenous culture and its compatibility with the ideological trend worldwide on the basis of the three notions of Fu-Lu—the Sacredness of the Calligraphy, the Symbolism of the Icons, and the Psychic Telesthesia of the ritual of Fu-Lu. This paper attempts to reconstruct the new convention of messages from the descending Taiwanese indigenous culture. Furthermore, I make an effort to apply various media from the ink painting, water color painting, glue painting, to crayon painting as experimental techniques of expressions in order to develop a series of pleasurable, readable and absorbing creations of the Fu-Lu aesthetics.

    第一章 緒論 ---------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機---------------------------------------- 1 第二節 研究目的---------------------------------------- 3 第三節 研究方法-------------------------------------- 5 第四節 名詞解釋 ------------------------------------ 7 第五節 研究內容------------------------------------- 10 第二章 符籙的源起、演化與功能 --------------------- 11 第一節 符籙的源起與演化 ------------------------------- 11 第二節 符籙的形式與類型 ------------------------------- 14 第三節 符籙的製作與施用---------------------------------- 23 第四節 符號象徵與圖像意涵 --------------------------- 33 第三章 符籙美學創作理論與實踐 ---------------------- 40 第一節 觀念--------------------------------------------- 40 第二節 意境-玄學氣氛的營造 ---------------------------- 43 第三節 形式與技法-----------------------------------------49 第四章 符籙美學作品詮釋 --------------------------------- 52 第一節 人間系列------------------------------------------ 53 第二節 神靈系列 ------------------------------------------65 第五章 結論 -------------------------------------------- 77 參考書目 ------------------------------------------------79

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