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研究生: 林昱貞
Yu-Chen Lin
論文名稱: 性別平等教育的實踐:兩位國中女教師的性別意識與實踐經驗
Educational Praxis for Gender Equity: Two Junior High School Teachers’ Gender Consciousness and Praxis
指導教授: 潘慧玲
Pan, Hui-Ling
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2001
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 237
中文關鍵詞: 性別平等教育實踐女教師性別意識
英文關鍵詞: gender equity, praxis, female teacher, gender consciousness
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:280下載:231
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  • 本研究強調教師是實踐性別平等教育的重要關鍵。尤其,有些女教師雖然身處於父權文化中,也選擇了教師這個傳統上屬於「女性化」的工作,可是卻能跳脫複製傳統性別角色的模式,質疑現存社會中不合理的性別權力關係。她們不一定認為自己是「女性主義者」,但是基本上都關心性別平等的議題,並努力將這樣的理念落實在自己的教育場域中。這群女教師自覺的過程、想法、實際採用的策略、所遭遇到的回饋與反挫,以及意識與實踐過程的辯證和省思等,正是本研究想要探究的焦點所在。

    This thesis emphasizes that teachers do play an important role in the education of gender equity. Although female teachers grow up in a patriarchal society, and choose to be a teacher, a “female” work in traditional definition, some still can avoid reproducing traditional gender roles, and further challenge the existing unequal gender relations. These female teachers may not claim themselves as feminists, but they do concern about gender issues, and devote themselves to implementing gender equity in classrooms. Thus this study focuses on female teachers’ awareness process of gender consciousness and beliefs, methods they used, obstacles they faced, and their reflections between consciousness and praxis.
    In order to fulfill the above purposes, two female teachers are presented in this thesis through qualitative case study. Observation and interview are conducted to collect data. In the period of half year, every teacher was interviewed at least six times and was observed fourteen periods. The topic of interview is about their developing process of gender consciousness and educational praxis. The observation includes teachers’ behaviors in formal and informal curriculum.
    Crucial findings are stated below. Although two female teachers have been “feminized” and “marginalized”, they still can resist the traditional gender relations. What makes their gender consciousness awaken is due to their experiences of being discriminated, their reflective ability, the inspiration of theories or consciousness-raising groups. In addition, they may have different beliefs and praxis, but their teachings show some similar characteristics such as gender-sensitive teaching, democratic relationship between teachers and pupils, and teachings to empower students, etc.
    In conclusion,
    1.The development of gender consciousness does not limit to gender oppressed experiences,
    2.Gender consciousness is a dialectical and dynamic process,
    3.Teachers are constructors of personal practical theories,
    4.Teachers’ beliefs and praxis about gender equity are unique,
    5.The replacement of “correct” handbooks of gender equity education by gender sensitive teaching is essential,
    6.Gender equity education is based on democratic teaching,
    7.Teachers who devote to reforming gender equity education lack collaborative support,
    8.Teachers who are committed to implementing gender equity in their teachings are transformative intellectuals.
    Finally, some suggestions are provided to teachers, educational administration, normal universities and universities that provide normal education curriculum, and researchers. Studies of female teachers’ life histories and work experiences would be an inspiration to other teachers, and this study also have an important implication in achieving gender equity through education.

    第一章 緒論..................................................1 第一節 研究動機..............................................3 壹、教育中存在大量的性別歧視..................................3 貳、教師的意識覺醒是實踐性別平等教育的關鍵....................4 參、女教師的特殊處境是意識覺醒的觸媒劑........................5 第二節 研究目的..............................................6 第二章 文獻探討..............................................7 第一節 性別意識的內涵........................................7 壹、性別意識的意義 ............................................7 貳、發展性別意識的要素.......................................12 參、性別意識與實踐的關連.....................................15 第二節 教室中的性別問題.....................................16 壹、師生互動.................................................17 貳、同儕互動.................................................20 參、教材中的性別觀 ...........................................25 肆、結論.....................................................26 第三節 性別平等教育的理論與實際.............................27 壹、性別差異的觀點與影響.....................................27 貳、性別平等的意涵與途徑.....................................30 參、性別平等的教學 ...........................................37 肆、國內外相關研究及啟示.....................................41 第三章 研究方法與歷程.......................................45 第一節 研究方法.............................................45 壹、深度訪談.................................................46 貳、教室觀察.................................................47 參、文件分析.................................................47 第二節 研究對象.............................................48 壹、研究對象的條件考量.......................................48 貳、研究對象的選定...........................................49 參、研究對象簡介.............................................51 第三節 進入田野.............................................53 壹、進入研究陳萍的田野.......................................54 貳、進入研究王敏華的田野.....................................55 第四節 資料分析與處理.......................................56 壹、資料處理.................................................57 貳、資料呈現方式.............................................57 參、研究信實度...............................................58 第五節 研究者角色...........................................60 壹、我的研究背景.............................................60 貳、研究倫理的關注 ...........................................60 第四章 陳萍的性別意識與實踐經驗...............................61 第一節 陳萍的性別意識發展歷程................................61 壹、成長背景:成為強者的必要..................................61 貳、求學經歷..................................................64 參、進入教職:從理論的雲端下來真實的人間......................70 肆、回顧來時路................................................73 伍、小結......................................................75 第二節 陳萍的性別平等教育實踐經驗............................75 壹、打造校園中的情慾空間:兩性教育社團........................76 貳、班級實務中的平權作為......................................82 第三節 實踐過程的反省.......................................105 壹、「兩性教育」社團的自我檢討...............................105 貳、性騷擾事件所思所聞.......................................107 第五章 王敏華的性別意識與實踐經驗............................122 第一節 王敏華的性別意識發展歷程.............................122 壹、成長經驗:在邊緣漂流‧‧‧...............................122 貳、進入教職:獨特的教育理念.................................126 參、打開性別意識的眼睛:恍然大悟的過程.......................127 肆、小結.....................................................134 第二節 王敏華的性別平等教育實踐經驗 ........................135 壹、性別平等教育的核心概念:積極性差別待遇...................135 貳、相關的教育理念 ..........................................138 參、性別平等教育的重要舉措...................................156 第三節 實踐過程的反思.......................................172 壹、省思.....................................................172 貳、回饋與挑戰...............................................173 參、困境.....................................................176 第六章 結論與建議...........................................182 第一節 綜合分析.............................................182 壹、女教師的性別意識發展歷程.................................182 貳、女教師的性別平等教育實踐經驗.............................186 第二節 結論.................................................190 壹、性別意識的發展基礎並不必然侷限於性別的受壓迫經驗.........190 貳、性別意識為一辯證發展的動態歷程...........................191 參、具有性別意識的女教師為個人實踐理論的建構者...............192 肆、教師抱持的性別平等觀具有個殊性...........................192 伍、以性別敏感的教學代替「正確」操作手冊.....................193 陸、性別平等教育的實踐植基於民主化的教學情境.................194 柒、致力改革的教師缺乏集體性的支持...........................194 捌、踐行性別意識的女教師為一轉化型知識份子...................195 第三節 建議.................................................196 壹、對性別平等教育的建議.....................................196 貳、對於後續研究的建議.......................................200 後記 ~ 研究者省思............................................202 壹、研究主題的選取 ..........................................202 貳、文獻閱讀選取.............................................203 參、選擇研究方法.............................................204 肆、尋找研究對象.............................................204 伍、進入田野.................................................206 陸、與研究對象的關係.........................................209 柒、資料整理與分析 ..........................................209 參 考 書 目..................................................212

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