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研究生: 黃仲義
Huang, Chung-Yi
論文名稱: 教科書作者對於「或」的理解和使用情形-以僑生生物教科書作者為例
A textbook author's understanding and use of the term "OR"-A case study of the author of biology textbook for overseas Chinese students
指導教授: 楊文金
Yang, Wen-Gin
口試委員: 熊召弟 古智雄 李哲迪 蓋允萍 楊文金
口試日期: 2021/07/19
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 154
中文關鍵詞: 科學詞彙語義指涉語義判斷語義理解
英文關鍵詞: scientific terms, referred meaning, semantic judgment, semantic understanding
研究方法: 個案研究法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101104
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:302下載:0
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  • 「或」這個連結詞是體現邏輯推理的重要語言成分之一,不僅在科學教科書中常使用「或」來表達科學詞彙之間的關係,更廣泛使用於科學教與學的脈絡之中。前人的研究指出「或」至少具有7種語義:「等同或(E)」、「兼有或(A)」、「所有或(W)」、「排斥或(X)」、「兼容或(I)」、「舉例或(S)」、以及「近似或(T)」。
    本研究有以下7點發現:1. 生物教科書中總共出現了8種「或」的語義,除了上述7種,新增「錯綜或(synthesizing- or)」。2. 作者A在其所寫的章節中使用了(指涉了)7種「或」的語義,獨缺「所有或」。3. 對於「或」,教師B的語義判斷與作者A的語意指涉有84.6%相同。4. 對於「或」,學生的語義判斷與作者A的語意指涉有61.5%相同。5. 影響學生對於「或」語義判斷的因素:科學詞彙、科學詞彙的同質性、詞彙密度、科學概念、修辭法、語法、語用。6. 學生在後測時,依然沒有信心在句子中使用「或」,儘管他們已經學過科學內容知識。7. 得到回饋意見之後,作者A決定少部分改寫,大部分維持原本的寫法,他認為教科書還是要「精簡一點」。

    The conjunction ‘or’ is one of the most important linguistic components of understanding the logical reasoning. The conjunction ‘or’ is not only usually used for expressing the relationship connecting the scientific terms but more broadly deployed in the context of teaching and learning science. According to the previous studies, we have found that there are at least 7 meanings of the conjunction “or”, such as “Equal-or”, “And-or”, “Whether-or”, “eXclusive-or”, “Inclusive-or”, “Such as-or”, and “To-or”.
    In this study, the use of “or” in the biology textbook for overseas Chinese was analyzed. First, we select sentences with ‘or’ in them to make a “Gap-filling task”. After author A, teacher B and the students complete the “Gap-filling task”, we interview them with their answers. From the interviews, we can understand the author's understanding of “or” and the referred meaning of “or” in textbooks. Second, we compare teacher B’s semantic judgment of “or” with author A's referred meaning of “or”, and compare students’ semantic judgment of “or” with author A's referred meaning of “or”, explore the factors affecting students' semantic judgment. Finally, the teacher B's and students' semantic judgments of “or” are made into feedback-style questions to interview author A to explore his response, his will to paraphrase and how to paraphrase.
    This study revealed the following 7 findings. 1. There are 8 meanings of the conjunction “or” in the biology textbook. In addition to the above 7 types, there are also “Synthesizing- or”. 2. Author A used(referred) 7 meanings of “or” in chapters he wrote, only “Whether-or” not included. 3. Teacher B's semantic judgment of “or” is 84.6% similar to author A's referred meaning of “or”. 4. Students’ semantic judgment of “or” is 61.5% similar to author A's referred meaning of “or”. 5. Factors that affect students' semantic judgment of "or": scientific terms, homogeneity of scientific terms, lexical density, scientific concepts, rhetoric, grammar, and pragmatics. 6. In posttest, students are not confident in using ‘or’ to complete sentences, although they have learned scientific content knowledge. 7. After receiving feedback, author A decided to paraphrase a small part, and maintain most of the original writing. He believes that the textbook should be "simplified".
    Obviously, those who can use “or” to conduct dialogue must be people who are very familiar with scientific language, such as scientists, science teachers, authors, etc. Therefore, to promote students' semantic understanding and logical reasoning, not only textbook authors and readers should pay attention to the logical conjunctions in scientific texts, but more practice is needed in the use of scientific language.

    目錄 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 4 第三節 研究目的 9 第四節 研究問題 9 第五節 名詞釋義 10 第六節 研究範圍與限制 12 第貳章 文獻探討 13 第一節 科學文本中的語言特徵 13 第二節 邏輯連接詞 14 第三節 「或」的語義探討 16 第四節 「與(和)」的語義探討 21 第參章 研究方法 23 第一節 研究對象 26 第二節 教科書中含有「或」的語句之分析與分類 27 第三節 「填空題」的取材與內容 28 第四節 訪談作者A、教師B和學生 35 第五節 「二次訪談」作者A 36 第六節 「三次訪談」作者A 37 第肆章 研究結果與討論 38 第一節 教科書中「或」出現的頻率和語義類型 38 第二節 對於「或」,作者的語義指涉和教師的語義判斷之差異 44 第三節 對於「或」,學生的語義判斷與作者的語義指涉之差異 73 第四節 對於「或」,在教學前後,學生的語義判斷之變化以及原因探討 114 第五節 作者A得到回饋意見之後的回應與改寫 117 第六節 小結 132 第伍章 結論與建議 134 第一節 研究發現與結論 134 第二節 建議 138 參考文獻 140 研究附錄 144

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