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研究生: 黃妙珍
Miao-Jeng Huang
論文名稱: 探索原發性痛經婦女與中醫師的醫病互動
Exploring the Perceived Physician-Patient Interaction Between
指導教授: 郭鐘隆
Gou, Jong-Long
Huang, Chiu-Mieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 125
中文關鍵詞: 痛經中醫師醫病互動遵從性
英文關鍵詞: dysmenorrhea, traditional Chinese physician, physician-patient interaction, compliance
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:179下載:20
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  • 痛經一直是許多女性的健康困擾,我國於1995年健保的開放下,除了普遍的西醫體制,中醫治療痛經成為現代婦女的另一新選擇。本研究欲探討原發性痛經婦女與中醫師在中醫治療中的治療期待與互動經驗。研究方法使用質性研究法,以半結構式訪談法收集20位原發性痛經婦女與10位中醫師的訪談資料,透過「內容分析法」及搭配Atlas.ti 5.2軟體協助分析,研究結果以「原發性痛經婦女與中醫師在磨合中對抗痛經」為主軸,發展出四大主題:「醫病互動中的期待落差」、「醫病間訊息溝通的限制」、「醫病共同面對難以完全配合的醫囑」、和「醫病磨合各自修正策略」。從結果得知目前原發性痛經婦女會採取中醫處理痛經,但在中醫的訊息正確性的辨別仍有所不足,甚至使用錯誤的訊息成為照顧的來源,而中醫師也受限門診時間,難以傳遞完整的正確中醫訊息;此外,醫病雙方存在著治療期程、治療主導者與療效方向上的落差,以及原發性痛經婦女在現實生活中,回歸生活作息調整仍存在著落實的困難,造成治療成效不佳的潛在原因之一。醫病雙方透過不斷互動、磨合,雙方摸索出修正行為的方式下,使之痛經的照顧更加完善。研究結果也顯示中醫師職業經驗中認為強化信任關係、修正溝通方式,以及邀請原發性痛經婦女共同決策治療過程,可有效幫助婦女克服障礙,提升中醫治療遵從性。

    Exploring the Perceived Physician-Patient Interaction Between 
    Traditional Chinese Physicians and Primary Dysmenorrheal Women

    Dysmenorrhea is a common health problem for women. Both Western medicine and traditional Chinese medical are used to treat menstrual pain. In this study, we explored treatment expectations and interaction experiences between women with primary dysmenorrhea and traditional Chinese physicians. We used a qualitative method involving semistructured interviews to collect data from 20 women with primary dysmenorrhea and 10 traditional Chinese physicians. Content analysis of the data were was performed using Atlas.ti 5.2 software. The results indicated that the main theme of the data was “women with primary dysmenorrhea and traditional Chinese physicians cooperating to treat menstrual pain”, which included 4 themes to describe interactions between physicians and women. The 4 themes were as follows: (a) expectation gap of physician–patient interaction; (b) limited communication between physicians and patients; (c) difficulty of practical application of physicians’ orders; (d) cooperation of patients and physicians during treatment and revision of treatment strategies. We observed that women with primary dysmenorrhea used traditional Chinese medicine to treat menstrual pain; however, women were not fully able to determine the validity of information about Chinese medicine, and occasionally used incorrect information as the basis for their treatment of dysmenorrhea. Moreover, traditional Chinese physicians were unable to provide comprehensive information to women with primary dysmenorrhea because the time that women spent in the OPD was limited. In addition, we observed gaps in treatment period, treatment leader, and treatment content. Women with primary dysmenorrhea experienced difficulty in completing all of the health behaviours required to manage their dysmenorrhea, which may be one of the potential factors that caused unsatisfactory treatment outcomes. The results indicated that when physicians and patients interacted consistently throughout the course of treatment, dysmenorrhoeal care improved. Traditional Chinese physicians stated that strengthening trust, revising communication methods, and encouraging women with primary dysmenorrhea to actively participate in decisions about their treatment can help women overcome obstacles to treatment and enhance medical compliance.

    中文摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 IV 表目錄 VI 圖目錄 VI 第一章、緒論 1 第一節、研究動機與重要性 1 第二節、研究目的 7 第二章、文獻探討 7 第一節、痛經相關概念介紹 7 第二節、痛經自我照顧訊息與行為現況 15 第三節、中醫求診概況探討 21 第三章、研究方法 27 第一節、研究對象 27 第二節、研究步驟 30 第三節、研究工具 33 第四節、資料處理及分析方法 35 第五節、研究誠信度 37 第六節、研究倫理 39 第四章、研究結果 40 第一節、研究結果總括 40 第二節、醫病互動中治療期待的落差 45 第三節、醫病間訊息溝通限制 53 第四節、醫病共同面對難以完全配合的醫囑 63 第五節、醫病磨合各自修正策略 68 第五章、討論 79 第一節、醫病療效期待的落差剖析 79 第二節、治療訊息溝通的限制探討 86 第三節 醫囑實踐阻礙探討 90 第四節 醫病互動中提升遵從探討 94 第六章 結論與建議 99 第一節 結論 99 第二節、建議 100 第三節 研究限制 104 參考資料 105 附錄 121 附錄 1、問卷 121 附錄 2、招募受訪者海報 123 附錄3、Atlas.ti 5.2軟體介面 124 表目錄 表 一、訪談大綱 33 表 二、資料分析範例 36 表 三、編碼符號說明 36 表 四、原發性痛經婦女基本資料(n=20) 41 表 五、中醫師基本資料(n=10) 42 圖目錄 圖 一、中醫師與原發痛經婦女在磨合中對抗痛經 44 圖 二、治療期待的落差 45 圖 三、原發性痛經婦女與中醫師訊息溝通限制 53

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