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Strakosch, Daniel
論文名稱: 英語「Actually」的語篇與人際分析對其漢語翻譯的影響
A Textual and Interpersonal Analysis of Actually's Functions and Their Influences on Mandarin Translations
指導教授: 陳俊光
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 系統功能語言篇章標記狀語強化詞語氣信息結構反預期語調對比翻譯
英文關鍵詞: Functional Grammar, Discourse Marker, Adverbial Emphasizer, Mood, Information Structure, Counter-Expectation, Intonation, Contrast, Translation
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001208
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:125下載:23
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  • 本論文以 Halliday 的系統功能語言為研究架構,透過語篇章和人際層面,來分析英語actually的語篇和人際功能與其漢語翻譯的影響。筆者以來自10個美國電視節目200筆包含actually的言語與其漢語翻譯字幕為語料。首先,我們以語篇純理功能的主述結構來區分actually在句首、句尾和句內位置的不同功能,再進一步分析語篇功能之信息結構,與人際功能之語氣如何影響句內actually中翻譯,為表達反預期態度之篇章標記或強調真實性之狀語強化詞。再者,分析發話者用句首和句尾actually以針對自己或受話者之預期如何影響其漢語翻譯。最後,筆者將論文之研究結果應用於教學中,以提供對漢語教材之建議。




    最後,筆者提供對與漢語教材之教學建議。筆者分析兩個對外漢語教材系列 – Far East Everyday Chinese 和 Practical Audio-Visual Chinese – 來找出其對與漢語之「其實」和「真的」之解釋,並發現兩個系列對於該詞非包含任何語篇或人際功能之說明,也缺少足夠的例句或練習之部分。因此,筆者建議,未來的對外漢語教材宜少依賴英語近義詞,而多重視漢語生詞之語篇和人際功能,好讓學生知道在何種語境下與日常生活的各種情況下,如何適當地應用。

    This research studies the English adverb actually, analyzing it through textual and interpersonal structures adopted from Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar to uncover their influence on actually’s functions and Mandarin translations. Specifically, we discuss how mood and intonation can influence actually’s interpretation as an adverbial emphasizer, reinforcing truth-values of the clause or a part of the clause, or a discourse marker, denying a previously stated proposition or implied assumption in favour of a new truth, in addition to conveying surprising or potentially face-threatening information. We also review two widely-used Mandarin textbooks - Far East Everyday Chinese and Practical Audio-Visual Chinese - to discuss their handling of the two Mandarin words most often translated from actually - qishi (其實) and zhende (真的) - and offer suggestions for how these textbooks could more appropriately describe their multiple functions.

    Our data consists of 200 instances of the term actually sourced from 10 American television shows available on the streaming service Netflix at the time of writing. For each occurrence of actually the author collected the original English and corresponding Mandarin subtitles, as well as recorded audio of the utterance including actually and any other contextually relevant linguistic information.

    First discussing mood, we find that actually belonging to a free declarative clause has the highest chance to translate to qishi or other Mandarin terms conveying counter-expectation. When actually appears within an interrogative clause, there is a higher chance for it to translate to terms such as zhende, reflecting the speaker’s request for truth against false appearances. Finally, when appearing in a bound clause, actually almost always lacked speaker attitude, translating to terms such as zhende, reinforcing the truth-value of the clause.

    Then discussing intonation, we find that when actually itself holds tonic prominence and therefore contrast focus, it realizes a contrast relationship between truth-values belonging to the following given information, translating to terms which reinforce truth such as zhende. When actually does not hold tonic prominence, it instead functions to highlight a contrast between the following new information and some given information, assertion or assumption from the text, translating to discourse markers such as qishi.

    Finally, we discuss initial and final-position actually as a discourse marker, analyzing its contrast direction. We find that when initial and final-position actually links to a clause created by the speaker herself, actually has a higher tendency to translate to shishishang (事實上), a term often seen as an elaboration marker. When actually links to an assertion made by the listener, it often translated to qishi, which tends to be viewed as a counter-expectation marker or face-threat mitigator.
    Offering pedagogical implications, we note that both textbooks Far East Everyday Chinese and Practical Audio-Visual Chinese do not include adequate functional explanations for neither qishi nor zhende, giving our opinion that textbooks should both offer more detailed, useful and socially-oriented functional explanations for such terms, as well as rely less on English synonyms, which we argue due more harm than good.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第三節 研究問題 3 第四節 本論文架構 5 第五節 術語解釋 5 一、系統功能語法 5 二、人際概念:語氣、語氣成分、獨立和非獨立子句 6 三、語篇概念:主述結構、信息結構 7 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 語篇純理功能 9 第二節 人際純理功能 14 第三節 禮貌理論 18 第四節 Actually之功能 19 一、「完整性」(Integral) 和「邊緣性」(Marginal) 19 二、「整體性」(Global) 和「局部性」(Local) 範圍 24 第三章 研究架構與方法 29 第一節 研究架構 29 一、研究問題一 29 二、研究問題二 31 三、研究問題三 32 第二節、研究方法 34 第四章 結果分析與討論 37 第一節 Actually之翻譯 38 第二節 研究問題一 42 一、陳述語氣 43 二、疑問語氣 56 三、非獨立子句 60 第三節 研究問題二 63 一、表示重音突出 64 二、表示非重音突出 69 (四)、研究問題二小結 73 第四節、研究問題三 75 一、針對發話者 76 二、針對受話者 79 三、小結 82 第五章 教學建議 83 第一節 Far East Everyday Chinese 83 一、其實 83 二、真的 84 第二節 Practical Audio-Visual Chinese 85 一、其實 85 二、真的 86 第三節 建議 87 第六章 結論 89 第一節 總結 89 第二節 研究限制與後續研究展望 90 參考文獻 91 附錄 95

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