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研究生: 潘爾瑪
Stéphane Pierre de Palmas
論文名稱: 綠島中光層珊瑚礁生態系是未來臺灣珊瑚礁潛在避難所嗎?
Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems (MCEs) of Ludao: Potential refuge for future Taiwanese coral reefs?
指導教授: 陳昭倫
Chen, Chao-Lun
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 249
英文關鍵詞: Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems, Scleractinian coral diversity, Molecular diversity, Deep Reef Refuge Hypothesis
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000367
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:143下載:0
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  • Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems (MCEs) are the continuation of the shallow water coral reefs into the twilight zone, at depth between 30 and 150m. These ecosystems are supporting a rich biodiversity into which light-dependent corals (Scleractinia Bourne, 1900) are among the dominant ecosystem engineers. Recent investigations on these ecosystems have shown that they support an exceptional biodiversity and often have high levels of endemism with numerous new species adapted to the low light environment. As MCEs are often located relatively farther away from the coastlines and deep below the sea surface, it has been suggested that they could face lower intensity and frequency of disturbances, providing temporary refuge for reefal organisms. MCEs could as well act as a source of propagules for shallow water communities, replenishing their populations following disturbances and thus facilitating the overall resilience of the ecosystem. In any case, the role that MCEs could play for future coral reefs is still debatable given the current extent of our knowledge about these ecosystems. In Taiwan for instance, there is very little information about the diversity in scleractinian corals below 30m in depth. Therefore, level of similarity between shallow and mesophotic biodiversity in scleractinian corals as well as the degree of genetic specialization with depth for these species are unknown. Lastly, the ability for mesophotic populations to serve as source of propagules has never been assessed, obscuring the role that MCEs could play for future Taiwanese coral reefs. The aim of this PhD project was to fill the gaps of knowledge about MCEs from Taiwan using Ludao (also called Green Island) as a reference. Investigation of the MCEs from Ludao, at depths between 38 and 60m, allowed the examination of low-gradient slopes associated with extended covers of sand and rubbles, which are known to limit the development of the MCEs. However, the presence of numerous small to large patches of hard substrates allows the development of a diverse scleractinian fauna. A minimum of 103 scleractinian species (plus two other reef-builders) were collected at mesophotic depths, including at least 12 new records for Taiwan. One scleractinian coral with large bathymetric distribution around the island (Pocillopora verrucosa Elis & Solander, 1786) was used as a model to investigate possible genetic specialization and population differentiation with depth, and to estimate levels of migration between shallow and deep zones. First, the use of molecular taxonomic markers on P. verrucosa collected from three locations at depth ranging from 7 to 45m excluded the presence of any genetic specialization related to depth. Then, the use of microsatellites markers to analyze the same specimens show little to no differentiation with depth, but rather a unique population pool with recent vertical (among depth) and horizontal (between sites) migration signals. These results suggest that P. verrucosa from Ludao is a panmictic population. Despite the relatively limitated MCEs development around Taiwan, these ecosystems around Ludao support a rich diversity in scleractinian corals species, and among all P. verrucosa harbors high levels of genetic diversity along its bathymetric distribution with vertical and horizontal migration. MCEs from Ludao could potentially act as a refuge and contribute to the replenishment of the shallow water populations following major disturbances, thus benefiting the ecosystem resilience. However, the role of potential refuge is demonstrated here for only one species and, despite potentially concerning species with similar life history traits at the same location, this role should now be investigated for other scleractinian species and other taxa in order to evaluate if future coral reefs of Taiwan could be functionally similar to their contemporary reefs. In conclusion, this study illustrates how the integration of molecular tools is of great importance to evaluate MCEs’ role for future coral reefs and further suggests MCEs around Taiwan should receive more attention and protection, especially in the context of rapid decline of the shallow water coral reefs.

    LIST OF FIGURES 1 LIST OF TABLES 2 LIST OF MANUSCRIPTS PUBLISHED OR IN PREPARATION 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 5 CHAPTER I / ARE MESOPHOTIC CORAL ECOSYSTEMS (MCES) POTENTIAL REFUGE AND/OR REFUGIA: THEORIES AND CONCEPTUAL RESEARCH FRAMEWORK 10 Abstract 11 Coral ecosystems at risks 12 Are Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems a safe heaven? 13 From communities to species-level perspectives 16 Conceptual framework for investigating ecological refuge or evolutionary refugia 17 Investigating refuge or refugia 22 CHAPTER II / STONY CORAL (SCLERACTINIA BOURNE, 1900) RICHNESS FROM THE UPPER MESOPHOTIC ZONE OF LUDAO, TAIWAN 25 Abstract 26 Introduction 27 Scleractinian coral fauna from tropical and subtropical shallow waters 27 Challenges in assessing coral biodiversity from the mesophotic zone 28 Taiwanese mesophotic scleractinian biodiversity 29 Material and methods 30 Location selection 30 Technical SCUBA diving and sites selection 32 Photography and specimen collection 32 Coral identification 33 Results 33 Habitats characteristics 33 Scleractinian species richness 34 Discussion 37 Habitat diversity 37 Reef building coral diversity 39 Overlapping diversity over the bathymetric gradient 41 Overlapping and implication for the DRRH 42 New records of scleractinian corals in Taiwan 44 Conclusions 48 CHAPTER III / MOLECULAR ASSESSMENT OF POCILLOPORA VERRUCOSA (SCLERACTINIA: POCILLOPORIDAE) DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTION ALONG A BATHYMETRIC GRADIENT IN LUDAO, TAIWAN 51 Abstract 52 Introduction 53 Difficulties in identifying corals from the field 53 Toward a molecular approach for scleractinian coral identification 54 Pocillopora diversity and distribution in the light of the molecular taxonomy 54 Use of the molecular taxonomy for P. verrucosa from Ludao 55 Material and methods 57 Selected sites and sampling 57 DNA extraction and molecular analysis 57 Results 59 From haplotype to species diversity 59 Haplotype bathymetric distribution 60 Discussion 61 Molecular contribution to the Pocillopora diversity 61 Genetic diversity of Pocillopora verrucosa 63 Reconsidering Pocillopora verrucosa distribution at different depths 69 Pocillopora ‘bycatches’ 70 Pocillopora distribution from a DRRH point of view 71 Conclusions 72 Data availability 73 CHAPTER IV / VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL GENETIC CONNECTIVITY OF THE CORAL POCILLOPORA VERRUCOSA FROM LUDAO, TAIWAN 75 Abstract 76 Introduction 77 MCEs as a potential source of recruits for shallow water coral communities 77 Genetic connectivity approach to investigate the refuge hypothesis 78 Using Pocillopora verrucosa as model species to investigate genetic connectivity across depths 79 Research Methods 80 Sampling and DNA purification 80 Microsatellites markers selection 81 Results 85 Microsatellites data 85 Discussion 92 Cross-specific amplification for Pocillopora microsatellites markers 93 Deviation from Hardi-Weinberg, linkage and null-allele 94 Low genetic differentiation and absence of genetic structure with depth for P. verrucosa specimens 95 Possible new migrants and their origin 97 Conclusions 98 CHAPTER V / LESSONS ABOUT MCES FROM LUDAO: GENERAL CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES 101 Exploring MCEs from Ludao: what has been done and what was learnt 102 Scleractinian corals from the upper mesophotic zone from Ludao 103 From descriptive to explanatory approaches to investigate MCEs from Ludao 104 So, can MCEs from Ludao act as ecological refuge / evolutionary refugia? 105 Future perspectives for marine ecosystems from Ludao 108 REFERENCES 110 ANNEX / SCLERACTINIAN CORAL DIVERSITY FROM THE MESOPHOTIC ZONE OF LUDAO, TAIWAN 140

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