簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 紀雅真
Ya-Chen CHi
論文名稱: 國民中學音樂教學評量實施現況之調查研究
An Investigation of the Practice Status of Junior High School Music Assessment
指導教授: 林小玉
Lin, Sheau-Yuh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 161
中文關鍵詞: 音樂音樂教學評量教學評量評量藝術與人文
英文關鍵詞: music, general music assessment, teaching assessment, assessment, Arts and Humanities
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:264下載:136
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  • 本研究主要目的在了解我國國民中學音樂教學評量實施情形、教學評量實施成效與困擾評量實施之因素,並探討音樂教學評量相關議題。研究者以自編之「國中音樂教學評量實施情形調查問卷」為工具,對台北縣、市公立國中348位音樂教師進行普查,總計有效回收問卷232份,回收率為67%,問卷回收資料以描述統計之次數分配、平均數、標準差,及百分比方式進行分析,並整理歸納開放式問題所得資料。本研究所得結論如下:(一)整體來看,我國音樂教學評量具有多重功能,成績計算方式周全,部分評量實施符合藝術與人文領域課程綱要之理念。(二)音樂基礎、歌唱、樂器、創作與音樂欣賞五大類別的評量各具特色,在評量內容、方式、次數、參與評量人員與成績報告系統上有所差異。(三)教師自評結果顯示音樂教學評量具有高成效。(四)「音樂教學節數少,可供評量時間不足」、「班級人數過多」為困擾我國音樂教學評量實施的主要因素。(五)音樂教師多認同多元音樂評量的理念,但對音樂多元評量是否造成教學負擔的看法較為分歧。(六)音樂課程在學校教育中仍較不受重視,使音樂評量實施備受限制。最後依據研究結果,對國中音樂教學評量、教育行政單位與未來研究提出建議。

    The purposes of this study were as follows: (a) to investigate the status of assessment in junior high school general music classrooms; (b) to examine the effect of music assessment and to inquire the factors that hampered the practice of music assessment; and (c) to study related issues of music assessment. An investigator-developed questionnaire “The survey of the practice status of junior high school music assessment” was used as the research tool to be distributed to a census sample of 348 public junior high school music teachers in Taipei City and Taipei County. Among them, 232 were effective replies and the return rate was 67%. Descriptive statistics as well as qualitative analysis were used to analyze the data.
    Conclusions indicated the following: (a). The grading system was thorough and the practices of music assessment partially corresponded to the curriculum guideline ideas of the Arts and Humanities Learning Area; (b) The assessment of music fundamentals, singing, instrument performing, creating and appreciation each possessed special characteristics and were different from each other in assessment contents, methods, frequencies, people involved and grading systems; (c) Music teachers self evaluated their assessment to be effective; (d) The factors of “lack of time to implement assessment” and “over large class size” were found to be the main obstacles to the practices of music assessment; (e) Most music teachers agreed with the ideas of multiple assessments, but their viewpoints diverged when it comes to whether multiple assessments caused them teaching burdens; (f) Music curriculum was still ignored in schooling, which resulted in the limitations of music assessment implementation. Based on research findings, the researcher proposed suggestions for junior high school music assessment, for educational management and for future research.

    中文摘要 ................................................ i 英文摘要 ...............................................ii 目 次 ...............................................iv 表 次 ...............................................vi 圖 次 ...............................................ix 第一章 緒論............................................ 1 第一節 研究背景與動機................................... 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題................................ 4 第三節 研究範圍與限制................................... 5 第四節 名詞解釋......................................... 7 第二章 文獻探討......................................... 9 第一節 教學評量之內涵................................... 9 第二節 音樂教學評量之內涵............................... 31 第三節 我國音樂課程實施情形.............................. 52 第四節 音樂教學評量相關研究.............................. 58 第三章 研究設計........................................ 63 第一節 研究架構......................................... 63 第二節 研究對象......................................... 65 第三節 研究工具......................................... 67 第四節 實施程序......................................... 72 第五節 資料分析 ........................................ 76 第四章 結果與討論....................................... 78 第一節 國中音樂教學評量實施情形 .......................... 78 第二節 國中音樂教學評量實施成效與困擾評量實施之因素......... 112 第三節 國中音樂教學評量相關議題........................... 123 第四節 綜合討論......................................... 129 第五章 結論與建議....................................... 137 第一節 結論............................................ 137 第二節 建議............................................ 144 參考文獻................................................ 148 中文部份............................................ 148 英文部份............................................ 150 附錄一 國中音樂教學評量實施情形調查問卷(預試)............. 152 附錄二 國中音樂教學評量實施情形調查問卷 .................. 157

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