Author: |
邱靖雯 Chiu, Ching-Wen |
Thesis Title: |
提昇護理人員執行非藥物疼痛處置介入研究—自我效能融入翻轉教學策略之應用 Improving Nursing Staff Implementation of Nonpharmacological Pain Management Interventional Research-- Application of self-efficacy into flipped teaching strategy |
Advisor: |
Liu, Chieh-Hsing |
Committee: |
Chang, Feng-Chin 陳政友 Chen, Cheng-Yu 李毓芹 Li, Yu-Chin 蔡仁貞 Tsai, Jen-Chen 劉潔心 Liu, Chieh-Hsing |
Approval Date: | 2022/11/02 |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2022 |
Academic Year: | 111 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 132 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 翻轉教學 、非藥物疼痛處置 、知識 、態度 、自我效能 、行為 |
Keywords (in English): | flipped teaching, nonpharmacological pain management, knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, behaviors |
Research Methods: | 準實驗設計法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 511 Downloads: 3 |
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方法:以準實驗研究設計(Quasi-experimental design),採方便取樣,樣本來自台灣某醫療體系二家醫院之護理人員,對照組及實驗組各 40人。實驗組接受5小時的自我效能融入非藥物疼痛處置之翻轉教學課程,對照組無特殊介入,僅與實驗組同時間點接受後測。二組於介入措施前後皆填寫非藥物疼痛處置的知識、態度、自我效能量表與執行非藥物疼痛處置行為之情況調查,及M手法按摩與坐姿拉筋運動技能測驗,另外實驗組增加課程學習滿意度的調查。採用 GEE 分析檢驗翻轉教學介入對於非藥物疼痛處置知識、態度、技能、自我效能、行為之成效。
Background: Studies have confirmed that a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological pain management is effective in controlling patients' pain but non-pharmacological pain management has not been incorporated into formal nursing education in Taiwan.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to develop a flipped teaching training course integrating self-efficacy in nonpharmacologic pain management and to explore the impact of the curriculum on the knowledge, skills, attitudes, self-efficacy, and behaviors of nursing staff in nonpharmacologic pain management.
Methods:This study used a quasi-experimental design with a convenience sample of nurses from two hospitals in a Taiwanese healthcare system, recruiting 40 for each of the control and experimental groups. The experimental group received a 5-hour flipped teaching training course that integrated self-efficacy for nonpharmacologic pain management. The control group was post-tested at the same time point as the experimental group and did not receive any specific intervention. Before and after the intervention, both groups were required to complete the knowledge, attitude, and self-efficacy scales, behaviors for nonpharmacologic pain management, and take skills test for M Technique and stretching exercises. The experimental group also received a survey on satisfaction with course learning. GEE analysis was used to examine the effects of the flipped teaching intervention on knowledge, attitudes, skills, self-efficacy, and behaviors in nonpharmacologic pain management.
Results: There were no significant differences in the knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy scores, and behaviors between the two groups in the pretest. After the intervention of the flipped teaching training course integrating self-efficacy in nonpharmacologic pain management, the results showed that the knowledge, attitude, skills, and self-efficacy of nursing staff on nonpharmacologic pain management improved. The experimental group also significantly outperformed the control group in terms of the types of nonpharmacologic pain management and the changes in the number of implementation days, indicating that the intervention of flipped teaching training courses could improve the behavioral performance of nonpharmacologic pain management. In addition, the experimental group had a course learning satisfaction score of 96, indicating that the participants agreed that the intervention of the flipped teaching course could enhance their self-confidence in performing nonpharmacologic pain management behaviors and strengthen their skill learning memory.
Conclusion/Suggestion: This study demonstrates that flipped teaching helps nurses learn nonpharmacologic pain management. In the future, the nursing staff's clinical practice performance and the impact on patient care should be continuously tracked. Also, it is recommended that nursing school education in Taiwan should incorporate these two nonpharmacologic pain management treatments (aromatherapy and M Technique) in the curriculum so that nursing students can be exposed to the knowledge early and apply it to individual patient care in clinical practice.
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