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研究生: 許書務
Sheu, Shu-Wu
論文名稱: 問題導向學習之教學策略研究:以專科微電腦應用系統設計專題製作為例
A study of Teaching Strategies in Problem-Based Learning ---An example in the Project Work of Microcomputer System Design in Junior College
指導教授: 洪榮昭
Hong, Jon-Chao
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 212
中文關鍵詞: 問題導向學習教學策略專題製作思考問題的方法新知識擷取
英文關鍵詞: Problem-Based Learning, Teaching Strategies, Project Work, thinking skill in problem solving, new knowledge acquiring
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:2765下載:46
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  • 本研究有鑑於科技快速發展,創新挑戰守成,因此,產品欲具有競爭力,從業人員須具有創意性的解決問題能力,而囿於知識與資訊的暴增,不斷地學習將為其終身的工作。故現今的學校教育,應以設計問題的方式,引導學生在碰到問題時,如何與人合作自我學習,誘發潛能,共享資訊,一起解決問題,實為當前教學策略的重要方向。

    Due to the fast development of technology and the conservation was challenged by the innovation, the employees must have creativity to produce competitive goods. They also have to continue learning for their whole life to adapt the fast growth of knowledge and message. As a result, the important direction of current teaching strategy in nowadays school education is to design problems. It guides students to cooperate with others when they come across troubles problems, explore their possibility, share the information, and solve the problems with others.
    Students should be divided into groups to have problem-based learning. Each individual in the group should think problems, learn new knowledge, and discuss with others for the ways to solve the problem. This research planned teaching strategies by reviewing literature, interviewing with experts and planning panel study. There are seven different processes of project production for leading students strategy thinking: subject matter choosing, function designing, instrument preparing, hardware and software designing, project making, troubleshooting, and report writing. Also by observing related videotapes, completed products, exhibitions, and self-evaluation checklist to explore students learning ability and thinking strategy. The target research members are eighteen in five groups junior college students studying project production course for one year. The results were found as following:
    1. The order of domain growth: the physical shaping in project production, personal skill, professional knowledge, and other eleven categories.
    2. The frequently used order of thinking skill in problem solving: analogy, deduction, and induction.
    3. The frequently used order of thinking strategy in problem solving: brainstorming, fishbone diagram.
    4. The frequently used order in new knowledge acquiring: literature reviewing, thinking alone, and discussing.
    This research can provide a reference for schools and enterprise. In order to get a real efficiency, it was suggested that academic should proceed more studies in teaching material design, medium development, and assessment criteria, etc.

    第一章 緒論 第二章 文獻探討 第三章 研究設計 第四章 結果與討論 第五章 結論與建議

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    李詠吟 、單文經(民86) 教學原理。台北市:遠流出版社。
    李基常、張良德、許書務(民88) 我國專科學校專業科目教師教育專業能力之研究。第十四屆全國技術及職業教育研討會(88.05.07-09)。
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    洪榮昭(民87b)專題製作之創意發展—以多功能機器人製作為例(分析及架構及創意思維模式及應用研究)。國科會。NSC 87-2516-S-003-003。
    洪榮昭 許書務(民85) 技職教師能力分析與師資檢定模式. 第一屆數理教學及師資培育研討會論文集, 64-74.
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    洪榮昭、許書務 (民87) 專題製作對科技創造力發展之影響分析—以多功能機器人製作為例。技術與職業教育學報, 創刊號,169-181。
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    陳耀茂(民87) 創意激發術。臺北市::探索文化。
    許書務(民85a) 電腦輔助學習在專科學校之應用現況及趨勢--以亞東工專為例。視聽教育(雙月刊),38(3),31-37.
    許書務(民85b) 專科校訂課程專業科目及內容決定之策略--以電子工程科為例。亞東工業專科學校學報, 16,9/1-9/8.
    許書務(民86a) 英國教師培訓機構(TTA)簡介。教育研究資訊.,5(3),144-149.
    許書務(民86b) 虛擬實境之學習效益與技術實務。 亞東工業專科學校學報,17,8/1-8/11。
    許書務(民87) 專科實務教學的全面品管。技術及職業教育雙月刊,44,46-49.
    許書務(民88a) 問題導向學習應用於新進人員訓練。勞委會國際就業安全協會中華民國總會。企業訓練機構教學觀摩研討會(88.04.06-07),71-88。
    許書務(民88b) 模糊理論應用在實習課程學習內涵之研究。亞東工業專科學校學報,19。(接受)
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