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研究生: 林秋琴
Chiu-Chin, Lin
論文名稱: 臉書冒險遊戲中的青少年第二外語單字習得
Young Learners' Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition through a Facebook Adventure Game
指導教授: 陳浩然
Chen, Hao-Jan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 105
中文關鍵詞: 青少年臉書冒險遊戲單字習得
英文關鍵詞: young learners, Facebook, adventure game, vocabulary acquisition
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:184下載:40
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  • 對青少年來說,單字習得在英語學習中一直扮演著十分重要的角色。為了增加學習者對第二語言單字學習的動機及成效,本研究採納了遊戲學習法。此研究的目的為探討臉書冒險遊戲在第二語言單字學習上的效用、單字不同呈現方式對學習的影響及學習者對英語遊戲學習的看法。

    Vocabulary acquisition has always played an important role in English learning for young learners. To increase learners’ motivation for L2 vocabulary learning, game-based learning method was adopted in the present study. This study aimed to investigate the L2 vocabulary learning effect of a Facebook adventure game, the influence of different vocabulary presentations on vocabulary acquisition, as well as the young learners’ perceptions toward game-based English vocabulary learning.
    Thirty-two ninth graders in Dazhi Senior High School (Junior High Department) voluntarily participated in the study. They were asked to take a pretest for vocabulary translation and recognition to measure their prior knowledge about the target words and were required to take part in the game session for 80 minutes in the school computer lab. Afterwards, a posttest was conducted to find out how they progressed on the target vocabulary items and a questionnaire was utilized to probe into their perceptions about the idea of acquiring L2 vocabulary through Facebook adventure games. A delayed posttest was held three days later to check whether the participants still retained the knowledge of the target words and a semi-structured interview was used to investigate other possible factors which could affect the vocabulary retention.
    The results showed the participants made significant progress on vocabulary acquisition in the recognition test although the translation test results seemed to be affected by the test procedure. Retention rate of the target words indicated that picture glosses did have positive impact on vocabulary acquisition but word encounter times seemed not to correlate with the participants’ performance on vocabulary tests. From the student interview and questionnaire, positive comments toward this game-based learning method were presented and advantages as well as disadvantages of this learning method were identified through the learners’ feedback.

    中文摘要 I Abstract II Acknowledgement III TABLE OF CONTENT IV LIST OF TABLES VIII LIST OF FIGURES IX CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background and Motivation 1 1.1.1 A Versatile Game Platform: Facebook 2 1.1.2 Game Genre: Adventure game 4 1.1.3 Incidental Vocabulary Learning 5 1.2 Purpose of the Study 8 CHAPTER TWO 10 LITERATURE REVIEW 10 2.1 Studies on Facebook in the field of language learning 10 2.2 Studies on different genres of computer games and language learning 13 2.2.1 Studies on Serious Games in Language Learning 14 2.2.2 Studies on MMORPG in Language Learning 15 2.2.3 Studies on Simulation Games in Language Learning 17 2.2.4 Studies on Adventure Games in Language Learning 20 2.2.5 Summary of Game Studies 21 2.3 Studies on L2 Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition 24 2.3.1 The impact of word repetition on L2 incidental vocabulary acquisition 26 2.3.2 The impact of picture glosses on L2 incidental vocabulary learning 27 2.4 Summary 29 2.5 Research Questions: 30 CHAPTER THREE 31 METHOD 31 3.1 Participants 32 3.2 Instrument 33 3.2.1 A Facebook Adventure Game 33 3.2.2 Supplementary Material 36 3.3 Procedure 37 3.4 Data Collection 40 3.4.1 Vocabulary Translation Test 40 3.4.2 Vocabulary Recognition Test 41 3.4.3 Semi-structured Interview 42 3.4.4 Questionnaire 43 3.5 Data Analysis 44 CHAPTER FOUR 46 RESULT 46 4.1 Effects of the Facebook Adventure Game on Vocabulary Acquisition 46 4.1.1 Results: Vocabulary Translation Tests 47 4.1.2 Results: Vocabulary Recognition Tests 49 4.2 Participants’ feedback on factors influencing the test results 50 4.3 Relationship between Vocabulary Presentations and Vocabulary Retention Rate 53 4.3.1 Word Encounter Times 53 4.3.2 Picture Glosses 55 4.3.3 Vocabulary Presentation Influence on Target Words with Higher Retention Rate 56 4.4 Results of the Questionnaire 58 4.4.1 Participants’ Perceptions toward Acquiring Vocabulary through Games 58 4.4.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Acquiring L2 Vocabulary through Facebook Games 60 4.5 Summary of the results 62 CHAPTER FIVE 66 Discussion and Conclusion 66 5.1 Discussion about Research Findings 66 5.1.1 Research Question One: Can playing a Facebook adventure game help young learners acquire second language vocabulary items? 66 5.1.2 Research Question Two: Do different presentations of new vocabulary items (word exposure times and picture glosses) correlate with learners’ performance on vocabulary acquisition? How? 68 5.1.3 Research Question Three: What are the young learners’ perceptions of acquiring vocabulary items by playing a Facebook adventure game? 71 5.2 Summary of the Findings 76 5.3 Limitations of the Study and Recommendations for Future Research 77 5.4 Pedagogical Implications 80 5.5 Conclusion 83 Reference 84 Appendices 90 Appendix 1 Supplementary material 90 Appendix 2 Pretest-Vocabulary Translation Test (1) 95 Appendix 3 Posttest-Vocabulary Translation Test (2) 96 Appendix 4 Delay Posttest-Vocabulary Translation Test (3) 97 Appendix 5 Pretest-Vocabulary Recognition Test (1) 98 Appendix 6 Posttest-Vocabulary Recognition Test (2) 100 Appendix 7 Delay Posttest- Vocabulary Recognition Test (3) 101 Appendix 8 Questionnaire 102 Appendix 9 Participants’ English proficiency level and raw scores of the test results 105

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