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研究生: 李雅婷
Ya-Ting Lee
論文名稱: 課程美學探究取向的理論與實踐之研究-以國小藝術統整課程之教育批評為例
A Study on Theory and Practice of Aesthetic Form of Curriculum Inquiry
指導教授: 黃政傑
Hwang, Jeng-Jye
Guo, Jen-Shyana
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 262
中文關鍵詞: 課程美學探究取向教育批評藝術統整課程
英文關鍵詞: aesthetic inquiry, educational criticism, arts integrated curriculum
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:343下載:218
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  • 本研究目的旨在探討課程美學探究取向之理論基礎與實踐方法,進行藝術統整課程之教育批評探究,提出對課程美學探究取向與教育批評的評析,最後歸納研究結果提出結論與啟示,以作為應用課程美學探究取向與實施藝術統整課程之參考。為達成上述目的,本研究採用文獻分析與教育批評兩種方法,而教育批評則是進行國小藝術統整課程實施之經驗探究。

    The main aim of this study is to explore the theory and practice of aesthetic form of curriculum inquiry. In order to understand the concept of aesthetic inquiry, literature review and educational criticism-one of the modes of aesthetic inquiry- were applied in this study. The focuses of the literature are on: 1. the history and meaning of aesthetic form of curriculum inquiry; 2. the epistemology of aesthetic form of curriculum inquiry; 3. the essential ideas of aesthetic form of curriculum inquiry; 4. the content and the method of educational criticism. The observations, interviews as well as document analysis that the researcher conducted for the educational criticism were designed for data collection from the arts integrated curriculum in the primary school.
    According to the literature review and educational criticism, the research findings are followed:
    1. With countering and beyond the shortcomings of positivist paradigm, aesthetic inquiry, interpretive aesthetics, as a tool for understanding curricular problems has been formulated by infusing phenomenology, symbolic interaction, and critical theory.
    2. Aesthetic inquiry is both the rational and the artistic modes of knowing. With the interaction with curricular situations, it’s main purpose is to identify and represent the experience qualities by imagination and empathy.
    3. Aesthetic inquiry as a mode of knowing which holds ‘knowledge as arts’ is as enactivism of knowledge. There are two results of aesthetic inquiry: One is the referential knowledge, the other is the knowledge of the aesthetic qualities of form per se.
    4. Four essential ideas are included in aesthetic inquiry: analogous to art criticism; teaching as art; representing experiences by the shape of literary language; embodied empathy and understanding.
    5.Educaitonal criticism is re-education of the perception of classrooms. It’s a systematic qualitative research which infuses the rigor of science and thought of art.
    6. Educational criticisms of arts integrated curriculum in primary school: some teachers have realized the change of arts integrated curriculum, but some problems are presented mainly because the misunderstanding of the “integration”.; It’s helpful for students using varieties of learning strategies to undergo the art experience, but the teacher ought to rethink the use of cooperative learning; In the learning process, students showed the self-confident and got the meanings of content, but it’s still not enough for high level thought.; To practice arts integrated curriculum helps to establish the cooperative culture of the school, but the crises of power struggle are involved in curriculum planning.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與名詞釋義 7 第三節 研究方法與資料管理 10 第四節 研究架構與歷程 16 第二章 課程美學探究取向之理論基礎 21 第一節 課程美學探究取向的緣起與意涵 21 第二節 課程美學探究取向的認識論 38 第三節 課程美學探究取向的核心理念 44 第三章 課程美學探究取向之實踐─以教育批評為例 57 第一節 教育批評的意涵 57 第二節 教育批評的鑑賞對象與方法 63 第三節 研究效度、推論性與研究倫理 74 第四節 教育批評的相關研究 83 第四章 教育批評經驗探究─藝術統整課程之文獻探討 89 第一節 藝術統整課程的實施沿革與功能 89 第二節 後現代思潮下之藝術統整課程轉化 95 第三節 藝術統整課程的學習策略與類型 107 第五章 國小藝術統整課程之教育批評 119 第一節 學校人文與自然環境 119 第二節 故事的緣起-教師創發課程「永保安康」 122 第三節 無聲進化?或是「格爾尼卡」的再現-全校性的統整課程規劃 129 第四節 返鄉的呼喚:走過社區文化的歷史足跡-「糖」藝術統整課程 146 第五節 打開潘朵拉的盒子─闡釋與評價 163 第六節 主題與啟示 177 第六章 評析與討論 183 第一節 課程美學探究取向之評析與討論 183 第二節 藝術統整課程之教育批評評析與討論 195 第七章 結論與啟示 199 第一節 結論 199 第二節 啟示 212 參考文獻 219

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