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研究生: 陳善慧
Chen Shan-Hui
論文名稱: 台北市公車司機工作壓力症狀、健康促進生活方式與吸菸、飲酒、嚼檳榔之相關研究
A Study of Bus Drivers in Taipei City Bus Administration:The Correlation among Working Stress Symptoms,Health Promoting Lifestyle,Smoking,Drinking and Betel Chewing Behaviors
指導教授: 李新鏘
Lee, Hsin-Chiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 工作壓力症狀-a健康促進生活方式吸菸行為飲酒行為嚼檳榔行為
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:395下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在探討台北市公車司機工作壓力症狀、健康促進生活方式與吸菸、飲酒、嚼檳榔行為的現況,並分析其影響因素。研究對象以台北市公共汽車管理處25個站的公車司機為母群體,並採分層集束抽樣法抽出11個站,計有效受訪問卷348份。研究資料藉自填問卷方式或對填答有困難者進行問卷訪談方式來蒐集。所得資料經由描述性統計、因素分析、Pearson積差相關、逐步迴歸分析等方法,進行分析與討論。研究結論歸納如下:壹、受測司機的工作壓力症狀中,以「生理不適」較高,其次是「焦慮反應」與「憤怒傾向」。貳、受測司機在其健康促進生活方式中,以「營養」行為較高,其次依序為「壓力處理」、「自我實現」、「人際支持」、「運動」等行為,而以「健康責任」行為較低。參、受測司機中51.1%目前有吸菸,59.8%目前有飲酒及19.8%目前有嚼檳榔。肆、受測司機的「工作壓力症狀」與「健康促進生活方式及其涵括的六項健康促進行為」呈負相關趨勢。且工作壓力症狀與「健康促進生活方式、自我實現行為、運動行為、健康責任行為及壓力處理行為」均達顯著負相關。而吸菸、飲酒、嚼檳榔三種行為彼此間互呈顯著正相關,顯示此三種行為彼此間有聚集情形。伍、影響公車司機工作壓力症狀的探討發現:「疾病數愈多」、「健康促進生活方式愈低」、「行車區域為南區」及「雙班制」的公車司機,其工作壓力症狀愈大。而健康促進生活方式中只有「自我實現」行為顯著影響其工作壓力症狀。自我實現行為愈低的公車司機,其工作壓力症狀愈大。陸、影響公車司機健康促進生活方式的探討發現:「健康知識來源種類愈多」、「工作壓力症狀愈小」、「年齡愈高」、「行車區域為非南區」及「教育程度愈高」的公車司機,其健康促進生活方式愈高。柒、影響公車司機吸菸、飲酒、嚼檳榔行為的探討發現:一、「駕駛公車年資愈低」的公車司機,其吸菸行為愈高。二、「年齡愈低」的公車司機,其飲酒行為愈高。三、「年齡愈低」、「健康知識來源種類愈少」及「教育程度愈低」的公車司機,其嚼檳榔行為愈高。根據以上結果,本研究建議台北市公車處可設立醫療衛生單位,以協助公車司機改善身心症狀與疾病;能讓駕駛員根據自己的身心健康狀況,選擇適合自己的班車型態;此外,於站上休息處,準備有關「公車司機常見疾病」及「心理衛生」的衛生教育錄影帶以供司機觀賞;並協助公車司機戒除菸、酒、檳榔行為,進而建立健康促進生活方式。至於在未來研究上,可採用世代追蹤研究,以了解工作壓力症狀、健康促進生活方式與吸菸、飲酒、嚼檳榔行為三者間因果及互動關係。

    The main purpose of this study was to explore the correlation among working stress symptoms, health promoting lifestyle, smoking, drinking and betelchewing behaviors of bus drivers in Taipei City Bus Administration.The stratified cluster sampling method was adopted in selecting the sample. The data was collocted by self-administration or interview with valid enrollment of 348 bus drivers. Descriptive statistics, factor analysis, pearson product-moment correlation and stepwise regression analysis were used to analyze the data.The main findings included : 1.Working stress symptoms scale was consisted of anxious response subscale, anger tendency subscale and physiological symptoms subscale. Bus drivers scored highest on the subscale of physiological symptoms and lowest on the anger tendency subscale. 2.Health promoting lifestyle scale was consisted of self-actualization subscale, health responsibility subscale, nutrition subscale, exercise subscale, stress management subscale and interpersonal support subscale. Bus drivers scored highest on the subscale of nutrition and lowest on the health responsibility subscale. 3.For valid samples, 51.1﹪of bus drivers were smoking, 59.8﹪of them were drinking and 19.8﹪of them were betel chewing. 4.The tendency of correlation coefficient between respodents' working stress symptoms and each health behavior in health promoting lifestyle was negative. There were siginificantly positive correlation among smoking, drinking and betel chewing behaviors.It showed the three kinds of smoking, drinking and betel chewing behaviors were clustered one another.5.The results from stepwise regression analysis showed that the more diseases one had and the lower score one had on the scale of health promoting lifestyle, the higher score one had on the scale of working stress symptoms.Bus drivers on south working area or having two kinds of working time had higher score on the scale of working stress symptoms. Furthermore, the lower score one had on the subscale of self-actualization in health promoting lifestyle, the higher score one had on the scale of working stress symptoms.6.The results from stepwise regression analysis showed that the more sources of health knowledge one had and the lower score one had on the scale of working stress symptoms, higher score one had on the scale of health promoting lifestyle. The older one was and the higher one's education was, higher score one had on the scale of health promoting lifestyle. Bus drivers not being on south working area had higher score on the scale of health promoting lifestyle. 7.The results from stepwise regression analysis showed as follows :(1)the fewer one's years of service were, the higher smoking behavior one had.(2)the younger one was, the higher drinking behavior one had.(3)the younger one was and the fewer sources of health knowledge one had, the higher betel chewing behavior one had. The lower one's education was, the higher betel chewing behavior one had.Base on the findings of this study, recommendations were as follows: Firstly, medical health institution should be setted up in Taipei city Bus Administration. Secondly, let bus drivers choose suitable working time, according to their physical and mental health status. Thirdly, offer health educational video tapes about diseases and mental health at bus station. Finallly, help bus drivers to give up smoking, drinking and betel chewing , and to set up health promoting lifestyle. For future study,we can realize the cause and effect among bus drivers' working stress symptoms, health promoting lifestyle, smoking, drinking and betel chewing behaviors by cohort study.
