Author: |
阮韞澈 Juan, Yun-Che |
Thesis Title: |
社團經驗對於高中社團成員環境認同型塑影響-以大理高中濕地社為例 The impact of club experience on the shaping of environmental identity of high school club members-A case study of Dali High School Wetland Club |
Advisor: |
Fang, Wei-Ta |
Committee: |
Hwang, Gwo-Wen 張子超 Chang, Tzu‐chau 方偉達 Fang, Wei-Ta |
Approval Date: | 2023/01/03 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
環境教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Environmental Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2023 |
Academic Year: | 111 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 51 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 環境認同 、社團經驗 、高中社團 |
Keywords (in English): | Environmental identity, High school club, Club experience |
Research Methods: | 半結構式訪談法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 184 Downloads: 14 |
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Dali High School Wetland Club was established in 2011. The main course content is Huajiang Wetland Environmental Monitoring, Research Thinking Courses and Huajiang Wetland Environmental Education Activities. And contacted the local non-profit organization Huajiang Wetland Guardian Alliance. Many members have participated in the monitoring and education activities organized by the alliance. During 2016, it was disbanded due to insufficient number of students. In total, there were about 50 students who participated in the Wetland Club.
Compared with students of the same age, the members of the wetland club are unique in field and teaching methods. The uniqueness of the site lies in the convenient location and deconstructive teaching method of walking time to reach the Huajiang Wetland. Students use systematic thinking to understand the wetland in the process of exploration. And through the form of community, every week there is an opportunity to explore the wetland. Compared with many single courses on the wetland, there is a more complete opportunity to explore.
As modern people are getting farther and farther away from the environment, a change in thinking is needed to make people feel committed and belonging to the surrounding environment. The core of this thinking can be expressed by "identity". Environmental identity is a kind of self-positioning. Different personal experiences and environments may create different environmental identities. This study is expected to explore the important impressions and changes made to members of the wetland club members when participating in the club, and to understand the impact of different club roles on members. Discuss the influence of experience on the cultivation and shaping of members' environmental identity, as well as the future career, thinking, and values.
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