研究生: |
許瑄芳 Hsuan-Fang Hsu |
論文名稱: |
以科技接受模式探討數位典藏網站之研究 |
指導教授: | 洪榮昭 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
工業教育學系 Department of Industrial Education |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 107 |
中文關鍵詞: | 數位典藏 、科技接受模式 、結構方程式(SEM) |
英文關鍵詞: | Digital Archives, Technology Acceptance Model, SEM |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:634 下載:0 |
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數位典藏(digital archive)是數位化的開放式檔案資訊系統,將圖像、字元、影像、語音、創意文化、休閒旅遊、生活產品等與生活息息相關的產業加以數位化並整合運用之技術、產品或服務。台灣的數位典藏國家型科技計畫,發展至今投入的經費相當龐大,但是應用數位典藏資源的使用某程度面臨到一些困擾,故數位典藏之技術對於使用者而言其使用的狀況如何是值得去討論的。本研究以Davis(1989)提出的科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM),在基本的構面下,進而加入使用者對於電腦的有趣性知覺構面,以表示使用者與電腦的互動當中對數位典藏感受到的有趣程度。此外,亦加入了網站介面設計的構面,當使用者在使用瀏覽網站時,網站的介面設計會直接影響使用者的認知信念,關係到使用者是否會持續使用瀏覽網頁。利用這等構面建立研究架構及假設,並且以問卷調查法的方式,採立意抽樣方法,藉由各數位典藏相關單位提供樣本聯絡方式,再以電子郵件或紙本方式發問卷,並佐以結構方程式的分析,以探討使用數位典藏網站之使用者,在「認知實用性」、「認知易用性」、「使用態度」、「使用意圖」以及「有趣性知覺」與「網站介面設計」構面間之影響。根據本研究之研究發現,「網站介面設計」是數位典藏使用者一個重要的影響使用因素,透過「網站介面設計」構面分成的次構面「人因介面」與「人機介面」分析下獲得了對「認知易用性」和「使用意圖」的顯著影響;而在與「使用意圖」相關之假說,「認知實用性」、「認知易用性」、「使用態度」、「有趣性知覺」對「使用意圖」多數未獲得支持,只有在「網站介面設計」次構面「人機介面」下獲得正向顯著影響,可能與架構之設計以及樣本對象有關。因此,建議在數位典藏之發展可以多朝介面設計著手,並且可與相關機構、企業、活動結合,達到推廣以及促使使用意圖的目的。
Digital archive is a technique, product, or service enabling open-filed information systems digitalising and integrating life-related industries such as images, characters, videos, vocals, creative culture, tourism, and daily products. Though giant budgets have been invested in the national digital archive technological plans in Taiwan, the application of digital archive resources is still somewhat problematic at the present. It is, therefore, worth discussing both digital archive techniques and its application condition. This study was built on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) proposed by Davis in 1989, and additionally, the perceived entertainment aspect from users to digital files was added to TAM, in order to show the playfulness degree the users gained from the interaction with digital archives. Moreover, due to interfaces also affected the perceived notions of website surfers directly then further influencing the surfing continuance afterwards, aspects such as User Interface were also considered while designed the survey structures. It is a questionnaire-survey study using Purposive Sampling method to select the targets, then sending the questionnaires to the targets either by email or post with the addresses provided by digital archive related organisations. Analysing with SEM, the relationships between Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Intention of Use, Attitude of Use, Playfulness, and Internet Interface Design were discussed. According to the results, Internet Interface Design was the main factor influencing the users’ Intention to Use, whereas the sub-aspects “Human Factor Interface” and “Human-machine Interface” had significant influences on Perceived Ease of Use and Intention of Use. As for the hypothesis regarding Intention of Use, factors such as Perceived of Use, Perceived Ease of Use, Attitude of Use, and Playfulness were not positively related to Intention of Use, but was positive associated with the sub-aspect of Internet Interface Design, “Human-machine Interface”, which it was assumed to be affected by the structural design and the targets of this study. Hence, the conclusion suggested that digital archive designers can focus more on the interface, cooperating with entrepreneurships and industries may also favour the promotion of the Intention of Use.
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