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研究生: 李為堯
Lee Wei-yao
論文名稱: 威廉• 華茲華斯的身體美學: 如畫,雄渾,柔美
William Wordsworth’s Aesthetics of Body: The Picturesque, the Sublime, and the Beautiful
指導教授: 丁善雄
Ting, Shan-Hsiung
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 199
中文關鍵詞: 威廉• 華茲華斯身體如畫雄渾柔美
英文關鍵詞: William Wordsworth, The Body, The Picturesque, The Sublime, The Beautiful
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:80下載:11
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  • 中文摘要

    在這樣的前提之下,本論文旨在研究威廉•華滋華斯三大美學體系與身體之間的關係。作為本論文的理論基礎框架,德勒茲的身體機器論與傅柯的身體規訓理論的互補可視為當代身體論述中身體主動與反動兩相調和的結果。身體機器能量的流動時時刻刻受到干擾與阻斷:論述的規訓,無時不刻規範、阻斷、再生產能量的流動。華滋華斯的三大美學體系皆可視為身體機器與論述規範之間的錯綜複雜關係,其主要關係為:如畫美學鋪陳中產階級身體與下層階級身體的凌視;雄渾美學為中產階級對自我超越身體形象的投射;柔美美學做為一種能量調和的身體,同時要求其他身體的動能平衡。 能量流動的方向,為美學論述所鋪陳,同時也受到其他論述的影響:醫學論述,以科學之名描述能量於身體正常位置的流動;政治論述,以規訓之姿,規範政治正確意義下可接受的能量流動。相較於醫學與政治論述,自我性欲為自身體內部出發的能量,是一種不斷與其他論述既交融又抗衡的原始能量。華滋華斯的身體圖像即從這四大軸線下型塑;:美學、醫學、政治、性。

    Aesthetics, as Terry Eagleton states, is “born as a discourse of the body,” referring to “the whole region of human perception and sensation, in contrast to the more rarefied domain of conceptual thought.” However, aesthetic discourse never escapes from the contamination of other discourses (philosophical, medical, political) that trace their origins from these “[o]ppressive and patriarchal conceptual frameworks.” Under the influence of empirical philosophy, the bodily senses in nineteenth century England were usually seen as the springboard through which knowledge was constructed. When perceptions were turned into cognition and reached the realm of religious/moral truth, the body was soon debased.
    The body can be seen as a Deleuzian machine which has different aspects in contemporary times: aesthetic, medical, political, and sexual. The procedure of this dissertation has been to define the three aesthetics, namely the picturesque, the sublime, and the beautiful, as three body relations, or machine connections. All three aesthetic stages of Wordsworth were at the same time interspersed with different aspects of medical discourse (the sentient principle, material mind, health), political discourse (pro-revolutionary/anti-revolutionary), and sexual relationships (Annette Vallon, Dorothy Wordsworth, Mary Hutchinson). The four axes in three stages therefore provide the different body aesthetics of Wordsworth.
    In the second chapter, “The Politics of Pain,” the picturesque aesthetic was seen as related with Whytt’s sentient principle, Wordsworth’s pro-revolutionary rhetoric, and his love affair with Annette Vallon. The picturesque aesthetic is a body relation that channels the flow of sympathetic energy towards the sufferers. According to Robert Whytt’s “sentient principle,” the self-contained body mobilizes nerves when one feels pain in body. When one sees others in pain, their pain will be transmitted to the viewer and generate nerve mobilization to show similar pain as a response. This medical discourse stratified certain parts of the body (the nervous system) and regulated one’s feeling to show sympathy (to oneself as well as to others). In the age of sensibility, this medical discourse was usually applied to confirm male dominance. Woman’s tenderness and frailty were said to make her more beautiful when she was in pain. The male gaze produced its sadomasochistic pleasure from seeing or imagining woman in pain. In this representation of the female image, the binary oppositions of male/female and mind/body seemed consolidated, but from contemporary medical discourse this male gaze was actually had its basis in the body’s reaction. In his early picturesque stage, Wordsworth stopped this flow of male desire and redirected it into pro-revolutionary discourse. Using the female gypsy’s body as an embodiment of social injustice, he connected the pain in the body to political discourse. The “inscription” in the body, to use the terms of Judith Butler, was meant to lay the ground for the logic of cause and effect, the pain elicitied by the torture of English tyranny. In his late eighteenth century works, the image of the female gypsy was overlapped with his internalized portrait of Annette Vallon. This displacement can be discerned from his deliberate change of the female gypsy’s background: the English for the French, the American War for the French Revolution. The guilt over his desertion of Vallon was accompanied with sexual desire for his French lover, therefore the female gypsy’s body in Salisbury Plain is inscribed with both political outrage and sadomasochistic pleasure.
    In the third chapter, “The Politics of Mind,” the aesthetic of the sublime is studied together with the material configuration of the mind, Wordsworth’s transition in political belief, and the disposition of Dorothy’s body. A stronghold for male dominance, the traditional binary opposition of male/female, mind/body, sublime/beautiful was challenged by developments in neuroscience, which postulated a material mind in the body rather than out of the body. This configuration of new theory reorganized not just the stratification of the machine; it posed a threat to the privileged relata in all binary oppositions. Man’s mind was no longer believed to be disembodied, and the challenge to the concept of mind soon became a challenge to the political. In the late eighteenth century, this new theory was used as political rhetoric demanding political change, as old theory upholders disparaged it as stinking of the Jacobin. In this debate, Wordsworth opted for the old theory as the first step toward discarding his faith in the French Revolution. Besides, his idiosyncratic picturesque style was turned into the Gilpinian, covering the marginal figure under the tree and asserting his mind’s sublimity. In this sublimity, Dorothy is clothed in her traditional status, the sensual animal of the body, as contrasted with Wordsworth’s mature mind. However, this mature mind is harassed by the sexual drive of the body. In the Lucy poems, the incarnation of Dorothy, Lucy, always meets death before her puberty, which shows Wordsworth’s anxiety over living so closely with a grown-up sister. Retracing his attainment of sublimity in the growth of his mind, Wordsworth emplotted scenes of death in his “spots of time” to affirm the maturity of his imagination. His ambivalence towards death is twofold: on the one hand, the threat of death is the power of the symbolic; on the other, the death drive enables him to return to the status in which the body was not stratified into a systematic organism. The deceased body, death, is one way to embrace the original pleasure of the autonomous body, the Deleuzian BWO. Wordsworth chose symbolic death to purge his “juvenile errors,” in this way deterritorializing the body and rigidly stratifying his body into an organism in which the mind is fully isolated from the body.
    In the final chapter “The Politics of Health,” Wordsworth’s aesthetic of beauty is explained with Brunonian health, anti-revolutionary discourse, and Wordsworth’s discipline of himself as well as of other bodies. Demanding a balanced “excitement,” John Brown set up an ambiguous measure for political conservatives to apply in their political discourse. From the health of the body to the health of the body-politic, a nation of health was said to be imbued with reason and passion properly proportioned, and Wordsworth in the “Preface” to Lyrical Ballads advocated his literary version of national health by stating the harness of powerful feeling to be tranquility. His self-discipline is in essence sexual, aiming to silence the voice of Annette Vallon and regulate his relation with Dorothy. In Vaudracour and Julia, the image of the mad lover is passed onto Vaudracour; in Home at Grasmere, the death of the swan lovers suggests his sense that his suspicious relationship with Dorothy, who, nevertheless, still sometimes disturbs his marriage relation with Mary Hutchinson. Wordsworth’s reception of government office (as Stamp Collector) and public support from Lord Lonsdale in the Westmorland Election declared publicly his change of political belief and foreshadows his official status as a national poet. The mapping of the Lake District, horizontally and vertically harmonious, pictures a nation of health, with multiplicity viewed in unity. This imaging of a nation, however, turned out to be a means of normalization. Reason and passion kept in balance was advocated as rule of thumb, but the body of the marginal figure, the “flesh and blood” to which Wordsworth once determined to give voice, was disciplined as a small cog in the economic machine. His gradual intolerance for the low-class people, as the final stroke, became distrust of their potential and opportunity to rise in the social hierarchy.

    Table of Contents Chapter One Introduction…………………………………………………….……..1 I. The Looks of Wordsworth………………………………….…....1 II. Body Criticism…………………………………………….….…8 III. Wordsworth’s Aesthetics of Body……………………….....….13 Chapter Two On the Picturesque: The Politics of Pain………...…..………………23 I. The Picturesque Aesthetic……………………………..……..….24 II. The Age of Sensibility: Pleasure in Pain……..………………...27 A. Philosophical and Medical “Sympathy”……………….…..27 B. The Age of Sensibility and the Fashionable Melancholic… 33 III. Perverse Gaze and the Political Body…………………...…….40 A. An Evening Walk: the Wordsworthian Picturesque…………40 B. Descriptive Sketches: The Political Body……………….….51 C. The Republic…………………………………………….….56 IV. “The Poor are the subject”………………………...…………..64 A. Sympathy and Guilt………………………………………...64 B. Salisbury Plain: The Poor Are Subject…………………..…68 Chapter Three On the Sublime: The Politics of Mind………………………….…..76 I. The Sublime……………………………………………………78 II. The Challenge of Mind………………………………….…….82 A. Materiality and Vitality…………………………….……….83 B. Tintern Abbey……………………………………………....91 III. Two Types of Death: Denial of Body…………...…………..102 IV. Death and Sublimity in The Prelude………………………..110 Chapter Four On the Beautiful: The Politics of Health…………..……………….129 I. The Beautiful and Medical/Political Health……….………….130 II. Wordsworth’s Discipline of Self…………………..…………141 A. Vaudracour and Julia: A Love Affair Ends Badly………..142 B. Home at Grasmere: Dorothy as Invisible Voice………..…144 III. Naturalized Body-Politic: Map of the Nation………………151 A. Marriage of the Mind and the External World……………152 B. Imaging the Beautiful Nation……………………………..157 IV: Discipline of the Minority Body……………………………167 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….…….176 Works Cited.…………………………………………………………………..…….181

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