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研究生: 雷凱莉
Kelly Marissa Ramos
論文名稱: 能耐基礎與競爭互動考量下進入決策--以台灣學名藥產業為列
Entry Games: Capabilities-Based Entry Decisions in Taiwan's Generic Pharmaceutical Industry
指導教授: 林舒柔
Lin, Shu-Jou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 全球經營與策略研究所
Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 39
中文關鍵詞: 資源基礎理論動態能力察覺-動機-能力分析法動態競爭理論
英文關鍵詞: Resource-Based View of the Firm, Dynamic Capabilities, Awareness-Motivation-Capability Mode, Competitive Dynamics
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:434下載:20
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  • 近期資源基礎理論(RBV)擁護的企業層面研究顯著點出公司的經驗性知識的累積對於有關進入新市場的"路徑依賴",從那裡得來適應或“動態”能力的發展,使一個公司能夠在它的模仿者中保持領先地位,且一貫地獲取更高的收益。
    雖然針對行業特點,使我們能夠更好地比較基於能力的決策(Capabilities-based entry)和基於競爭對手的決策(Rivalry-based entry),同步賽局的特色就是缺乏市場之間的協調,這使得察覺-動機-能力分析法(AMC model),在我們的行業背景下,從動態競爭理論文獻中來看是有缺陷的且無效。

    Recent firm-level research as espoused by the resource-based view (RBV) highlights the path-dependence of the firm’s experiential knowledge accumulation associated with entering into new markets, whence comes the development of adaptive or “dynamic” capabilities that enable a firm to stay ahead of its imitators and consistently earn superior returns. Yet because these studies privilege the uniqueness and inaccessibility of the resources and capabilities underlying firm entry, they tend to understate the competitive context in which firms often find themselves when they commit to certain actions. This paper takes a different approach and tests whether organizational capabilities necessarily outweigh the competitive pressures exerted by direct competitors in entry decisions for Taiwan’s generic pharmaceutical industry. We find that, in agreement with previous organization literature as well as the research on generic entry, capabilities-based entry does take precedence over competitive pressures, but that this finding may be limited to industries characterized by simultaneous games. Although the industry features allow us to better compare capabilities-based entry and rivalry-based entry, the absence of coordination among markets as a result of the simultaneous game feature makes the AMC model from the competitive dynamics literature defective in our industry context. These findings indicate that future research on market entry should pay more heed to the entry game context and how this will affect incentives for entry. They also point to the need to integrate resource-based research and the emphasis on managerial assessment in decision-making from the AMC model.

    1. Introduction1 2. Industry Background5 3. Theoretical Background8 3.1 Determinants of Entry8 4. Hypotheses12 4.1 Capabilities-Based Entry12 4.1.1 The Role of Organizational Experience13 4.1.2 The Role of the Institutional Venue14 4.2 Rivalry-Based Entry16 5. Methodology20 5.1 Data Selection 20 5.1.1 Statistical Model and Dependent Variable 21 5.2 Independent Variables 21 5.2.1 Product Match 21 5.2.2 Institutional Match 22 5.2.3 Relative Product Match 23 5.3 Control Variables 24 6. Results 26 7. Discussion 28 7.1 Limitations and Future Research 32 8. Conclusion 32 References 34 List of Tables Table 1 25 Table 2 27

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