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研究生: 卓加真
Chuo Jia-chen
論文名稱: 「屠龍技」或「雕龍技」?──清末民初女性譯者研究
The Slaying-dragon Skill or the Carving-dragon Craftsmanship? A Study of Women Translators in Late Qing and Early Republican China
指導教授: 李奭學
Li, Sher-Shiueh
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 199
中文關鍵詞: 清末民初女性譯者薛紹徽陳鴻璧沈性仁
英文關鍵詞: Late Qing China, women translator, Xue Shaohui, Chen Hongbi, Shen Xingren
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:321下載:53
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  • 西方翻譯研究學者,紛紛呼籲應以譯者為主要研究對象,強調譯者在翻譯時所從事「閱讀」與「重寫」之雙重心靈活動 (Godard 1990, 91)。本文旨在研究清末民初女性譯者之翻譯情形,並探討女性如何藉由翻譯書寫表達其政治與社會之關注,試圖為受翻譯史家忽略的女性譯者,描繪出一更清晰的影像。


    Scholars of translation studies have long stressed research about translators, particularly about their “dual activities of reading and (re)writing” (Godard 1990, 91). This dissertation investigates the translation activities of Chinese women translators during the late Qing and early Republican eras. In this dissertation, I attempt to locate the political and social concerns of female translators through their translations. Some biographical information about these forgotten women translators is also provided to supplement the still gender-biased research of Chinese translation history.

    This dissertation starts with an exploration of the situation of writing and language traditions in Chinese history, focusing specifically on foreign language education as it relates to women during the late Qing period. This is done specifically to provide a background and explanation for the appearance of female translators during this era. Compared with the promotion of education about other practical skills during the late Qing and early Republican periods, language education for women did not receive the same level of attention. Although some hoped to add language education to modern curricula for girls’ schools, language abilities were often regarded as simply another kind of craft, much like embroidery or sewing. I have chosen Xue Shaohui 薛紹徽 (1866-1911), Chen Hongbi 陳鴻璧 (1884-1966) and Shen Xingren 沈性仁 (1895-1943) as the subjects of my case studies for this dissertation. I examine the translational styles of these three women and demonstrate the subjectivity revealed in their individual translation projects. Xue Shaohui’s views on chastity were influenced by her translation of Jules Verne’s Around the World in Eighty Days, Chen Hongbi transformed a female character in a Western detective novel into a Chinese swordswoman, and the new women presented in Shen Xingren’s translations provided female models different from those developed by Chinese writers. At the end of the dissertation, I provide an appendix discussing Chinese women translators from ancient times up and through the late Qing period, relieving these women of their former invisibility and showing how they have been represented in works of Chinese fiction.

    Chapter One Introduction: Women Translators in China and Their Language Education……1 Chapter Two Xue Shaohui, a Woman Translator as a World Traveler………………………..42 Chapter Three Chen Hongbi, the Translating Subject as a Detective…………………………..79 Chapter Four Shen Xingren, a Woman Translator from the May Fourth Generation………..119 Chapter Five Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….158 Appendix Women Translators in Chinese History and Their Fictional Representations…167 Bibliography……………………………………………………………………….188

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