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研究生: 金蘭倞
Kim, Lan-kyung
論文名稱: 亞洲首都城市綠地互動對地方意向之影響:臺北與首爾
The Influence of Urban Greenspace Interactions on Place Images in Asian Capitals, Taipei and Seoul
指導教授: 李晶
Li, Ching
口試委員: 李晶
Li, Ching
Lee, Su-hsin
Yuan, Yulan
Liu, Sung-Ta
口試日期: 2024/06/15
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 都市綠地綠地類型綠地互動綠地場所形象臺北市首爾市
英文關鍵詞: Urban greenspace, Greenspace types, Greenspace interactions, Greenspace place images, Taipei city, Seoul city
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400750
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:306下載:3
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  • 自然接觸有助於提升都市居民的福祉,故都市綠地逐漸成為研究的焦點。本研究旨在探討綠地類型在綠地互動與都市空間的綠地地方意象間的調節效果。研究範圍為兩個亞洲重要的首都-臺北和首爾。本研究中,都市綠地類型被劃分為四種獨特的類型:小型綠地、鄰里公園、多功能公園和綠色走廊。研究利用綠地互動作為一個關鍵預測變項,來制定都市環境中的綠地地方意象,考慮到心理、物理、社會和環境等多個維度,其目的是評估不同人口特徵與綠地的關聯,如何影響綠地地方意象的各個層面,例如地方品牌、地方視覺形象、地方聲譽、地方感和地方身份。研究使用部分最小平方法-多組分析方法,通過有立意取樣從臺北(536份)和首爾(400份)。研究發現:首先,兩個城市的居民一致認為心理和環境綠地互動對地方意象有強烈的影響,物質和社會綠地互動與地方意象有部分相關。其次,綠地類型在兩個城市中幾乎沒有調節綠地互動與地方意象之間的效果,這表明都市居民將綠地視為自然的一個整體、不可分割的部分,超越了其各種形式和大小。最後,臺北和首爾在地方意象的特定構造上有明顯的差異。特別是在社會和環境綠地互動方面,首爾居民與地方意象的聯繫比臺北居民更為緊密,兩個首都之間的群體差異證明不同年齡的影響力。研究結果顯示,兩個城市在綠地互動的心理和物質方面沒有顯著差異;然而,在社會和環境元素上,觀察到了顯著差異。在臺北,管理和成長世代的綠地互動低於建立世代,表明在該城市年齡與社會綠地互動之間存在負相關。相反,在首爾不同世代的社會綠地互動值相對一致,表明年齡的影響不大。同樣,對於綠地環境方面的重要性,臺北的老一代顯示比年輕一代低,而在首爾這些值在各個年齡組中保持一致,表明年齡並未顯著影響首爾的環境綠地互動。本研究證實綠地互動與地方意象之間的影響關係,並強調了綠地互動的直接效果不需要綠地類型的調節,確認都市綠地作為自然本身的體現。此外,研究觀察到臺北和首爾之間綠地感知的細微差異,可歸因於不同的文化、環境或社會背景。這些發現對於都市綠地的地方形象理論框架有貢獻,並提供關於都市自然環境的整體視角。本研究可為未來城市土地規劃和政策制定提供建議,有助於促進永續城市管理和發展。

    The study aims to interpret the place image of urban greenspace elicited through urban residents’ spatial interactions in different types of greenspace. Two Asian capitals, Taipei and Seoul, are chosen as research destinations to examine the influential relationship between greenspace interactions and greenspace place images, as well as the moderation effects of greenspace types. Subsequently, residents’ perceptions of urban greenspaces are compared in the two cities, along with the impact of focal social generations on these differences. The study adopts partial least squares multi-group analysis as the methodology to analyze empirical data collected in two cities (Taipei: 536 & Seoul: 400). The study concludes with three determinant points answering the research questions. Firstly, there is a strong influential association between psychological and environmental urban nature interactions and greenspace place images, particularly in terms of attractiveness and retention levels, while physical and social interactions are weakly associated. Secondly, greenspace types do not significantly influence residents’ perceptions of urban nature, indicating that residents in both Asian capitals perceive urban greenspaces as an integral part of urban nature that generates positive place images through various interactions. Finally, the study identifies differences in greenspace place images between the two cities in terms of social and environmental green interactions and across different social generations. Specifically, in Taipei, the younger generation places higher value on urban green interactions in both social and environmental contexts compared to older counterparts, while in Seoul, the opposite pattern is pronounced. The findings of the study can be applied to political agendas for greenspace management and development strategies in each city, concerning on a tailored approach to different age cohorts.

    Table of Contents Abstract……………...……………………………………...………………………………….i 摘要…………………………………………..……………………..........................................ii Table of Contents………………………………………...…………..................……….……iii List of Tables…………………………………………………………….....…….…………....v List of Figures……………………………………………………………….………vii Chapter I Introduction…………………………………………………..…………………….1 1.1 Background of the study……………………………………….…………………...1 1.2 Research purpose………………………………………………….….…………….5 1.3 Research questions…………………………………………………….……...……5 1.4 Significance of the study………………………………….………………………...5 1.5 Limitations…………………………………………………………………………6 1.6 Definition of terms…………………………………………………………………7 Chapter II Literature Review……………………………….…………………………….….8 2.1 Greenspace (GS)……………………...……………………….……………….…...8 2.2 Greenspace Type (GSTY)..…………...…………………………………….….….10 2.3 Greenspace Interaction (GSI)………………….………….…...…….…………….20 2.4. Greenspace Place Image (GSPIM)………………………………..……………....27 2.5 Life-Span, Life-Space Context……………………………………………………39 Chapter III Methodology……………………………………….…………………………...41 3.1 Research structure……………………….………………………………………...41 3.2 Research procedure……………………….……………………………………….44 3.3 Research settings………………………………………………………………….46 3.4 Instrumentation…………………………………………………….……………...52 3.5 Data collection…………………………………………………….………………54 3.6 Data analysis process...…………………………………………….……………...57 Chapter IV Result………………………………………………………………….………...58 4.1 Distribution of subject.....…….…………………….……………………………...58 4.2 Verification of measurement………..………….....…………...…………….…….59 4.3 Greenspace interaction and place image…………………………………………..63 4.4 Comparison of two cities……….………..…..…..………….…………………….81 4.5 Summary………………………………………….……………………………….89 Chapter V Discussion……………………………..………………..…………………….….90 5.1 Nature and human interactions …….………….…….……………...………………91 5.3 Greenspace as holistic assets………………………………………......…………....94 5.5 Meaning of greenspace in two cities……………………………..…………...….....94 Chapter VI Conclusion………………………………….…………….…………………..…97 References……………………………………….………….…………………..…...……….99 Appendices.……..……………………………….………………………………………….114 Appendix 1………………………………………………………….……………….114 Appendix 2………………………………………………………….……………….117

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