簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 宋皓文
Sung, Hao-Wen
論文名稱: 論漢語修飾語語序
On Modifier Ordering in Mandarin Chinese
指導教授: 吳曉虹
Wu, Hsiao-Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 製圖理論漢語修飾語語序訊息結構左緣結構
英文關鍵詞: cartography, modifier ordering, left periphery, Interpretive Complex
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:124下載:36
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  • 本文旨在以製圖理論 (Cartographic Approach) 的理論框架研究漢語修飾語語序, 漢語修飾語可以帶有「的」或是不帶「的」之形式出現,藉由探索漢語兩種形式之修飾語語序,探討句法表面配置與句法深層結構之關聯。
    首先,本研究發現漢語不帶有「的」之修飾語亦有嚴密的階層順序,符合Scott (2002) 所提出的理論:形容詞排序限制 (adjectival ordering restriction,AOR) 由深層的句法階層結構所決定。形容詞投射於相對應之功能投影層的指示語(specifier) 位置,形容詞固定排序則為相對應功能投影之階層的直接反應。本研究將形容詞排序限制擴展至漢語中所有不帶「的」之修飾語,大致而言漢語的排序限制符合Scott所提出的階層結構,唯仍有些微變異 (例如:MEASUREP之融合)。
    再者,本研究發現帶有「的」之修飾語可出現於兩個不同位置和名詞組內部的訊息結構有關。帶有「的」之修飾語有兩個無標位置:出現在指示形容詞/數詞前 (外移修飾語),或是出現在名詞前 (原位修飾語),兩者關鍵的差異為外移修飾語會使得所修飾之名詞組成為殊指。本研究採用Interpretive Complex (Int)來解釋外移修飾語所造成之殊指現象,Interpretive Complex投射於DP的左緣結構。本研究也發現漢語在名詞組的表現和Gungbe語有許多相似之處,而Gungbe語中有明確構詞證據顯示有名詞組內部的主題(topic)及焦點(focus),因此兩者之高度相似可用以支持漢語亦有名詞組內部之左緣訊息結構。

    The thesis aims to investigate the order of modifiers in Mandarin within the framework of cartography. Modifiers in Mandarin can occur in two forms in Mandarin: without de or with de. The orders of modifiers without and with de are studied to explore the mapping of linear configuration and syntactic structures.
    First, it is shown that simple modifiers (modifiers without de) are strictly ordered, as is proposed by Scott (2002) that adjectival ordering restriction (AOR) results from the syntactic hierarchical structure. Adjectives are projected in the specifiers of semantically-corresponding functional projections and the fixed order of adjectives is a direct reflection of hierarchically ordered functional projections. The current study extends the discussion of AOR to the ordering of simple modifiers (modifiers without de) in Mandarin. Generally, the ordering of Mandarin simple modifiers follow Scott’s (2002) proposed hierarchy, despite some minor variation such as the syncretization of MEASUREP.
    Second, the two positions of modifiers with de show that information structure is involved within DP. Modifiers with de can occur unmarkedly in two positions in Mandarin: (i) extracted modifiers occur before the demonstrative/numeral or (ii) in situ modifiers occur before the noun. A crucial interpretation difference found between extracted modifiers and in situ modifiers is that extracted modifiers make the NP specific. Interpretive Complex (Int), which is merged at the left periphery of DP, is proposed to explain the specificity restriction. The parallelism between Mandarin and Gungbe, a language with overt morphological markers for nominal internal topic and focus, is also found to argue for the nominal internal left periphery.
    By studying the order of modifiers both with and without de in Mandarin, it is found that the functional projections in DP are as complex as those in CP. It is found that the functional projections within DP are as abundant as those within CP, in terms of the dedicated projections of adjectives. It is also found that the structure of DP has its own left periphery and information structure, just as CP does.

    Chinese Abstract i English Abstract ii Acknowledgement iii Table of Contents v Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Literature review 5 2.1 Cartography 5 2.2 The ordering within DP 7 2.3 Nominal expressions in Mandarin 8 2.4 Adjectival modification in Mandarin 16 2.5 Information structure at the clausal level 17 2.6 DP-internal information structure 21 Chapter 3 Simple modifier ordering 31 3.1 Setting the stage 31 3.2 Formal approaches to AOR 36 3.2.1 The decomposition approach 36 3.2.2 The fine-grained projections approach 40 3.3 Facts and analysis 43 Chapter 4 The ordering of modifiers with de 57 4.1 Setting the stage 57 4.1.1 Two-layer analysis 58 4.1.2 A semantic account 68 4.1.3 Adjunction versus complementation analysis 70 4.2 Facts and analysis 72 Chapter 5 Conclusion 93 References 95

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