簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 黃佳君
Huang, Chia-Chun
論文名稱: 趨向精熟目標與趨向表現目標對提取引發遺忘現象的影響
The effects of mastery-approach goal and performance-approach goal on retrieval-induced forgetting
指導教授: 吳昭容
Wu, Chou-Jong
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 成就目標趨向精熟目標趨向表現目標提取引發遺忘
英文關鍵詞: achievement goals, mastery-approach goals, performance-approach goals, retrieval-induced forgetting
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203674
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:173下載:15
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  • 本研究探討趨向精熟與趨向表現目標對國中生提取引發遺忘之影響,亦即探討成就目標是如何影響個人重複提取練習部分記憶材料,而造成後續遺忘與該提取材料相關項目之現象。前導研究以86名國中生對於詩人王維與杜牧的了解,從華人七大基本性格所涵蓋的90個正面表述形容詞列表中挑選實驗材料,以確保實驗刺激材料能形成對詩人的鮮明、整體的印象,且非國中生原有的知識或記憶。正式研究採用提取引發遺忘之實驗派典,對262名七年級國中生進行實驗。以班級為單位將受試者分派到趨向精熟目標組或趨向表現目標組,在學校電腦教室進行實驗。實驗材料以E-prime 2.0的程式以隨機的順序在電腦上呈現,並以題本個別作答。刪除漏答數過高及操弄未成功的受試者,進入分析的人數為165人,趨向精熟目標組80人,趨向表現目標組85人。研究結果發現,採趨向精熟目標的國中生如預期地減少提取引發遺忘之抑制量,消除提取引發遺忘的現象;但採趨向表現目標的學生,卻與預期相反地,消除了提取引發遺忘的現象。本研究以操弄未成功的學生87人,確認本實驗材料是能有效引起提取引發遺忘之現象的;並比較有無提取引發遺忘現象的受試者之學業成就與自陳資料,在學業成就的表現並無差異,有提取引發遺忘現象的受試者其自評認真程度顯著地較低,但在記憶策略的使用上與理論矛盾。針對部分不符合假設的研究結果,筆者主張趨向表現目標也能使學生運用品質好的記憶策略,產生整合效果,消除提取引發遺忘之現象。筆者從實驗方法與邏輯的層次進行探討,提出影響本研究結果的可能因素,如資料分析、程序、材料、受試者、文化觀點、定義與研究方法,並提出具體建議。

    The present study examined how mastery-approach goal and performance-approach goal affected retrieval-induced forgetting. In a pilot study, 86 junior high school students selected materials from the Chinese Big Seven personality dimensions based on their knowledge about the poet Wang Wei and Du Mu. The purpose of the pilot study was to ensure that with the help of the materials the students could form distinctive overall impressions about the poets, and to check that the students were not familiar with these materials. In a formal study, we manipulated the achievement goals using task instructions followed by a typical retrieval-practice paradigm to assess retrieval-induced forgetting. We used group testing, and presented stimulus by E-prime 2.0. 261 junior high school students were randomly assigned to two groups according to their classes. One was the mastery-approach goal group, and the other one was the performance-approach goal group. We deleted the data of the participants who failed to pass the manipulation check or missed too many answers, and we analyzed the data of the rest of the participants. The remaining participants included 80 students in the mastery-approach goal group, and 85 students in the performance-approach goal group. As per our expectation, the results showed that retrieval-induced forgetting was not statistically significant in the mastery-approach goal group. However, contrary to our expectation, retrieval-induced forgetting was not statistically significant in the performance-approach goal group either. We further analyzed the data of 87 participants who had failed to pass the manipulation check to confirm that the materials could cause retrieval-induced forgetting. We compared the participants who eliminated retrieval-induced forgetting with the participants who did not eliminate it. We found that there was no difference in the academic achievement of the two groups of participants. We also observed that the participants who eliminated retrieval-induced forgetting showed higher degrees of task commitment, and that there was a contradiction between the phenomenon of their use of memory strategies and theoretical expectations. However, a part of the study results did not meet our assumptions. We proposed that the students who adopted performance-approach goal were able to use good-quality memory strategies, and they were able to eliminate retrieval-induced forgetting. From the perspective of experimental methods and logic levels, we discussed that many factors could affect the results, such as analytical methods, procedures, materials, subjects, cultural perspective, definition of performance-approach goals, and research methods. Based on these discussions we made concrete proposals.

    誌謝詞 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 v 目次 ix 表次 xi 圖次 xiii 緒論 1 一、成就目標理論 3 二、成就目標對學習的影響 5 三、趨向精熟目標與趨向表現目標之定義與操弄 7 四、提取引發遺忘之定義與操弄 9 五、提取引發遺忘之特性與成因 11 六、成就目標與提取引發遺忘 14 七、實驗材料、程序之改編 18 八、研究假設 18 前導實驗 19 一、方法 19 二、結果與討論 20 正式實驗 23 一、研究樣本 23 二、實驗材料 23 三、實驗工具 24 四、實驗程序 25 五、結果與討論 30 結論與建議 43 參考文獻 49 中文部分 49 西文部分 49 附錄 55 附錄一 前導實驗材料 55 附錄二 正式實驗提取練習材料 59 附錄三 正式實驗干擾作業 63 附錄四 正式實驗最終測驗材料 67 附錄五 正式實驗操弄檢核表 68 附錄六 受試者同意書 69

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