研究生: |
黃淑枝 Huang, Shu-Chih |
論文名稱: |
臺灣娛樂產業造型師的品牌金字塔建構:重要關係人觀點 The Brand Pyramid Construction of Taiwan Entertainment Industry Stylists: The Perspective of Stakeholders |
指導教授: |
Chou, Yun-Hsin |
口試委員: |
Hsu, Shu-We 江藍龍 Chiang, Lan-Lung 鄒蘊欣 Chou, Yun-Hsin |
口試日期: | 2021/06/07 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班 Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Global Fashion |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 176 |
中文關鍵詞: | 台灣娛樂產業 、品牌金字塔 、造型師 、關鍵成功因素 |
英文關鍵詞: | Taiwan entertainment industry, brand pyramid, stylist, key success factor |
研究方法: | 深度訪談法 、 判斷式 、 滾雪球 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100486 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:286 下載:0 |
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娛樂產業造型師是以專業技能與勞力服務為主要經營動脈,然而,在臺灣娛樂市場愈來愈小,產業愈來愈競爭,頻道增加,卻瓜分廣告市場,數位媒體蓬勃發展的今日,娛樂產業製作費少之又少,許多造型師低價求生的同時,個人品牌的建立是維繫造型師能衝出紅海的關鍵原因。消費者 (即顧客) 在品牌知覺經濟價值的意識驅使下,所選擇的造型師,經常是擁有良好的個人品牌的服務,因此,品牌建構已經成為造型師創造差異化不可或缺的要素。
為探究臺灣娛樂產業造型師應如何建構個人品牌,本研究參照Keller (2008) 品牌金字塔理論的六種面向,做為質化研究主題式分析的研究基礎。此六面向包含: (1) 品牌凸顯-自我核心技術能力; (2) 品牌意象-造型師的行動內容; (3) 品牌功效-顧客滿意的面向; (4) 品牌感受-情感關係/價值取向; (5) 品牌判斷-個人專業水準 (6) 品牌共鳴涵蓋-信賴與承諾/服務方式。
The entertainment market in Taiwan is getting smaller and smaller, and the industry is becoming more and more competitive. While the number of channels is increasing, the advertising budget is largely reducing. In the meantime, the flourish of digital media is also the cause of the decrease of production cost in the industry. While many stylists survive at low service offerings, the establishment of a personal brand is the key factor for developing stylists’ competitive advantage. Consumers (i.e., customers) are driven by the value of the brand, and the stylist they choose is often due to a personal branding. Therefore, branding has become an indispensable element for stylists to create differentiation in the competitive market.
In order to explore how Taiwanese entertainment industry stylists should develop personal brands, this study draws on Keller's (2008) brand pyramid theory as the research basis. The thematic analysis of qualitative research is conducted. Brand pyramid theory has six blocks for developing a brand that include: (1) brand salience-self-core technical ability; (2) brand imagery-stylist's action content; (3) brand performance-the aspect of customer satisfaction; (4) brand feelings-emotional relationship/value orientation; (5) brand judgment-personal professional level (6) brand resonance covers-trust and commitment/service Method.
This study adopts qualitative approach, solicits the interviewees to participate in face-to-face in-depth interviews with a judgmental and snowballing sampling satraegy. A total of 10 stylist’s stakeholders were interviewed. The interviewees are TV program producer, filmmakers, concert producers, singer-songwriters, actors, stage play styling directors, etc. The author of this study utilizes her personal contact and the relationship with stakeholders to complete the sample recruiement.
The interview analysis and results show that the existing brand image of the stylist, including the degree of creativity in the content of the work, emotional relationship, communication ability, integration into the team, etc., and service satisfaction. The above all will affect customers' recognition of professional services, and then affect customers willingness to collaborate again. The findings of this study have practical implications. The establishment of a personal brand can help stylists effectively use personal network marketing and enhance personal brand impression and image recognition. Even using the strategies of the online community can help stylists to expand tentacles and contacts.
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