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研究生: 張凌倩
論文名稱: 生產導向專題式學習:電腦教師支援協同教學方法之研究
Production-oriented Project-based Learning: A Computer Teacher Supported Team-teaching Approach
指導教授: 李忠謀
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 資訊教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 專題式學習協同式教學電腦科
英文關鍵詞: Improving classroom teaching, Teaching/learning strategies, Secondary education, Project based learning, Team-teaching
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:99下載:11
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  • 在升學主義導向的高中實施學科專題式學習主要受到授課時數及學科教師教學準備工作繁重的限制,因此往往無法實施或普及。本研究採準實驗法,藉由實際在國內高中電腦課程及其他學科(以地理、英文科為例)實施協同式專題學習,評估在升學主義導向的高中實施專題學習之可行性,透過一年級電腦課程的適當的專題活動設計與學習引導,使學生兼顧學科知識與操作技能的學習,並具備專題式學習能力,並於二年級和三年級的英文科及地理科進行專題式學習。從中了解教師之課前準備、教室管理、成績評量與知能成長情形,以及學生能否同時兼顧學科知識與21世紀技能的學習。本研究以文獻探討、師生訪談紀錄、問卷調查、教學實驗、課堂觀察及後測等方式蒐集所需資料,評估學生學習成效。經過三年的實驗研究,整理出可供國內電腦科教師及其他學科教師參考之建議實施方案。研究結果發現,將專題導向學習應用在高中課程後,學生對於這種教學方式的學習滿意度呈正向反應;而學習成效方面,學生經過專題導向學習之後在學習成效的表現有顯著進步;在實作方面,透過三位教師評分以及學生學習心得、訪談內容三方面綜合分析,大部分學生的作品有深度,而且能夠發揮團隊合作精神以及相關21世紀技能!

    Project-based learning (PBL) is a highly effective teaching method that is dedicated to motivating students to learn independently. Project-based curriculum is student centered; PBL identify students’ knowledge deficits, generate appropriate learning issues, independently search for learning issues, critique the resources used for research, and apply the new knowledge to the project. PBL helps students in small groups engage in collaborative reflection on self-directed behaviors, thus improving such behaviors. However, training or encouraging teachers to practice PBL in their classrooms is challenging, especially when the educational system does not accommodate creative teaching practices. In particular, in a test-driven educational system, teachers’ limited teaching hours resulting from the overload of teaching materials makes it difficult for them to practice PBL at high school level.
    In light of this constraint, the present work presents a novel team-teaching model that is based on the collaboration between subject teachers and computer teacher to facilitate PBL in class. A three-year experiment was conducted to test the feasibility of the proposed model. In the experiment, the school computer teacher trains and conducts PBL with the 10th grade students in the first year, and subject teachers then follow up the practice of PBL in the second and the third year. The experimental results show that the proposed model is highly feasible. That is, while the subject teachers successfully carry out PBL activities, no instruction time was sacrificed. In addition, a follow-up survey indicates that the participants enjoyed PBL activities in both computer and subject classes.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES III LIST OF FIGURES IV CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.2 PURPOSE OF STUDY 5 1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 6 1.4 DEFINITION OF TERMS 6 CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 9 2.1 PROJECT BASED LEARNING (PBL) 9 2.1.1 Overview of Project-Based Learning (PBL) 9 2.1.2 Theoretical Bases of Project-Based Learning 11 2.1.3 Project-Based Learning and Technology 16 2.1.4 Practicing PBL in a test-driven educational setting 22 2.2 TEAM-TEACHING 26 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 31 3.1 PROPOSED TEAM-TEACHING APPROACH 31 3.2 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN 34 3.2.1 Subjects 34 3.2.2 Procedure 36 3.2.3 Data Collection 40 CHAPTER 4 RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 43 4.1 ANALYSIS OF THE ACHIEVEMENT TEST 43 4.1.1 Phase II study 43 4.1.1 Phase III study 44 4.2 STUDENT QUESTIONNAIRE ON PBL ACTIVITIES 47 4.2.1 Student Questionnaire on PBL Activities in phase I 47 4.2.2 Student Questionnaire on PBL Activities in phase II and III 51 4.3 TEACHERS’ REFLECTIONS 57 4.3.1 Computer Teacher’s Observations and Afterthoughts of the Project in phase I study 57 4.3.2 Computer and Subject Teacher’s Observations in phase II and III study 62 4.4 DISCUSSIONS 65 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORKS 68 5.1 CONCLUSIONS 68 5.2 FUTURE WORKS 70 REFERENCES 72 APPENDICES 89 APPENDIX A PHASE II ENGLISH ACIEVEMENT TEST 90 APPENDIX B PHASE II GEOGRAPHY ACIEVEMENT TEST 96 APPENDIX C PHASE III ENGLISH ACIEVEMENT TEST 100 APPENDIX D PHASE III GEOGRAPHY ACIEVEMENT TEST 105 APPENDIX E STUDENT PROGRESS AND WEEKLY PROJECT REPORTS 109 APPENDIX F WEBSITE ASSESSMENT FORM 121

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