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研究生: 王暵明
Wang, Han-Ming
論文名稱: 社區藥局藥師容顏吸引力與醫美專業本質對消費者購買意願之影響-以醫美產品為例
The Impacts of Community Pharmacists’ Facial Attractiveness and Expertise on Consumers’ Purchase Intention of Cosmeceuticals
指導教授: 施人英
Shih, Jen-Ying
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 醫美產品社區藥局藥師容顏吸引力專業本質
英文關鍵詞: Cosmeceutical product, pharmacist, community pharmacy, attractiveness, professionalism
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.EMBA.067.2018.F08
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:140下載:31
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  • 近年來社區藥局面臨各方面經濟環境因素的改變,資訊網路媒體的迅速發展之下充滿挑戰,勢必思考轉型或提供更多元化的經營方向。因此,醫美保養產品的市場行銷,也成為經營者業績成長來源的重要一環。本論文以此為研究背景,認為醫美產品銷售上,若能了解消費者需求,發展藥師服務策略,將有機會成功開拓社區藥局經營的新市場。故觀察消費者認知社區藥局藥師的容顏吸引力、專業本質,探討外在條件如何影響消費者,對社區藥局藥師的信任度及消費者購買意願。

    In recent years, community pharmacies have faced many changes in economic and environmental factors in various aspects. The rapid development of information network media is full of challenges, and it is bound to think about transformation or provide a more diversified business direction. Therefore, the marketing of cosmeceutical products has become an important part of the growth of operators' performance. The research takes this as the research background. If we can understand the consumer demand and develop the pharmacist service strategy, we will have the opportunity to successfully develop new markets operated by the community pharmacy. This research observes the attractiveness and professional nature of the pharmacists in the consumer cognitive community pharmacy, and explores how external conditions affect consumers, the trust of community pharmacy pharmacists and the willingness of consumers to purchase.
    Questionnaires were investigated from the variables of appeal, professionalism, consumer trust and expected purchase. This study retrieved 828 valid questionnaires. The results of the questionnaire were analyzed by sample structure analysis, narrative statistical analysis, reliability and validity analysis, variance analysis, correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis.
    The model results are as follows:
    (1) The higher the appeal of the consumer cognitive pharmacist, the higher the trust of the pharmacist.
    (2) The higher the appeal of the consumer cognitive pharmacist, the higher the consumer's willingness to purchase.
    (3) The higher professionalism of the consumer cognitive pharmacist, the higher the consumer's trust in the pharmacist.
    (4) The higher professionalism of consumer cognitive pharmacists, the higher the willingness of consumers to purchase.
    (5) The interaction between the consumer's cognitive pharmacist's attractiveness and professionalism of the consumer's cognitive pharmacist has no significant effect on the pharmacist's trust.
    (6) The interaction between the consumer's cognitive pharmacist's attractiveness and professionalism of the consumer's cognitive pharmacist has a significant impact on consumers' willingness to purchase.
    (7) Consumers' increased trust in pharmacists will significantly increase consumers' willingness to purchase.
    The research suggests that in the human resources management of pharmacists, the distribution of attractiveness and good service image, with a highly professional essential pharmacist to serve, is the most appropriate match to increase the sales of cosmeceutical products.
    The pharmacist's medium and low temperament can influence the consumer's trust in the pharmacist by improving the professionalism. Furthermore, improve the attractiveness of pharmacists and consumers' trust in pharmacists can increase consumers' willingness to purchase.
    In order to balance the management configuration, for the lowest attractiveness of the pharmacist , It can enhance consumers' trust in pharmacists as a management direction to increase consumers' willingness to purchase cosmeceutical products.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究流程與章節安排 4 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 醫學美容 6 第二節 社區藥局與藥師 10 第三節 容顏吸引力 12 第四節 專業本質 16 第五節 信任 17 第六節 消費者購買意願 18 第三章 研究方法 21 第一節 研究架構與假設 21 第二節 研究前測與變數設計 24 第三節 問卷設計與抽樣方法 28 第四節 樣本變數定義與說明 30 第五節 量化分析方法 33 第四章 實證分析 36 第一節 樣本結構、敘述統計分析 36 第二節 信度、效度分析 42 第三節 變異數分析 44 第四節 多元迴歸模型結果 46 第五章 結論與建議 51 第一節 研究發現與整理 51 第二節 管理意涵 54 第三節 研究限制與貢獻 55 參考文獻 56 附錄1 問卷調查(A) 60 附錄2 問卷調查(B) 68

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