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研究生: 曾柏彰
Po-Chang Tseng
論文名稱: 台灣產附地草屬之親緣關係與分類研究
Phylogenetic and taxonomic studies of Trigonotis Steven (Boraginaceae) in Taiwan
指導教授: 王震哲
Wang, Jenn-Che
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 87
中文關鍵詞: 附地草親緣關係分類
英文關鍵詞: Trigonotis
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:152下載:2
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  • 本研究利用形質分析及分子資料探討台灣產附地草屬 (Trigonotis Steven) 的親緣關係並作為分類之參考。首先利用形態特徵之系統發育分析建構台灣及大陸產附地草屬倒稜錐果組之譜系,結果顯示倒稜錐果組屬於單系群,台灣所產特有類群 [台灣附地草 (T. formosana var. formosana)、台北附地草 (T. formosana var. elevatovenosa) 及南湖附地草 (T. nankotaizanensis)] 則為倒稜錐果組中的一個分支群 (clade)。進一步以形質分析及nrITS分子資料建構台灣產特有類群的親緣關係。形質分析的結果顯示台灣附地草與台北附地草具有連續性變異,二者與南湖附地草具有區隔,此與前人根據外部形態及小堅果形態所得結果一致。分子資料則顯示台灣附地草與台北附地草的親緣關係與類群無關,反而與地理分佈有密切的相關。綜合形質分析與分子親緣的結果,支持將此二分類群處理為同種下之不同變種。此外,南湖附地草的族群有兩種形態。根據形質分析結果顯示此兩型有明顯的分化趨勢,而分子資料顯示此兩型的變異不大,推論其分化時間不夠久,因此未累積足夠變異。

    This study investigates the phylogeny and taxonomy of Trigonotis in Taiwan by morphometrics and molecular information. At first, we use morphological characters to construct the phylogeny of Trigonotis Sect. Elongatae in Taiwan and China. The result shows that Sect. Elongatae is a monophyletic group and the endemic species in Taiwan, namely T. formosana var. formosana, T. formosana var. elevatovenosa and T. nankotaizanensis, form a clade within the Sect. Elongatae. Secondarily, we investigate the phylogeny of Taiwan endemic species by using morphometrics and nrITS sequence. The result of morphometrics reveals that T. nankotaizanensis is distinguishable from the other two taxa T. formosana var. formosana and T. formosana var. elevatovenosa. The later two are closely similar and hardly separated in the morphometric result which is congruent with the former studies based on gross morphology. However, Molecular information shows that the phylogeny of T. formosana var. formosana and T. formosana var. elevatovenosa is related with geography, not taxa. As the results of morphometrics and molecular information, this study supports the two taxa being treated as two separated varieties under the same species. Beside, two morphological forms of T. nankotaizanensis were found in this study. The two forms reveal obvious differentiation in morphometric study but little variation from molecular information. We infer that the populations of T. nankotaizanensis are at initial stage in their differentiation and do not cumulate much molecular variation yet.

    附表目次.....................Ⅱ 附圖目次.....................Ⅲ 中文摘要.....................Ⅴ 英文摘要.....................Ⅵ 壹、前言.....................1 貳、研究材料與方法.............5 參、結果.....................14 肆、討論.....................56 伍、參考文獻.................69 附錄一、形質分析之證據標本....72 附錄二、特徵變換系列之編碼......78 附錄三、各族群於nrITS序列之變異位點.......79 附錄四、cpDNA spacer基因型之變異位點......83 附錄五、台灣附地草與台北附地草各部特徵之平均值檢測......84 附錄六、南湖附地草族群各部特徵之變方分析........87

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