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研究生: 王茹
Wang, Ru
論文名稱: 從互動角度分析華語遠距同步教學中新手教師的話語特徵
An Analysis of the Discourse Features of Novice Teachers in Chinese Synchronous Distance Teaching based on Interactive Perspective
指導教授: 信世昌
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 教師話語課堂互動新手教師話語特徵華語遠距同步教學
英文關鍵詞: Teacher discourse, Classroom interactive, Novice teacher, Discourse Features, Chinese Synchronous Distance Teaching
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001203
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:140下載:0
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  • 教師話語是教師用於組織和管理第二語言課堂,使之順利實現教學目標的語言,它即是教學的媒介語,也是目標語。遠距同步教學雖是一種新型的教學模式,確在全球疫情期間作為最佳教學方式備受推崇。有鑑於此,研究在遠距同步教學環境下教師話語特徵以及與學生互動時的話語結構的重要性不言而喻。研究者採用會話分析法,通過教學視頻的轉寫、逐字稿整理、歸類分析、進行總結。
    研究結果顯示:在遠距同步教學環境下,新手老師有在刻意把控語速,特別是在第一堂課中。但在發生自我錯誤導致緊張時、進行文化背景知識講解時,都會不自覺的加速;停頓不僅出現在教師等待學生回答時,還出現在教師準備措辭時,但在處理停頓時,未給予學習者充足的準備和回答時間;在詞彙調整上,還是以英翻中的方式;在句法調整上,簡化了句型並也傾向用英文翻譯;在言談調整上,容易出現冗詞贅句,模糊焦點。但新手老師們對在語音上的調整做得很好,清晰的發音,句子中的生詞進行重讀,即使略帶誇張,但在這種依託網絡訊號的教學媒介下,是值得提倡的。在遠距同步教學環境下,新手老師與學生之間的話語結構主要以IRF(Initiation-Response-Feedback/Follow up)為主,但在教師對問題進行追問、補充說明、糾錯、同儕相互提問、同儕相互幫助中衍生出其他結構。

    Teacher's discourse is the language used by teachers to organize and manage the second language class and make it realize the teaching goal smoothly. It is both the medium language of teaching and the target language. Although synchronous distance learning is a new teaching mode, it has been highly praised as the best teaching method during the 2019-nCov Epidemic. In view of this, it is of great importance to study the characteristics of teachers' discourse and the structure of their discourse when interacting with students in the synchronous distance synchronous teaching environment. The researcher adopts the conversational analysis method, through the transfer of teaching video, verbatim manuscript sorting, classification analysis, summary.
 The results of the study show that: in the synchronous distance teaching environment, novice teachers are deliberately controlling the speed of speech, especially in the first class. However, when self-error leads to tension and cultural background knowledge is explained, the novice teacher will accelerate unconsciously; The pause occurs not only when the teacher is waiting for the student to answer, but also when the teacher is preparing words. But when dealing with the pause, learners are not given enough time to prepare and answer. In terms of vocabulary adjustment, or in the Way of English translation; In terms of syntactic adjustment, sentence patterns are simplified and English translation is preferred. In the speech adjustment, easy to appear redundant words, fuzzy focus. However, novice teachers have done a good job of adjusting the pronunciation, pronouncing clearly and stressing new words in sentences, even if a little exaggerated, in this internet-based teaching medium, which is worth advocating. In the remote synchronized teaching environment, the discourse structure between the novice teacher and the student was mainly IRF (Initiation response-feedback /Follow up), but other structures were derived from the teacher's questioning, supplementary explanation, error correction, peer questioning and peer helping each other.
    Finally, based on the results of the study, the researchers put forward the following suggestions: make some adjustments to the training of digital Chinese teachers in this study, increase the proportion of teaching skills, reduce the training time of digital platform operation skills, add the content of teachers' discourse and conduct oral training. Novice teachers also should constantly accumulate teaching experience and communicate with their peers and senior teachers, constantly detect their own speech norms, enhance the ability of introspection, maintain a positive teaching attitude and develop a high sense of responsibility, keep up with the trend of social development and learn new teaching media.

    目錄 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 一、研究背景 1 二、研究動機 2 第二節 研究範圍與問題 3 一、研究範圍 3 二、研究面向與問題 4 第三節 研究架構 4 第四節 名詞釋義 5 一、遠距同步教學(Synchronized distance teaching) 5 二、新手教師(Novice teacher) 5 三、教師話語(Teacher talk) 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 教師話語 7 一、教師話語的定義 8 二、教師話語的特徵 8 三、教師話語的研究 9 四、教師話語的內容 10 第二節 新手教師與教師培育 14 一、新手教師 14 二、教師培育 19 第三節 遠距語言教學 22 一、第二語言遠距教學 22 二、華語遠距同步教學 23 第四節 互動的相關研究 27 一、互動的模式 27 二、互動的意義 28 第五節 小結 30 第三章 研究方法 31 第一節 研究方法 31 一、會話分析法 31 二、課堂話語結構 32 三、研究過程 33 四、分析框架 34 第二節 研究工具 35 一、遠距教學工具 35 二、語料轉寫方式 36 第三節 語料來源 38 一、語料蒐集方式 39 二、學習者背景 39 三、遠距教師背景 40 第四節 研究環境 41 第四章 語料分析 44 第一節 話語特徵分析 44 一、語速(Rate of Speech) 45 二、停頓(Pauses) 47 三、語音調整(Modifications of Phonology) 50 四、詞彙調整(Modifications of vocabulary) 51 五、句法調整(Modifications of syntax) 52 六、言談調整(Modifications of discourse) 55 七、小結 58 第二節 課堂話語結構 60 一、暖身活動 60 二、問答環節 61 三、課堂活動 64 四、小結 67 第五章 華語遠距同步教學之相關建議 69 第一節 遠距教師之培訓要求 69 一、數位華語師資培訓有待調整之處 69 二、數位華語師資教師培訓之重點 69 第二節 遠距教師之話語及口條訓練 70 一、話語訓練 70 二、口條訓練 70 第三節 對新手教師之建議 70 一、莫著急,需自信 71 二、敏感問題,切莫問 71 三、減少教師話語量 72 四、培養新手教師高度責任感 72 五、新手教師總結教學難點 73 六、不斷學習新的軟體平台 74 第六章 研究結論 75 第一節 研究結果 75 第二節 研究限制 76 第三節 研究展望 77 參考文獻 79 中文書目 79 英文書目 84 附錄:逐字稿截錄 89

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