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研究生: 鄭元凱
Yuan-Kai Cheng
論文名稱: 阿達瑪轉換/氣相層析質譜術對揮發性氣體偵測法的開發與研究
Applications of Hadamard transform-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (HT-GC/MS) to volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
指導教授: 林震煌
Lin, Cheng-Huang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 阿達瑪轉換呼出氣體六甲基二矽氧烷氣相層析質譜術
英文關鍵詞: Hadamard Transfer, Exhaled breath, HMDSO, GC/MS
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:142下載:8
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  • 本研究利用阿達瑪轉換/氣相層析質譜術 (HT-GC/MS) 成功偵測到人體呼出氣體內及晶圓廠中無塵室內的揮發性有機氣體。將編碼的層析圖譜阿達瑪轉換後與大多數 GC/MS 系統單次進樣比較,可使得訊號與雜訊比值 (signal-to-noise ratio) 大幅提升。在第一個飲酒者的呼出氣體情況下,使用傳統單次進樣得到的小離子強度 (相當於 ~0.1 ng 乙醇)約等於或低於偵測極限。在第二個吸菸者的呼出氣體情況下,使用傳統單次進樣只得到微弱離子訊號 (相當於 ~0.7 pg 甲苯) 的偵測邊緣。在這兩個實驗中,當加入阿達瑪轉換技術時,便能讓 S/N 比分別得到 8.0 及 7.9 倍的提升,雖然利用此技術偵測出的呼出氣體成分有待確認,但卻不需要任何前處理的步驟。另外在無塵室內環境空氣情況下,利用更高進樣次數的阿達瑪矩陣 255、1023、2047 分析 HMDSO,其提升的 S/N 比分別得到 7.4、15.1、20.1 倍,與理論值(8.0、16.0、22.6 倍) 皆相當地接近。在未經過前處理的 HMDSO 樣品,其單次進樣 (4 uL) 的濃度偵測極限在 20 ppbv。然而在使用了阿達瑪 2047 次的轉換後,其偵測濃度可達 1 ppbv (S/N = 3)。與此相比,當加入吸附/脫附系統時,其 HMDSO 濃度偵測極限可改善至 0.03 ppbv。實驗結果發現,此技術大幅改善了 S/N 比,並也提高了偵測靈敏度。

    The Hadamard transform-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (HT-GC/MS) technique was successfully employed for detecting of volatile organic compounds from the exhaled breath of humans and a clean room of a wafer factory. Compared to the single injection used in most GC/MS systems, the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios were substantially improved after inverse Hadamard transformation of the encoded chromatogram. In the first case of breath from a drinker, using a conventional single injection, a small ion peak (corresponding to ~ 0.1 ng of ethanol), the intensity of which was approximately equal to or less than the limit of detection. Furthermore, in the second case of breath from a smoker, using conventional injection, a weak ion peak (corresponding to ~0.7 pg of toluene) was marginally detected. When the HT technique was applied, the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio were improved to 8.0- and 7.9-fold, respectively. In both cases, the HT technique permitted specific components in exhaled breath to be determined, without the need for any extraction procedures. In the other case of airborne air from a clean room, when Hadamard matrices of 255, 1023 and 2047 were used, the S/N ratios of the signals for HMDSO were substantially improved to 7.4-, 15.1- and 20.1-fold, respectively. Those improvements are in good agreement with those obtained by theory (8.0-, 16.0- and 22.6-fold, respectively). Without any pretreatment, the limit of detection of HMDSO was 20 ppbv by means of a single injection (injection volume, 4 µL). However, this can be improved to 1 ppbv (S/N = 3) when a 2047 order of Hadamard matrix was applied. In contrast to this, when an absorption/desorption system was used, the limit of detection of HMDSO can be further improved to 0.03 ppbv. However, the HT technique led to an improvement in the S/N ratio, with the peak corresponding to the limit of detection.

    摘要………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ Abstract…………………………………………………………………Ⅱ 目錄………………………………………………………………………Ⅳ 圖目錄……………………………………………………………………Ⅵ 表目錄……………………………………………………………………Ⅶ 第一章 緒論 1-1 研究目的……………………………………………………………1 1-2 揮發性有機物簡介…………………………………………………1 1-2-1 呼氣中揮發性有機物……………………………………………3 1-2-2 呼氣檢測之特性…………………………………………………3 1-2-3 呼氣採樣方法……………………………………………………7 1-2-4 飲酒對呼氣之影響………………………………………………9 1-2-5 抽菸對呼氣之影響………………………………………………11 1-3 環境中微量氣態汙染物簡介………………………………………12 1-3-1 AMCs 對晶圓廠機台之影響……………………………………13 1-3-2 有機矽化合物……………………………………………………14 1-3-3 無塵室內的採樣與分析…………………………………………18 第二章 研究方法及原理 2-1 阿達瑪矩陣原理……………………………………………………20 2-1-1 矩陣起源…………………………………………………………21 2-1-2 阿達瑪轉換法……………………………………………………22 2-1-3 LabVIEW操作程式………………………………………………29 2-1-4 阿達瑪轉換提高S/N值的理論值………………………………31 2-2 阿達瑪矩陣轉換在其他方面的應用………………………………34 2-2-1 在分析化學上的應用……………………………………………34 2-2-2在其它方面上的應用……………………………………………37 第三章 研究儀器和藥品 3-1 實驗儀器……………………………………………………………39 3-1-1 氣相層析質譜法…………………………………………………39 3-1-2 氣相層析儀………………………………………………………39 3-1-3 界面………………………………………………………………42 3-1-4 質譜儀……………………………………………………………42 3-1-5 資料處理…………………………………………………………46 3-1-6 質譜儀校正………………………………………………………47 3-1-7 儀器及週邊設備列表……………………………………………48 3-2 實驗藥品列表………………………………………………………50 第四章 研究過程和結果討論 4-1 阿達瑪進樣系統……………………………………………………51 4-1-1 阿達瑪進樣器……………………………………………………51 4-1-2 標準品配製………………………………………………………54 4-1-3 標準品進樣………………………………………………………56 4-1-4 真實樣品採樣……………………………………………………57 4-1-5 Tenax-GR 吸附管脫附進樣……………………………………58 4-1-6 呼出氣體樣品進樣………………………………………………59 4-1-7 系統清潔方法……………………………………………………60 4-2 數據紀錄之時間校正………………………………………………61 4-3 阿達瑪進樣條件最佳化……………………………………………63 4-3-1 汽化管體積對波峰的影響………………………………………63 4-3-2 進樣體積的測量…………………………………………………66 4-3-3 阿達瑪進樣轉換結果與理論值比較……………………………70 4-3-1 進樣器穩定度與阿達瑪轉換再現性……………………………73 4-4 分析物特定離子質荷比分析………………………………………74 4-5 阿達瑪轉換在真實樣品上的應用…………………………………76 4-5-1 飲酒者的呼出氣體研究…………………………………………76 4-5-2 抽菸者的呼出氣體研究…………………………………………81 4-5-3半導體廠中無塵室內 HMDSO 氣體的研究………………………85 第五章 結論 5-1 阿達瑪轉換進樣方面………………………………………………92 5-2 真實樣品分析方面…………………………………………………92 5-3 未來展望……………………………………………………………93 論文發表…………………………………………………………………94 參考資料…………………………………………………………………95

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