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研究生: 王嫦娥
Chang-o Wang
論文名稱: 英語課堂之情境溝通意願與其相關因素的初步探討
A Preliminary Study on the Predictors of Situational Willingness to Communicate (SWTC) in an EFL Context
指導教授: 葉錫南
Yeh, Hsi-Nan
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 201
中文關鍵詞: 情境溝通意願英語學習動機英語自信心課堂害羞課堂氣氛教師立即親近行為
英文關鍵詞: Situational Willingness to Communicate, English learning motivation, L2 confidence, classroom climate in L2, shyness in the EFL class, teacher immediacy
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:254下載:56
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  • 本研究是旨在探討外語學習者的情境溝通意願與其相關因素做初步探討。研究者在台灣北、中、南三區選取三個都會與三個非都會區縣市後,根據學校於各區錄取分數,選取前段排名與後段排名各一間,總計12間學校。在各校中,隨機選取一班高二學生作為研究樣本。
    研究結果顯示,情境溝通意願與其相關的因素之間,確實存有複雜但是有系統的關係。研究者建議,教師必須了解低英語能力的學生溝通意願很可能較低, 值得特別注意。此外,同時要了解學生的溝通需求與期望,展現高度的即時親近行為,以提昇學生的英語情境溝通意願。教師應建立友善的課堂氣氛、有效提升學生的英語自信心、英語學習動機與能力(特別是動機強度與覺知的溝通能力),並瞭解造成學生害羞、焦慮的原因,以期增強進學生的英語情境溝通意願。

    This study was carried out to investigate three primary research questions. They were addressed to explore the relationships between senior high students’ situational willingness to communicate (SWTC) and such learner factors as motivation, confidence, and shyness, and those between SWTC and such situational factors as teacher immediacy and climate. Another aim was to investigate what factors might best predict situational willingness to communicate (SWTC) among the chosen learner factors (i.e., motivation, confidence, and shyness) and situational ones (i.e., teacher immediacy and climate) in an EFL context.
    To answer the research questions, six scales were developed in the pilot tests. Among them, the scale on SWTC was author-tailored and defined by positive feedback and topic familiarity. The other five instruments on the predictors of SWTC were revised and developed according to related theories on shyness, motivation, confidence, climate, and teacher immediacy. To ensure the reliability and construct validity of the instruments, reliability tests, item analyses, and principal component analyses were conducted.
    In the main study, a total of 459 valid questionnaires were collected. The data were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics, t-tests, Pearson product-moment correlation analyses, and stepwise multiple regressions.
    There were five major findings in this study. First, significant differences of SWTC existed between high and low-proficiency students and between those in metropolitan and non-metropolitan schools. In contrast, gender and schools’ prestige could not predict the diversity of SWTC among students. Second, students in this study were found to have moderate SWTC, motivation, shyness, teacher immediacy, and climate, but they had low confidence. They had moderate reading proficiency, but low levels of L2 writing, speaking, and listening proficiency. In addition, their motivational intensity was low. Third, among the learner variables, shyness was negatively related to SWTC while the others (i.e., motivation and confidence) were positively related to SWTC. Fourth, among the situational variables, teacher immediacy and climate were positively related to SWTC. Fifth, based on the results of multiple regression analyses, climate was found to have the best prediction of SWTC, followed by motivation, shyness, and teacher immediacy. It suggested that there was a linear correlation between SWTC and the above mentioned predictors.
    At the end of the study, several pedagogical implications and suggestions for future studies were given.

    Table of Contents Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION…..………………………….……..1 Background…………….……….……………..…….…………1 Statement of the Problem…….…………………..…….………3 Purpose of the Study…………….….……………….…………8 Research Questions……………...……………….……….……8 Significance of the Study ………………………….…….…….9 Definition of Terms ….……………..………………….…….. 10 Organization of the Study …………………………………… 12 Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW... …………...………….... 13 Theoretical Foundations of Developing WTC Construct ……. 13. Approaches to Defining WTC: Trait-Like, Situational or Interactive............................................................…14 Trait-like Perspective of WTC……………………………..14 Situational Perspective of WTC…………...………………17 Interactive Perspective of WTC ………………..……….…17 L2 WTC and Communication Models……...………………… 18 MacIntyre et al.’s (1998) Heuristic Model ……..………… 18 Wen and Clement’s (2003) WTC Model …...……………. 20 Kim’s (2004) L2 Communication Model ……..……….......22 Kang’ (2005) Situational WTC (SWTC) Model …...…….. 23. Background Variables and WTC …………..…………..………24 The Role of Gender …………………………………..........24 The Role of School Variables: Locations and Prestige……. 25 The Role of Students’ Perceptions of Language Proficiency 25 Learner Factors and WTC……...……………………………… 27 The Role of L2 Self-confidence…………………………….27 The Role of Motivation …...…………… ………………….28 The Role of Shyness…………………… …………………. 29 Situational Variables and WTC……..…………………………. 32 The Role of Climate….…………………….……….………32. The Role of Teacher Immediacy (TI) ……………................34. Empirical WTC Research in the L2 Contexts…...……….……..39 Empirical WTC and TI Studies in Taiwan ……….…………….42. Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY……………………………...……..46 Research Design…………….………..……………..…….…… 46 Participants……. ……………………..……………..………… 47 Background Questionnaire…………………….…..……………….. 49 Measurements Utilized in the Study………………...……………49 Criteria for Item Selection……………..….……………… 49 Developments of Instruments………..…….………………51 Situational Willingness to Communicate (SWTC) Questionnaire….52 Teacher Immediacy Questionnaire……..…………….57 Climate Questionnaire..................................................59 Motivation Questionnaire…..…….….…….…………62 Confidence Questionnaire……………………………64 Shyness Questionnaire ………………..…………….. 67 The Finalized Questionnaire Utilized in the Main Study….70 Data Collection and Data Analysis…………….. ………..…. …71 Chapter 4 RESULTS And DISCUSSION…………………………75 Levels of SWTC and Its Predictors......………………………….75 SWTC ………….…………………………………….…….. 76. Shyness ………………………………………….………..… 78 Motivation …………………………………….…………..…79 Confidence ………………………………………………..… 82 Climate……..…………………………….……………….… 84 Teacher Immediacy……….……...…………………………. 86 Language Proficiency ………………………………………. 90 SWTC and Background Factors…………….…………………... 91 SWTC and Language Proficiency…...……………………… 91 SWTC and Gender ………………………..………………… 93 SWTC and Schools’ Locations/ Prestige…………… ……… 94 SWTC and Learner Factors…...…….……………………………96 SWTC and Shyness………….……………………………….. 96 SWTC and Motivation………….………………………….… 98 SWTC and Confidence………….……………………..…….100. SWTC and Situational Factors……………………….…………103 SWTC and Teacher Immediacy ……...……………………. 103 SWTC and Climate…………………………………………105 Relations among SWTC and Its Predictors…………..……… 107 Stepwise Multiple Regression of SWTC on Predicting Variables…………………………………………………110 Chapter 5 CONCLUSIONS …………...………………………..115 Summary of the Findings ………………………………………115 Pedagogical Implications………………………..………………122 Suggestions for Future Studies…………………..…..……….…123 References……………………………………………………………...126 Appendices……………………………………………………………..153

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