簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王莉
Varalee Chinerawat
論文名稱: 對不同文化的適應力
The Econometric Three-Factor Model of Cross Cultural Adaptability: A Case Study of Taiwan Companies in Thailand
指導教授: 施正屏
Shih, Cheng-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 跨文化適應性工作滿意度雙因子理論三因素模型國際人力資源管理
英文關鍵詞: Cross cultural adaptability, job satisfaction, two factor theory, three factor model, international human resource management
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:239下載:28
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  • 隨著全球化進程的加劇,跨文化適應性已成為了跨國公司取勝的關鍵因素。為了研究跨文化適應性的成因和影響,筆者在研究過程中發現工作滿意度與文化適應性有著極大的關聯,即如果員工/管理人員越能適應另一種的文化,那麼他們也就越能感覺到滿足。這兩個因素都可以用來說明跨文化適應性的相關問題。一項調查表明泰國與台灣的跨文化適應性及跨文化工作滿意度有著極大的區別。雙因素理論在不斷的深入,而人口變量也可以用來很好地解釋跨文化適應性。數量經濟三因素模型是由實和Chinerawat通過對323名參與者( 285名泰國人及38名台灣人)的調查而完成的,這些參與者均來自於在泰國設立的三種不同規模的台灣公司(8000名員工,200名員工,與100名員工)。實踐調查表明影響跨國文化適應性的三大關鍵因素分別為:動力因素,保健因素以及人口統計因素,這些因素可以說明跨文化適應性以及跨文化工作滿意度之間的原因和影響。

    On facing the trend of globalization, cross cultural adaptability is a critical success factor for multinational companies. In exploring the cause and effect of cross cultural adaptability, this study found that satisfaction and adaptability are highly correlated. It means if employees/managers can adapt to different cultures, they will fulfill their satisfactions. The Two Factors should be able to explain apart of across cultural adaptability, A T-test analysis shows Thai and Taiwanese cross-cultural adaptability and cross cultural working satisfaction are significantly different. The two-factor theory is improved and the demographics variables is added to explain the Cross cultural adaptability. The Econometric Three- Factor model is built by Shih and Chinerawat with a total of 323 research participants (285 Thai staff and 38 Taiwanese) from three different size of Taiwan companies in Thailand (>8000 staff, <200 staff, <100 staff). The empirical results show three critical factors of cross-cultural adaptability: motivator factors, hygiene factors and demographic factors can be used to explain cause an effect of cross cultural adaptability and cross cultural working satisfaction.
    The empirical results show three critical factors of cross-cultural adaptability: motivator factors, hygiene factors and demographic factors and high significance for Model I and Model II at 95.3 and 96.4 % (R square). The empirical results show three critical factors of cross-cultural working satisfaction: motivator factors, hygiene factors and demographic factors and high significance for Model III and Model IV at 95.3% - 96.1%(R square).

    Abstract……………………………I Table of Contents………………III List of Figures…………………V List of Tables……………………VI CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION……… 1 Chapter Overview…………………1 Introduction………………………1 Purpose of the Study……………2 Testing Model…………………… 3 Question of the Study………… 4 Hypotheses…………………………4 Significant of the Study………6 Delimitations and Limitations…6 Definition of Terms………………6 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW.…9 Chapter Overview…………………11 Globalization & Cross Cultural Issues…11 Cross-Cultural Adaptability and International Skills…11 Two Factor Theory……………… 13 Thai VS Taiwanese Labor Issues …3 Rating Scales & Statistic Implication …16 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY……………………17 Chapter Overview………………………………17 Research Framework……………………………17 Researches Procedure and Method………… 21 CHAPTER IV. RESULTS AND FINDINGS…………23 Chapter Overview………………………………23 Descriptive Results………………………… 23 Empirical Results…………………………… 33 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS…45 Conclusions…………………………………… 45 Recommendations……………………………… 50 REFERENCES………………………………………52 APPENDIX A. QUESTIONNAIRE ENGLISH-CHINESE… 59 APPENDIX B. QUESTIONNAIRE -THAI……………… 63

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