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研究生: 賈浩妃
Chia Hao Fei
論文名稱: 祖父母協助托育孫子女的決定過程-運用家族治療中結構學派的分析
The Decision Process of Grandparents'Nurturing the Grandchildren - Using the Perspective of Structural Family Therapy
指導教授: 陳秉華
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 250
中文關鍵詞: 托育結構學派二代家庭互動
英文關鍵詞: nurture, structural family therapy, family interaction, two generations
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:117下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在瞭解在祖父母協助托育孫兒的決定過程中,二代之間的權力運作憑藉消長
    的情形,以及二代間界限聯盟的運作情 本研究的研究參與者共有六位,其中兩對分別是
    搜集 托育決定過程 的相關資料,再依結構學派的觀點分別分析三對研究參與者彼此權力
    界限 聯盟的關係. 研究結果發現如下:一 父系家族的優先權,長輩的權威以及男女分
    但第二代也並非完全被動的接受.二 家族內仍傾向形成與外人有別的互助團體,家族內
    有著較鬆散的界限,托育的決定不完全被視為新家庭單獨的責任,這也強化了義務的 觀
    無權不帶.三 育被視為家庭內的事,女人的事,相對於男人在托育決定的不主動,女性仍被
    期待是托育較為主要的負責人,然而第二代女性在使夫婦 方雙方共同參與托育決定上,
    較第一代更為積極的.四 女兒(媳婦)是更謹慎於文化規範下的父系優先的順序,往往文化
    的影響,更勝過個人期待由自己媽媽托育的意念.因此,若能再次和自己 媽媽建立合作的
    關係,彼此就有著鬆散的界限,與婆媳間清楚乃至僵硬的界限便很不相同.五 二代的互動上
    強化了彼此原有的關係.六 第二代的夫婦聯盟仍是家庭中穩固的次系統,原有的親子聯盟-
    -特別是母親和兒子--仍然維持,但並不絕對影響新家庭的運作.親子聯? 或夫婦聯盟不
    安感,特別在媳婦身上更是如此. 本研究針對研究結果加以討論,並提供未來相關研究

    The purpose of this study was to understand the power, boundary and allian
    cebetween grandparents and parents when they want to decide who's going to nur
    turethe new born baby. The participants were two pairs of mother in-law and
    daughter in-law,and onepair of mother and daughter.In-depth interview was ado
    pted to collect data, anddata was analyzed from the opinion of structural fami
    ly therapy.THE main findingswere as follows: 1.The paternal priority,elder
    authority and traditional sexual role made thefirst generation have more vanta
    ge,and mother in-law is the most powerful personto make the decision, however
    the second generation was not totally passive. 2.The family kindred tended
    to be a cooperative group,and in the kindred ,family members'boundaries were m
    ore diffuse.Parents weren't both responsible fornurturing the baby, and such a
    situation also strengthen grandmother's duty totake care of grandchildren,and
    she wouldn't say NO. 3.The responsibility to take care of the children(gra
    ndchildren)belonged towomen who were expected to have more responsibility for
    taking care of children.The woman of second generation was more active than th
    e first generation to letspouse make the decision together. 4.Daughter in-l
    aw pay more attention to the paternal priority belonging tothe culture.The eff
    ect of culture is more powerful then personal expectancy.Daughter in-law would
    think about mother in-law's opinion first.Thus, if motherand daughter could c
    ooperate again, the boundary between them would be morediffuse than that betwe
    en mother in-law and daughter in-law. 5.The interaction between two generat
    ions would be connected and maintainedby the closed family member,therefore,th
    e way of interaction would be continuedin the original way. 6.In the second
    generation,the spouse alliance was a stable subsystem.Theoriginal parental al
    liance,especial mother and son, would be kept,but it's notnecessary to influen
    ce the working of the second generation.If parental allianceor spouse alliance
    werwnot stable in their relationship,each member ,especiallydaughter in-law,w
    ould worry that her own alliance would be threatened by theother alliance.
    Base on the results,discussion and suggestion were presented.
