Author: |
戚羽絲 Qi, Yu-Si |
Thesis Title: |
臺灣社會設計之執行策略研究 A Study on the Implementation Strategies of Social Design in Taiwan |
Advisor: |
Liao, Wei-Ming |
Committee: |
Liao, Wei-Ming 蔡子瑋 Tsai, Tzu-Wei 曾鈺涓 Tseng, Yu-Chuang 黃文宗 Huang, Wen-Tsong 蘇文清 Su, Wen-Ching |
Approval Date: | 2024/07/05 |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2024 |
Academic Year: | 112 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 303 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 社會設計 、策略模式 、台灣 |
Keywords (in English): | Social design, Strategic model, Taiwan |
Research Methods: | 個案研究法 、 紮根理論法 、 深度訪談法 、 半結構式訪談法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 148 Downloads: 10 |
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As an emerging design thinking approach, social design has become a driving force for national and regional development. In the constantly evolving context of social design, it is essential not only to consider how to solve problems through design, but also to promote sustainable social development. Since 2012, the awareness of "social design" has started to grow in Taiwan. This study used qualitative research methods, including literature review, case studies, and expert interviews, to explore the definition of social design and trace the development of social design in Taiwan. Through the analysis of multiple cases with social design implications and interviewing relevant practitioners, this research aims to understand the unique features and challenges in different project execution.
This study proposed various social design implementation models and essential conditions suitable for Taiwan's development. It constructed a dynamic evaluation model for social design execution based on six key elements: Realization, Externality, Design, Continuous, Cultural, and Constrain, abbreviated as the RED3C model. This research found that successful social design projects must meet these six elements and must stand out in at least one of the element, creating a distinctive feature of the project. This distinctiveness allows the project to generate substantial social and economic benefits over the long term.
The study established the dimension of promoting the sustainable development of social design in Taiwan, and highlighted the research perspective that social design is socially and culturally unique. The study provides a valuable model of social design strategies that can be channeled into similar needs that may arise in the future development based on the corresponding characteristics.
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