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研究生: 梁路昕
Leung, Lo-Yan
論文名稱: 香港女性配偶在臺灣的文化適應
Cultural adaptation of the female spouses migrated from Hong Kong
指導教授: 鄔佩麗
Wu, Pei-Li
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 文化衝突文化適應香港女性配偶
英文關鍵詞: Cross-cultural adaptation, Cross-cultural conflicts, Hong Kong female spouses
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DEPC.004.2019.F02
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:623下載:0
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  • 從香港移民來到臺灣的女性配偶,在「文化衝突」、「文化適應」、「尋求支援」各個層面上會遇到問題,同時亦需要調適。本研究旨在探討這些問題和調適歷程,從而填補文獻上的空隙。本研究採用現象學設計和質性研究法,以深度訪談的方式收集了六位受訪者的資料,並運用主題分析法進行資料分析。
    研究結果發現這些來自香港的女性配偶,所面對的問題可以分為兩個層面:一、日常生活層面:(1) 突然的生活轉變; (2) 經濟問題; (3) 語言問題; (4) 跟臺灣人溝通的問題; (5) 交通問題; (6) 習俗問題。二、 家庭衝突層面:(1) 傳統女性的家庭角色; (2) 婆媳衝突; (3) 夫妻衝突。
    當遇到適應問題時,這些女性配偶會從以下四個途徑尋求支援:(1) 宗教; (2) 臺灣朋友; (3) 社交媒體; (4) 諮商。另外,這些女性配偶,對將來有可能會嫁來臺灣的新移民,有以下四點建議:(1) 了解你丈夫的個性和家庭背景; (2) 不要和家公家婆一起住; (3) 找工作和學習新技能; (4) 計劃未來,做好兩手準備。
    本研究在文化適應這範疇上,有以下五點主要發現:(1) 如果女性配偶有工作和收入,她們的適應水平會較高; (2) 如果丈夫可以在婚後多陪伴妻子,妻子的適應過程會更為順利; (3) 香港女性配偶不願意遵守傳統角色義務; (4) 在面對家庭衝突時,香港女性配偶採取的策略為跟婆婆保持距離,但選擇教育她們的丈夫; (5) 香港女性配偶在面對使他們感到無助的問題時,傾向採取一種放手的態度。
    本研究建議未來的研究,可以考慮以下三個方向:(1) 臺灣女性配偶的身份認同; (2) 家裡有小孩跟沒有小孩的兩類女性配偶做對比; (3) 婚姻選擇。

    關鍵字: 文化衝突、文化適應、香港女性配偶

    The female spouses migrated to Taiwan from Hong Kong have encountered problems in connection with cultural conflict, adaptation, and assistance seeking. This study is to explore the problems and adaptation process with a view to filling the gap in the existing research literature. This study adopts phenomenological research design and qualitative method. Data were collected from six participants by means of in-dept interviews. This study employs thematic method for data analysis.
    This study has found that the female spouses face problems in two perspectives. First, problems and adaptation in daily lives: (1) a sudden change in life; (2) financial problem; (3) language; (4) interaction with Taiwanese; (5) traffic; (6) custom. Second, family conflict: (1) traditional family role of women; (2) conflicts with mother-in-law; (3) conflicts between husband and wife.
    The findings indicate that the female spouses seek assistance in four ways: (1) religion; (2) Taiwanese friends; (3) social networking websites; (4) counselors. In addition, the female spouses suggest that potential newcomers from Hong Kong and to get married with Taiwanese should (1) understand their husband’s personality and family background; (2) not to live with their parents-in-law; (3) get a job and learn new skills; (4) consider their future and prepare for a plan B.
    This study gives new insights into the field of cultural adaptation. Significance has been identified in the following aspects. First, the female spouses achieve higher adaptation levels if they have jobs and income. Second, the adaptation process will proceed well if the husbands can accompany their wives for a period right after the marriage. Third, the female spouses hate to follow the traditional obligations. Fourth, during conflicts, the female spouses adopt a strategy by keeping their mothers-in-law at a distance, but choosing to educate their husbands. Fifth, the female spouses adopt a let-something-go attitude when they confront the problems that make them feel helpless.
    This study makes recommendations for future research. First, the identity of being a Taiwanese spouse. Second, comparison between the families with children and those without. Third, marital choice.

    KEYWORD: Cross-cultural adaptation; Cross-cultural conflicts; Hong Kong female spouses

    Acknowledgment i Chinese Abstract ii English Abstract iii Contents v List of Tables vii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Starting Point of This Research 1 1.2 Cultural Background 1 1.3 Preliminary Literature Review 4 1.4 Research Problem 4 1.5 Purpose of the Study 5 1.6 Organization of the Thesis 6 Chapter 2 Literature Review 9 2.1 Traditional Chinese Culture 10 2.2 The Culture of Taiwan 13 2.3 The Culture of Hong Kong 15 2.4 Chinese Family and Its Core Values 17 2.5 Gender Role in Chinese Family 18 2.6 Cross-cultural Marriage 20 2.7 Cross-cultural Adaptation 22 2.8 Taiwan Family Structure 23 2.9 Parents-in-law Relation 24 2.10 Conflict between Husband and Wife 25 2.11 Adaptation of the Female Spouses from Southeast Asia and Mainland China 26 Chapter 3 Methodology 27 3.1 Introduction 27 3.2 Research Method 29 3.3 Participants 29 3.4 Data Collection 32 3.5 Method for Analyzing Data 36 3.6 Ethical Issues 38 3.7 Validity and Reliability 39 3.8 Summary 40 Chapter 4 Data Analysis 43 4.1 Introduction 43 4.2 Overview of the Participants 43 4.3 Theme 1: Problems and Adaptations in Daily Lives 44 4.4 Theme 2: Family Conflict 60 4.5 Theme 3: Seeking Assistance 71 4.6 Theme 4: Suggestions for Newcomers 74 Chapter 5 Conclusions and Recommendations 79 5.1 Answering the Research Questions 79 5.2 Significance of This Research 79 5.3 Limitations 81 5.4 Recommendations for Future Research 82 5.5 Achievements 82 References 85 Appendices 101 Appendix A: Consent Form/研究參與者知情同意書 101 Appendix B: Interview Questions/訪談大綱 105 List of Tables Table 4a: Overview of the Participants 43


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