簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李明璟
Lee, Ming-Ching
論文名稱: 呷速配:裝飾藝術應用於高雄地方海產包裝設計創作研究
Xià-Sù-Phè: The creative research of the Art Deco style Kaohsiung seafood's packaging design
指導教授: 劉建成
Liu, Chien-Cheng
口試委員: 蔡頌德 王千睿 劉建成
口試日期: 2022/01/25
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 裝飾藝術包裝設計區域產業
英文關鍵詞: art deco, packaging design, regional industry
研究方法: 個案研究法文件分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200263
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:417下載:6
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  • 台灣近年來很多地區的傳統產業在各種因素下開始逐漸勢微沒落,而地方政府欲改善此情形而開始積極推動「設計翻轉、地方創生」的政策,進而挖掘出地方上深具在地特色的產業資源項目,進而引導優質人才回流就業與回饋故鄉。現今高雄在地漁業展因為資源枯竭也面臨逐漸沒落的趨勢,而一些偏遠地方海產因長期欠缺產品宣傳,使得大眾對於地方海產印象一般都很普通,如何改善海產的包裝視覺設計,來轉變這些舊有印象將是一個重要的議題。本創作研究對於地方特產藉由視覺風格與包裝設計結合,探索是否能創造出新的樣貌與價值,地方特產藉由不同題材加入並以另類方式來傳達相關文化特色。在研究方法上,以文獻探討來歸納裝飾視覺風格的特徵,並找出適合應用於包裝設計的表現形式。案例研究部分,取樣標準以曾受產業、獎項肯定的特產包裝案例為主,研究結果發現較成功的包裝案例具有簡約視覺、仿生或器物擬態應用等特點。並導入在創作實證上,藉著「呷速配」的創意概念,將漁業與農業的飲食文化結合,搭配裝飾藝術的幾何、簡約及擬態等特徵,創作出七組代表高雄地區漁會的系列包裝設計。獲致結論有下列數點:1.在地產業依靠新思維的現代設計概念有機會來轉型並永續發展;2.幾何圖形因其單純的特性,常常被運用於簡約的包裝設計上;3.以裝飾藝術風格應用於海產包裝設計,可以帶給地方商品的優雅、進步及富足印象;4.海產包裝的農漁結合的創意思維,創造話題並引起消費者的關注。

    In recent years, traditional industries in many parts of Taiwan have gradually declined due to various factors, and local governments have begun to actively promote the policy of "design inversion and local creation" in order to improve the situation. And then dig out local industrial resource projects with deep local characteristics, and then guide high-quality talents to return to employment and give back to their hometowns. Today, the Kaohsiung local fishery exhibition is also facing a trend of decline due to the depletion of resources. However, due to the long-term lack of product publicity for seafood in some remote areas, the public's impression of local seafood is generally very common. How to improve the visual design of seafood packaging to change these old impressions will be an important issue. Creation research combines visual style and packaging design for local specialties to explore whether new appearances and values can be created. Local specialties are added with different themes and convey relevant cultural characteristics in an alternative way. In terms of research methods, the characteristics of decorative visual style are summarized literature discussion, and the appropriate form of expression for packaging design is found. In the case study part, the sampling standard is mainly based on the special product packaging cases that have been affirmed by the industry and awards. The research results found that the more successful packaging cases have the characteristics of simple vision, bionic or utensil mimicry applications. In addition to the creative proof, the creative concept of "Sipping Speed Dating" combines the food culture of fishery and agriculture, with the geometric, simple and mimetic features of art deco, to create seven sets of packaging representing the Kaohsiung Fisheries Association. Design. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Modern design concepts, relying on new thinking has the opportunity to transform and develop sustainably in the real estate industry; 2. Geometric figures are often used in simple packaging design due to their simple characteristics; 3. The art deco style is applied to the design of seafood packaging, which can bring the impression of elegance, progress and abundance of local commodities; 4. The creative thinking of the combination of agriculture and fishery in seafood packaging creates topics and attracts the attention of consumers.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 目 次 iii 表目次 v 圖目次 vi 第一章 緒論 1 1-1研究背景 1 1-2研究動機 1 1-3研究目的 2 1-4研究範圍與限制 3 1-5研究方法與流程 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 2-1相關論文研究探討 5 2-2裝飾藝術 10 2-2-1裝飾藝術定義 10 2-2-2裝飾藝術與新藝術關係 11 2-2-3裝飾藝術風格特色 12 2-2-4裝飾藝術風格的影響 21 2-2-5裝飾藝術對台灣的影響 25 2-2-6裝飾藝術發展趨勢 26 2-2-7裝飾藝術風格的包裝設計 27 2-2-8小結 28 2-3包裝定義及型態 29 2-4包裝設計 32 2-4-1包裝設計的意義價值 32 2-4-2包裝視覺設計的要點 33 2-4-3包裝設計大眾化與專門化 34 2-4-4近年包裝設計趨勢 34 2-4-5特色產業文化包裝 35 2-4-6小結 36 第三章 案例分析 37 3-1包裝案例樣本來源 37 3-2產業文化包裝案例 38 3-3小結 52 第四章 創作實證 53 4-1高雄海產文化構成要素 54 4-2漁業特產與蔬食之間的速配料理 59 4-3包裝形式 65 4-4創作說明 69 4-5創作成果展出 103 第五章 結論 105 參考文獻 107 附錄 110

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