簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 徐國樹
Hsu, Kuo-Shu
論文名稱: 高職校長之基本能力研究
A Study on the Basic Competence of Principal of Vocational High
指導教授: 洪榮昭
Hong, Jon-Chao
Zhou, Tan-Hui
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
畢業學年度: 84
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 178
中文關鍵詞: 高級職業學校高職校長基本能力
英文關鍵詞: Vocational High School, Principal of Vocational High School, Basic Competence
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:330下載:0
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  • 本研究將高職校長之基本能力規畫在:1.態度與價值觀 2.專業技術3.人群
    處理 4.業務處理 5.心智運用 等五大層面。並就其內涵的「重要性」
    及「需求性」 ,參酌 "HERMENEUTIC" 研究法,請「具校長經驗」與「
    教育及行政學者」專 家做分組檢核。檢核結果採用「Kappa」和諧一
    致性與重複量數變異數分析, 藉以找出「高重要性及高需求性」之能
    力內涵。以做為高職校長遴選與培訓 之參考。

    一.態度與價值觀方面有: 1.做事實踐力 2.能具有接納別人意見的雅量。
    二.專業技術能力方面有: 1.危機處理的能力 2.有良好辦學理念能訂定學
    校 教學目標 3.校務規畫的能力 4.職業教育課程的瞭解與教學研
    究之考核 5.專業課程實習教學環境之規畫與督導 6.職業證照之
    推行與職業輔導之 督導 7.建教合作與推廣教育之推行與督導
    8.校舍校園之規畫 9.財物分 配與經費應用之督導。

    三.人群處理能力方面有: 1.領導能力 2.同理心之應用能力 3.口語溝通
    能力 4.知人善用建立工作小組能力。

    四.業務處理能力方面有: 1.校區規畫 2.組織管理能力 3.會議技巧與規
    畫。 五.心智運用能力方面有: 1.解決問題的能力 2.決策的能力

    The purpose of this study is to examine the demand and
    importance of vocational high schools principals'(1)attitude
    and value (2)professional skill (3)people management
    (4)practical skills (5)mental skill. Deriving from these
    aspects, base on the method of "Hermeneutic", the study
    comes to relevant connotation on the fundamental
    capabilities which are to be verified by focus group with
    experiences in educational administration and scholars through
    the "importance" and "demand". The data of of their responding
    are to be analyzed for harmonious coefficient through "Kappa"
    so as to be ranked the connotations of "high importance and
    high demand". The findings can imply as the reference in
    selecting senior vocational school principals. The
    connotation of the "high importance and high demand"
    are enumerated below: 1. Attitude and Value:
    ability to complete thinking in a time, open-mindedness
    to accept criticism; 2.
    Professional Skill: ability to deal with crisis, possessing
    sound philosophy to set educational objectives, ability to plan
    schools affairs, awareness on vocational education curricula
    and evaluation, planning and supervision on environments for
    practicum, supervision on implementation of licensing and
    guidance, implementation and supervision & promotion on
    cooperation education, develop supervisionon property allocation
    and reinbursement of funds; 3. People
    Management: leadership development, empathy interacting with
    staffs, verbal communication ability, team building ability;
    4. Practical Skills:long term campus planning, organization and
    development, planning for meetings;

    5. Mental Skill: to solve problems, policy-making, find out the
    causes of problems.
    The purpose of this study is to examine the demand and
