研究生: |
吳國存 Gwo Tswin Wu |
論文名稱: |
烏采結構半導體的拉曼光譜與光致螢光光譜 Raman Spectroscopic and PL study of Wurtzite Structure Semiconductor |
指導教授: |
Chia, Chih-Ta |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
物理學系 Department of Physics |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 93 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 61 |
中文關鍵詞: | 烏采 、拉曼光譜 、光致螢光光譜 、半導體 、氮化銦 |
英文關鍵詞: | wurtzite, Raman, PL, semiconductor, InN |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:340 下載:37 |
分享至: |
查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
在本論文中,我們先於室溫下量測三種不同烏采結構半導體的光致螢光光譜,藉以確認樣品的能隙,再運用不同的雷射光源當作激發光源來得到室溫下烏采結構半導體的拉曼散射光譜,所使用的雷射光源分別為325nm(He-Cd laser),442nm(He-Cd laser),488nm,514nm(Ar-ion laser),633nm(He-Ne laser)以及785nm(solid-state laser)。對於不同的烏采結構半導體在拉曼散射光譜中可以清楚的觀察到的特徵光譜模型,分別為A1(LO),E2(high),以及E2(LO)。由拉曼散射光譜圖可以清楚的發現氮化銦樣品的A1(LO)-phonon mode的位置會隨著激發光源能量的不同而有紅位移的現象。即其聲子頻率會隨著激發光源的能量的遞減而遞增,並且可以明顯的發現A1(LO)-phonon mode的峰值強度亦會隨著激發光光源能量的遞減而遞增。而氮化鎵樣品的A1(LO)-phonon mode的位置則會隨著激發光源能量的不同而有藍位移的現象。即其聲子頻率會隨著激發光源的能量的遞增而遞減,並且可以明顯的發現A1(LO)-phonon mode的峰值強度亦會隨著激發光光源能量的遞增而遞增。在氧化鋅樣品方面A1(LO)-phonon mode的峰值強度亦會隨著激發光光源能量的遞增而遞增,但是峰值不會出現明顯位移的現象。由氧化鋅所得到的結論,我們相信氮化銦與氮化鎵樣品具有很高的缺陷或雜質的存在,以致於A1(LO)聲子模在拉曼光譜中的峰值有位移現象。
We get two InN samples from Cornell university and measure their optics characteristic.On the other hand, we study the GaN nanowires and ZnO nanorods, which be able to learn crack these energy bandgap in 3.2eV to 3.4eV from information at document, lie in ultraviolet ray range, one that is with InN be able to crack, 0.7eV- 0.8eV, lying in the infrared light district to happen it is two extremes, therefor we compared its optics nature characteristic.
In this thesis, we are prior to examine the photoluminescence of the three kinds of semiconductors to be able to know the energy bandgap, than use different wavelength laser for excitation source to measure the room temperature Ramon scattering spectrum, the laser light sources used are 325nm (He-Cd laser ), 442nm (He-Cd laser ), 488nm, 514nm (Ar-ion laser ), 633nm (He-Ne laser ) and 785nm (solid-state laser ), respectively, to investigate the A1(LO) phonon mode of Raman spectra. We observed that the A1(LO) phonon mode was shifted to their energy bandgap. Wu consider this effect cause with defect and impurity.
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